RUSSIAN LEGENDS & FAIRYTALES (With Original Illustrations). Arthur Ransome

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Название RUSSIAN LEGENDS & FAIRYTALES (With Original Illustrations)
Автор произведения Arthur Ransome
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027218233

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with Dogada in great happiness, forgetting his former unhappy fate.


       Table of Contents

      In a certain village lived at one time a peasant, who had three sons, two of whom were clever, but the third was a fool, and his name was Emelyan. And when the peasant had lived a long time, and was grown very old, he called his three sons to him, and said to them: “My dear children, I feel that I have not much longer to live; so I give you the house and cattle, which you will divide among you, share and share alike. I have also given you each a hundred roubles.” Soon after, the old man died, and the sons, when they had buried him, lived on happy and contented.

      Some time afterwards Emelyan’s brothers took a fancy to go to the city and trade with the hundred roubles their father had left them. So they said to Emelyan: “Hark ye, fool! we are going to the city, and will take your hundred roubles with us; and, if we prosper in trade, we will buy you a red coat, red boots, and a red cap. But do you stay here at home; and when our wives, your sisters-in-law, desire you to do anything, do as they bid you.” The fool, who had a great longing for a red coat and cap, and red boots, answered that he would do whatever his sisters-in-law bade him. So his brothers went off to the city, and the fool stayed at home with his two sisters.

      One day, when the winter was come, and the cold was great, his sisters-in-law told him to go out and fetch water; but the fool remained lying on the stove, and said: “Ay, indeed, and who then are you?” The sisters began to scold him, and said: “How now, fool! we are what you see. You know how cold it is, and that it is a man’s business to go.” But he said: “I am lazy.” “How!” they exclaimed, “you are lazy? Surely you will want to eat, and if we have no water we cannot cook. But never mind,” they added; “we will only tell our husbands not to give him anything when they have bought the fine red coat and all for him!”

      The fool heard what they said; and, as he longed greatly to have the red coat and cap, he saw that he must go; so he got down from the stove and began to put on his shoes and stockings and to dress himself to go out. When he was dressed, he took the buckets and the axe and went down to the river hard by. And when he came to the river he began to cut a large hole in the ice. Then he drew water in the buckets, and setting them on the ice, he stood by the hole, looking into the water. And as the fool was looking, he saw a large pike swimming about. However stupid Emelyan was, he felt a wish to catch this pike; so he stole cautiously and softly to the edge of the hole, and making a sudden grasp at the pike he caught him, and pulled him out of the water. Then, putting him in his bosom, he was hastening home with him, when the pike cried out: “Ho, fool! why have you caught me?” He answered: “To take you home and get my sisters-in-law to cook you.” “Nay, fool! do not take me home, but throw me back into the water and I will make a rich man of you.” But the fool would not consent, and jogged on his way home. When the pike saw that the fool was not for letting him go, he said to him: “Hark ye, fool! put me back in the water and I will do for you everything you do not like to do yourself; you will only have to wish and it shall be done.”

      On hearing this the fool rejoiced beyond measure for, as he was uncommonly lazy, he thought to himself: “If the pike does everything I have no mind to do, all will be done without my being troubled to work.” So he said to the pike: “I will throw you back into the water if you do all you promise.” The pike said: “Let me go first and then I will keep my promise.” But the fool answered: “Nay, nay, you must first perform your promise, and then I will let you go.” When the pike saw that Emelyan would not put him into the water he said: “If you wish me to do all you desire, you must first tell me what your desire is.” “I wish,” said the fool, “that my buckets should go of themselves from the river up the hill to the village without spilling any of the water.” Then said the pike: “Listen now, and remember the words I say to you: At the pike’s command, and at my desire, go, buckets, of yourselves up the hill!” Then the fool repeated after him these words, and instantly, with the speed of thought, the buckets ran up the hill. When Emelyan saw this he was amazed beyond measure, and he said to the pike: “But will it always be so?” “Everything you desire will be done,” replied the pike; “but I warn you not to forget the words I have taught you.” Then Emelyan put the pike into the water and followed his buckets home.

