Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Название Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children
Автор произведения Kate Douglas Wiggin
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788075832733

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and so shiny that Rebecca thought that he must have alighted at the bridge and given it a last polish. The creases in his trousers, too, had an air of having been pressed in only a few minutes before. The whip was new and had a yellow ribbon on it; the gray suit of clothes was new, and the coat flourished a flower in its button-hole. The hat was the latest thing in hats, and the intrepid swain wore a seal-ring on the little finger of his right hand. As Rebecca remembered that she had guided it in making capital G’s in his copy-book, she felt positively maternal, although she was two years younger than Abijah the Brave.

      He drove up to the Perkins gate and was so long about hitching the horse that Rebecca’s heart beat tumultuously at the thought of Emma Jane’s heart waiting under the blue barege. Then he brushed an imaginary speck off his sleeve, then he drew on a pair of buff kid gloves, then he went up the path, rapped at the knocker, and went in.

      “Not all the heroes go to the wars,” thought Rebecca. “Abijah has laid the ghost of his father and redeemed the memory of his mother, for no one will dare say again that Abbie Flagg’s son could never amount to anything!”

      The minutes went by, and more minutes, and more. The tranquil dusk settled down over the little village street and the young moon came out just behind the top of the Perkins pine tree.

      The Perkins front door opened and Abijah the Brave came out hand in hand with his Fair Emma Jane.

      They walked through the orchard, the eyes of the old couple following them from the window, and just as they disappeared down the green slope that led to the riverside the gray coat sleeve encircled the blue barege waist.

      Rebecca, quivering with instant sympathy and comprehension, hid her face in her hands.

      “Emmy has sailed away and I am all alone in the little harbor,” she thought.

      It was as if childhood, like a thing real and visible, were slipping down the grassy river banks, after Abijah and Emma Jane, and disappearing like them into the moon-lit shadows of the summer night.

      “I am all alone in the little harbor,” she repeated; “and oh, I wonder, I wonder, shall I be afraid to leave it, if anybody ever comes to carry me out to sea!”


       Table of Contents

       I. A Difference in Hearts

       II. Rebecca’s Point of View

       III. Wisdom’s Ways

       IV. The Saving of the Colors

       V. The State O’ Maine Girl

      Chapter I.

       A Difference in Hearts

       Table of Contents

      “I DON’ know as I cal’lated to be the makin’ of any child,” Miranda had said as she folded Aurelia’s letter and laid it in the light-stand drawer. “I s’posed of course Aurelia would send us the one we asked for, but it’s just like her to palm off that wild young one on somebody else.”

      “You remember we said that Rebecca, or even Jenny might come, in case Hannah could n’t,” interposed Jane.

      “I know we did, but we hadn’t any notion it would turn out that way,” grumbled Miranda.

      “She was a mite of a thing when we saw her three years ago,” ventured Jane; “she’s had time to improve.”

      “And time to grow worse!”

      “Won’t it be kind of a privilege to put her on the right track?” asked Jane timidly.

      “I don’ know about the privilege part; it’ll be considerable work, I guess. If her mother hasn’t got her on the right track by now, she won’t take to it herself all of a sudden.”

      This depressed and depressing frame of mind had lasted until the eventful day dawned on which Rebecca was to arrive.

      “If she makes as much work after she comes as she has before, we might as well give up hope of ever gettin’ any rest,” sighed Miranda as she hung the dish towels on the barberry bushes at the side door.

      “But we should have had to clean house, Rebecca or no Rebecca,” urged Jane; “and I can’t see why you’ve scrubbed and washed and baked as you have for that one child, nor why you’ve about bought out Watson’s stock of dry goods.”

      “I know Aurelia if you don’t,” responded Miranda. “I’ve seen her house, and I’ve seen that batch o’ children, wearin’ one another’s clothes and never carin’ whether they had ‘em on right side out or not; I know what they’ve had to live and dress on, and so do you. That child will like as not come here with a bundle o’ things borrowed from the rest o’ the family. She’ll have Hannah’s shoes and John’s undershirts and Mark’s socks most likely. I suppose she never had a thimble on her finger in her life, but she’ll know the feelin’ o’ one before she’s been here many days. I’ve bought a piece of unbleached muslin and a piece o’ brown gingham for her to make up; that’ll keep her busy. Of course she won’t pick up anything after herself; she probably never saw a duster, and she’ll be as hard to train into our ways as if she was a heathen.”

      “She’ll make a dif’rence,” acknowledged Jane, “but she may turn out more biddable than we think.”

      “She’ll mind when she’s spoken to, biddable or not,” remarked Miranda with a shake of the last towel.

      Miranda Sawyer had a heart, of course, but she had never used it for any other purpose than the pumping and circulating of blood. She was just, conscientious, economical, industrious; a regular attendant at church and Sunday-school, and a member of the State Missionary and Bible societies, but in the presence of all these chilly virtues you longed for one warm little fault, or lacking that, one likable failing, something to make you sure that she was thoroughly alive. She had never had any education other than that of the neighborhood district school, for her desires and ambitions had all pointed to the management of the house, the farm, and the dairy. Jane, on the other hand, had gone to an academy, and also to a boarding-school for young ladies; so had Aurelia; and after all the years that had elapsed there was still a slight difference in language and in manner between the elder and the two younger sisters.

      Jane, too, had had the inestimable advantage of a sorrow; not the natural grief at the loss of her aged father and mother, for she had been resigned to let them go; but something far deeper. She was engaged to marry young, Tom Carter, who had nothing to marry on, it is true, but who was sure to have, some time or other. Then the war broke out. Tom enlisted at the first call. Up to that time Jane had loved him with a quiet, friendly sort of affection, and had given her country a mild emotion of the same sort. But the strife, the danger, the anxiety of the time, set new currents of feeling in motion. Life became something other than the three meals a day, the round of cooking, washing, sewing, and churchgoing. Personal gossip vanished from the village conversation. Big things took the place of trifling ones,—sacred sorrows of wives and mothers, pangs of fathers and husbands, self-denials, sympathies, new desire to bear one another’s burdens. Men and women grew fast in those days of the nation’s trouble and danger, and Jane awoke from the vague dull dream she had hitherto called life to new hopes, new fears, new purposes. Then after a year’s anxiety, a year when one never looked in the newspaper without dread and sickness