The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. Frederic William Maitland

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Название The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I
Автор произведения Frederic William Maitland
Жанр Юриспруденция, право
Издательство Юриспруденция, право
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781614871774

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to build with. How near we may have come to fulfilling our purpose is not for us to judge. The only merit we claim is that we have given scholars the means of verifying our work throughout.

      We are indebted to many learned friends for more or less frequent help, and must specially mention the unfailing care and attention of Mr. R. T. Wright, the Secretary of the University Press.

      Portions of the book have appeared, in the same words or in substance, in the Contemporary Review, the English Historical Review and the Harvard Law Review, to whose editors and proprietors we offer our acknowledgments and thanks.

      F. P.

      F. W. M.

      Note. It is proper for me to add for myself that, although the book was planned in common and has been revised by both of us, by far the greater share of the execution belongs to Mr. Maitland, both as to the actual writing and as to the detailed research which was constantly required.

      F. P.

      21 Feb. 1895.

Bl. Com.Blackstone’s Commentaries.
Co. Lit.Coke upon Littleton.
D. B.Domesday Book.
D. G. R.Deutsches Genossenschaftsrecht.
D. R. G.Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte.1
E. H. R.English Historical Review.
Fitz. Abr.Fitzherbert’s Abridgement.
Fitz. Nat. Brev.Fitzherbert’s Natura Brevium.
Harv. L. R.Harvard Law Review.
Lit.Littleton’s Tenures.
L. Q. R.Law Quarterly Review.
Mon. Germ.Monumenta Germaniae.
P. C.Pleas of the Crown.
P. Q. W.Placita de Quo Warranto.
Reg. Brev.Registrum Brevium.
Rep.Coke’s Reports.
R. H.Hundred Rolls.
Rot. Cart.Charter Rolls.
Rot. Cl.Close Rolls.
Rot. Parl.Parliament Rolls.
Rot. Pat.Patent Rolls.
Sec. Inst.Coke’s Second Institute.
Sel. Chart.Stubbs’s Select Charters.
X.Decretales Gregorii IX.
Y. B.Year Book.

      [R = Rolls Series. Rec. Com. = Record Commission.

      Seld. = Selden Society. Camd. = Camden Society.

      Surt. = Surtees Society.]

      Collections of ancient laws and documents.Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, ed. F. Liebermann, in progress.

      Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, ed. Reinhold Schmid, 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1858.

      Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, 8vo ed. (Rec. Com.).

      Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, ed. Haddan and Stubbs, vol. iii. Oxford, 1871.

      Quadripartitus, ed. F. Liebermann, Halle, 1892.

      Consiliatio Cnuti, ed. F. Liebermann, Halle, 1893.

      Leges Edwardi Confessoris, ed. F. Liebermann, Halle, 1894.

      Instituta Cnuti, ed. F. Liebermann, Transactions of Royal Hist. Soc. N. S. vol. vii. p. 77.

      Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici, ed. J. M. Kemble (Eng. Hist. Soc.).

      Diplomatarium Anglicum Ævi Saxonici, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1865.

      Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de G. Birch, 1885 ff.

      Placita Anglo-Normannica, ed. M. M. Bigelow, London, 1879.

      Select Charters, ed. W. Stubbs, Oxford, 1881.

      Chartes des Libertés Anglaises, ed. Ch. Bémont, Paris, 1892.

      Statutes of the Realm, vol. i (Rec. Com.), 1800.

      Judicial Records.Rolls of the King’s Court, Ric. I. (Pipe Roll Soc.).

      Rotuli Curiae Regis temp. Ric. I. et Joh., ed. Palgrave (Rec. Com.).

      Placitorum Abbreviatio (Rec. Com.).

      Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200–1225 (Seld.).

      Select Civil Pleas, 1200–1203 (Seld.).

      Pleas of the Crown for the County of Gloucester, 1221, ed. Maitland, London, 1884.

      Bracton’s Note Book, ed. Maitland, Cambridge, 1887.

      Three Assize Rolls for the County of Northumberland (Surt.).

      Placita de Quo Warranto (Rec. Com.).

      Somersetshire Assize Rolls (Somers. Record Soc.).

      Select Cases from Coroners’ Rolls (Seld.).

      Rotuli Parliamentorum, vol. i (official edition).

      Memoranda de Parliamento, 1305 (R).

      Select Pleas in Manorial Courts (Seld.).

      The Court Baron (Seld.).

      Durham Halmote Rolls (Surt.).

      The Leet Jurisdiction in Norwich (Seld.).

      Miscellaneous Records.Domesday Book (official edition).

      Pipe Roll of 31 Henry I. (Rec. Com.).

      Pipe Rolls of Henry II. (Pipe Roll Soc.).

      Red Book of the Exchequer (R).

      Liber Niger Scaccarii, ed. Hearne, Oxford, 1728.

      Rotuli Literarum Clausarum, 1204–1227 (Rec. Com.).

      Rotuli Literarum Patentium, 1201–1216 (Rec. Com.).

      Rotuli Chartarum, 1199–1216 (Rec. Com.).

      Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, temp. Joh. (Rec. Com.).

      Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, 1216–1272 (Rec. Com.).

      Fines, sive Pedes Finium, 1195–1215, ed. Hunter (Rec. Com.).

      Feet of Fines, 1182–1196 (Pipe Roll Soc.).

      Rotuli Hundredorum, Hen. III. et Edw. I. (Rec. Com.).

      Parliamentary Writs (Rec. Com.).

      Testa de Neville (Rec. Com.).

      Documents illustrative of English History, ed. Cole (Rec. Com.).

      Calendarium Genealogicum (Rec. Com.).

      Foedera, Conventiones etc., ed. 1816 (Rec. Com.).

      Prynne, Records, i.e. An exact Chronological Vindication . . . of the King’s Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, etc., London, 1655.

      Munimenta Gildhallae (R), containing Liber Albus and Liber Custumarum.

      Law-books.Bracton, Tractatus de Legibus, ed. 1569.

      Bracton and Azo (Seld.).

      Britton, ed. F. M. Nichols, Oxford, 1865.

      Fleta, seu Commentarius Iuris Anglicani, ed. 1685.

      Glanvill, Tractatus de Legibus, ed. 1604.

      Hengham, Summae, printed at the end of Selden’s ed. of Fortescue, De Laudibus.

      The Mirror of Justices (Seld.).

      Law reports.Year Books of 20–21, 21–22, 30–31, 32–33, 33–35 Edward I. (R).

      Chronicles, Annals etc.Abbatum. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani (R).

      Abingdon, Chronicon Monasterii de (R).

      Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (R).

      Annales Monastici (R).