      The neighbours were all amazed and said to one another: “This fool makes the buckets come up of themselves from the river, and he follows them home at his leisure.” But Emelyan took no notice of them, and went his way home. The buckets were by this time in the house, and standing in their place on the foot-bench; so the fool got up and stretched himself on the stove.

      After some time his sisters-in-law said to him again: “Emelyan, why are you lazying there? Get up and go cut wood.” But the fool replied: “Yes! and you—who are you?” “Don’t you see it is now winter, and if you don’t cut wood you will be frozen?” “I am lazy,” said the fool. “What! you are lazy?” cried the sisters. “If you do not go instantly and cut wood, we will tell our husbands not to give you the red coat, or the red cap, or the fine red boots!” The fool, who longed for the red cap, coat, and boots, saw that he must go and cut the wood; but as it was bitterly cold, and he did not like to come down from off the stove, he repeated in an undertone, as he lay, the words: “At the pike’s command, and at my desire, up, axe, and hew the wood! and do you, logs, come of yourselves in the stove!” Instantly the axe jumped up, ran out into the yard, and began to cut up the wood; and the logs came of themselves into the house, and laid themselves in the stove. When the sisters saw this, they wondered exceedingly at the cleverness of the fool; and, as the axe did of its own accord the work whenever Emelyan was wanted to cut wood, he lived for some time in peace and harmony with them. At length the wood was all finished, and they said to him: “Emelyan, we have no more wood, so you must go to the forest and cut some.” “Ay,” said the fool, “and you, who are you, then?” The sisters replied: “The wood is far off, and it is winter, and too cold for us to go.” But the fool only said: “I am lazy.” “How! you are lazy,” cried they; “you will be frozen then; and moreover, we will take care, when our husbands come home, that they shall not give you the red coat, cap, and boots.” As the fool longed for the clothes, he saw that he must go and cut the wood; so he got off the stove, put on his shoes and stockings, and dressed himself; and, when he was dressed, he went into the yard, dragged the sledge out of the shed, took a rope and the axe with him, and called out to his sisters-in-law: “Open the gate.”

      When the sisters saw that he was riding off without any horses, they cried: “Why, Emelyan, you have got on the sledge without yoking the horses!” But he answered that he wanted no horses, and bade them only open the gate. So the sisters threw open the gate, and the fool repeated the words: “At the pike’s command, and at my desire, away, sledge, off to the wood!” Instantly the sledge galloped out of the yard at such a rate that the people of the village, when they saw it, were filled with amazement at Emelyan’s riding the sledge without horses, and with such speed that a pair of horses could never have drawn it at such a rate. The fool had to pass through the town on his way to the wood, and away he dashed at full speed. But the fool did not know that he should cry out: “Make way!” so that he should not run over anyone; but away he went, and rode over quite a lot of people; and, though they ran after him, no one was able to overtake and bring him back. At last Emelyan, having got clear of the town, came to the wood and stopped his sledge. Then he got down and said: “At the pike’s command, and at my desire, up, axe, hew wood; and you, logs! lay yourselves on the sledge, and tie yourselves together.” Scarcely had the fool uttered these words when the axe began to cut wood, the logs to lay themselves on the sledge, and the rope to tie them down. When the axe had cut wood enough, Emelyan desired it to cut him a good cudgel; and when the axe had done this, he mounted the sledge and cried: “Up, and away! At the pike’s command, and at my desire, go home, sledge!” Away then went the sledge at the top of its speed, and when he came to the town, where he had hurt so many people, he found a crowd waiting to catch him; and, as soon as he got into the gates, they laid hold of him, dragged him off his sledge, and fell to beating him. When the fool saw how they were treating him, he said in