Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Название Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children
Автор произведения Kate Douglas Wiggin
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788075832733

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feeling as she drew patterns on the tablecloth with her tortoise-shell hairpin,—“you see, of course, the good fairies are not going to leave you in the lurch when you ‘ve turned your back on the ugly temptations, and are doing your very best. And now that we ‘ve talked it all over, Edgar, I ‘m not ashamed of you! Mamma and I have been so proud of your successes the last month. She believes in you!”

      “Of course,” said Edgar dolefully; “because she knows only the best.”

      “But I know the best and the worst too, and I believe in you! It seems to me the best is always the truest part of one, after all. No, we are not going to be naughty any more; we are going to earn that hateful Tony’s money; we are going to take all the class honors, just for fun, not because we care for such trifles, and we are going home for the summer holidays in a blaze of glory!”

      Edgar rose with a lighter heart in his breast than he had felt there for many a week. “Good-night, Parson Polly,” he said rather formally, for he was too greatly touched to be able to command his tones; “add your prayers to your sermons, and perhaps you ‘ll bring the black sheep safely into the fold.”

      The quick tears rushed to Polly’s eyes; for Edgar’s stiff manner sat curiously on him, and she feared she had annoyed him by too much advice. “Oh, Edgar,” she said, with a quivering lip, “I did n’t mean to pose or to preach! You know how full of faults I am, and if I were a boy I should be worser I was only trying to help a little, eves if I am younger and a girl! Don’t—don’t think I was setting myself up as better than you; that’s so mean and conceited and small! Edgar dear, I am so proud to think you told me your troubles; don’t turn away from me, or I shall think you are sorry you trusted me!” and Polly laid a persuasive, disarming hand on the lad’s shoulder.

      Suddenly Edgar’s heart throbbed with a new feeling. He saw as in a vision the purity, fidelity, and tender yearning of a true woman’s nature shining through a girl’s eyes. In that moment he wished as never before to be manly and worthy. He seemed all at once to understand his mother, his sister, all women better, and with a quick impulsive gesture which he would not have understood a month before, he bent his head over astonished Polly’s hand, kissed it reverently, then opened the door and went to his room without a word.

       The Lady in Black

       Table of Contents

      “I ‘ve had a little adventure,” said Polly to her mother one afternoon. “I went out, for the sake of the ride, on the Sutler Street cable-cars with Milly Foster. When we came to the end of the line, Milly walked down to Greary Street to take her car home. I went with her to the corner, and as I was coming back I saw a lady in black alighting from an elegant carriage. She had a coachman and a footman, both with weeds on their hats, and she seemed very sad and grave; but she had such a sweet, beautiful face that I was sorry for her the first moment I looked at her. She walked along in front of me toward the cemetery, and there we met those boys that stand about the gate with bouquets. She glanced at the flowers as if she would like to buy some, but you know how hideous they always are, every color of the rainbow crowded in tightly together, and she looked away, dissatisfied. I don’t know why she had n’t brought some with her,—she looked rich enough to buy a whole conservatory; perhaps she had n’t expected to drive there. However, Milly Foster had given me a whole armful of beautiful flowers,—you know she has a ‘white garden:’ there were white sweet peas, Lamarque roses, and three stalks of snowy Eucharist lilies. I need n’t tell my own mother that I did n’t stop to think twice; I just stepped up to her and said, ‘I should like to give you my flowers, please. I don’t need them, and I am sure they are just sweet and lovely enough for the place you want to lay them.’

      “The tears came into her eyes,—she was just ready to cry at anything, you know,—and she took them at once, and said, squeezing my hand very tightly, ‘I will take them, dear. The grave of my own, and my only, little girl lies far away from this,—the snow is falling on it to-day,—but whenever I cannot give the flowers to her, I always find the resting-places of other children, and lay them there. I know it makes her happy, for she was born on Christmas Day, and she was full of the Christmas spirit, always thinking of other people, never of herself.’

      “She did look so pale, and sad, and sweet, that I began to think of you without your troublesome Polly, or your troublesome Polly without you; and she was pleased with the flowers and glad that I understood, and willing to love anything that was a girl or that was young,—oh, you know, mamacita,—and so I began to cry a little, too; and the first thing I knew I kissed her, which was most informal, if not positively impertinent. But she seemed to like it, for she kissed me back again, and I ran and jumped on the car, and here I am! You will have to eat your dinner without any flowers, madam, for you have a vulgarly strong, healthy daughter, and the poor lady in black has n’t.”

      This was Polly’s first impression of “the lady in black,” and thus began an acquaintance which was destined before many months to play a very important part in Polly’s fortunes and misfortunes.

      What the lady in black thought of Polly, then and subsequently, was told at her own fireside, where she sat, some six weeks later, chatting over an after-dinner cup of coffee with her brother-in-law.

      “Take the armchair, John,” said Mrs. Bird; “for I have ‘lots to tell you,’ as the young folks say. I was in the Children’s Hospital about five o’clock to-day. I have n’t been there for three months, and I felt guilty about it. The matron asked me to go upstairs into the children’s sitting-room, the one Donald and I fitted up in memory of Carol. She said that a young lady was telling stories to the children, but that I might go right up and walk in. I opened the door softly, though I don’t think the children would have noticed if I had fired a cannon in their midst, and stood there, spellbound by the loveliest, most touching scene I ever witnessed. The room has an open fire, and in a low chair, with the firelight shining on her face, sat that charming, impulsive girl who gave me the flowers at the cemetery—I told you about her. She was telling stories to the children. There were fifteen or twenty of them in the room, all the semi-invalids and convalescents, I should think, and they were gathered about her like flies round a saucer of honey. Every child that could, was doing its best to get a bit of her dress to touch, or a finger of her hand to hold, or an inch of her chair to lean upon. They were the usual pale, weary-looking children, most of them with splints and weights and crutches, and through the folding-doors that opened into the next room I could see three more tiny things sitting up in their cots and drinking in every word with eagerness and transport.

      “And I don’t wonder. There is magic in that girl for sick or sorrowing people. I wish you could have seen and heard her. Her hair is full of warmth and color; her lips and cheeks are pink; her eyes are bright with health and mischief, and beaming with love, too; her smile is like sunshine, and her voice as glad as a wild bird’s. I never saw a creature so alive and radiant, and I could feel that the weak little creatures drank in her strength and vigor, without depleting her, as flowers drink in the sunlight.

      “As she stood up and made ready to go, she caught sight of me, and ejaculated, with the most astonished face, ‘Why, it is my lady in black!’ Then, with a blush, she added, ‘Excuse me! I spoke without thinking—I always do. I have thought of you very often since I gave you the flowers; and as I did n’t know your name, I have always called you my lady in black.’

      “‘I should be very glad to be your “lady” in any color,’ I answered, ‘and my other name is Mrs. Bird.’ Then I asked her if she would not come and see me. She said, ‘Yes, with pleasure,’ and told me also that her mother was ill, and that she left her as little as possible; whereupon I offered to go and see her instead.

      “Now, here endeth the first lesson, and here beginneth the second, namely, my new plan, on which I wish to ask your advice. You know that all the money Donald and I used to spend on Carol’s nurses, physicians, and what not, we give away each Christmas Day in memory of her. It may be that we give it in monthly installments, but we try to plan