Held Fast For England: A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83). G. A. Henty

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Название Held Fast For England: A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83)
Автор произведения G. A. Henty
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664598882

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       G. A. Henty

      Held Fast For England: A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83)

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664598882

       Preface .

       Chapter 1 : "Something Like An Adventure."

       Chapter 2 : A Great Change.

       Chapter 3 : An Unexpected Journey.

       Chapter 4 : Preparations For A Voyage.

       Chapter 5 : A French Privateer.

       Chapter 6 : The Rock Fortress.

       Chapter 7 : Troubles Ahead.

       Chapter 8 : The Siege Begins.

       Chapter 9 : The Antelope.

       Chapter 10 : A Cruise In A Privateer.

       Chapter 11 : Cutting Out A Prize.

       Chapter 12 : A Rich Prize.

       Chapter 13 : Oranges And Lemons.

       Chapter 14 : A Welcome Cargo.

       Chapter 15 : Bob's Mission.

       Chapter 16 : A Cruise In The Brilliant.

       Chapter 17 : The Floating Batteries.

       Table of Contents

      The Siege of Gibraltar stands almost alone in the annals of warfare, alike in its duration and in the immense preparations made, by the united powers of France and Spain, for the capture of the fortress. A greater number of guns were employed than in any operation up to that time; although in number, and still more in calibre, the artillery then used have in, modern times, been thrown into the shade by the sieges of Sebastopol and Paris. Gibraltar differs, however, from these sieges, inasmuch as the defence was a successful one and, indeed, at no period of the investment was the fortress in any danger of capture, save by hunger.

      At that period England was not, as she afterwards became, invincible by sea; and as we were engaged at the same time in war with France, Spain, Holland, and the United States, it was only occasionally that a fleet could be spared to bring succour and provisions to the beleaguered garrison. Scurvy was the direst enemy of the defenders. The art of preserving meat in tins had not been discovered, and they were forced to subsist almost entirely upon salt meat. During the first year of the siege the supply of fresh vegetables was scanty, in the extreme, and the garrison consequently suffered so severely, from scurvy, that at one time scarcely half of the men of the garrison were strong enough to carry a firelock, and perform their duty. The providential capture of a vessel laden with oranges and lemons checked the ravages of the scourge; and the successful efforts of the garrison to raise vegetables prevented it from ever, afterwards, getting a firm hold upon them.

      In such a siege there was but little scope for deeds of individual gallantry. It was a long monotony of hardship and suffering, nobly endured, and terminating in one of the greatest triumphs ever recorded in the long roll of British victories.

      G. A. Henty.

       Table of Contents

      Had Mr. Tulloch, the headmaster and proprietor of a large school at Putney, been asked which was the most troublesome boy in his school, he would probably have replied, without hesitation, "Bob Repton."

      But, being a just and fair-minded man, he would have hastened to qualify this remark, by adding:

      "Most troublesome, but by no means the worst boy. You must understand that. He is always in scrapes, always in mischief. In all my experience I have never before come across a boy who had such an aptitude for getting into trouble; but I have nothing else to say against him. He is straightforward and manly. I have never known him to tell a lie, to screen himself. He is an example to many others in that way. I like the boy, in spite of the endless trouble he gives, and yet there is scarcely a day passes that I am not obliged to cane him; and even that does him no good, as far as I can see, for he seems to forget it, five minutes after it is over. I wonder, sometimes, if he has really got hardened, and doesn't feel it.

      "He is sharp, and does his lessons well. I have no difficulty with him, on that score; but he is a perfect imp of mischief."

      With such characteristics, it need hardly be said that Bob Repton was one of the most popular boys at Tulloch's school.

      School life was, in those days--for it was in August, 1778, that Bob was at Tulloch's--a very different thing to what it is, at present. Learning was thrashed into boys. It was supposed that it could only be instilled in this manner; and although some masters were, of course, more tyrannical and brutal than others, the cane was everywhere in use, and that frequently. Lads, then, had far less liberty and fewer sports than at present; but as boys' spirits cannot be altogether suppressed, even by the use of the cane, they found vent in other ways, and there was much more mischief, and more breaking out of bounds, than now take place. Boys were less trusted, and more harshly treated; in consequence of which there was a kind of warfare between the masters and the boys, in which the masters, in spite of their canes, did not always get the best of it.

      Bob Repton was nearly fifteen. He was short, rather than tall for his age, but squarely built and strong. His hair could never be got to lie down, but bristled aggressively over his head. His nose was inclined to turn up, his gray eyes had a merry, mischievous expression, and his lips were generally parted in a smile. A casual observer would have said that he was a happy-go-lucky, merry, impudent-looking lad; but he was more than this. He was shrewd, intelligent, and exceptionally plucky; always ready to do a good turn to others, and to take more than his fair share of blame, for every scrape he got into. He had fought many battles, and that with boys older than himself, but he had never been beaten. The opinion, generally,