The Rider of Golden Bar. William Patterson White

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Название The Rider of Golden Bar
Автор произведения William Patterson White
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027220441

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darn!" wailed Sally Jane. "I hate a fool!"

      "So do I," concurred Bill warmly. "Tell a feller who's the fool you hate and I'll hate him, too. One pair of haters working together might do said fool a lot of good."

      "Sometimes, Bill, my fingers simply ache to smack your long and silly ears."

      He nodded soberly. "I know. I often have the same feeling about people. But don't let it worry you. It don't mean anything."

      "Bill, can't you understand that I like you, and——"

      "Easily," he grinned. "Of course you like me. So do lots of other people. It comes natural. And that is another thing you mustn't let worry you, Sally Jane. Just you take that liking for me and tend it real careful. Put it on the window-sill between the pink geraniums and water it morning, noon and night, and by and by that li'l liking will wax strong and great and all that sort of thing, and you won't be able to do without me. You'll have to marry me, I'm afraid, Sally Jane."

      "I will, will I? And you're afraid, are you? You big, overgrown, lazy lummox! I wouldn't marry you ever."

      "I'm not so sure, but you needn't stamp your foot at me anyway. It ain't being done this season. People slam doors instead. I'm sorry there isn't a door near at hand. It must have been overlooked when Linny's Hill was made."

      "Bill, don't fool. This is not any joking matter. This come-day-go-day attitude of yours is bad business. It's ruining you, really it is."

      "Drink and the devil, huh?"

      "Oh, you're decent enough far as that goes. You never have been beastly."

      "I thank you, madam, for this good opinion of your humble servant."

      "Shut up! I mean to say— What I'm trying to beat into your thick head, you simple thing, is that in this world you don't stand still. You can't. You either go ahead or you slip back. And—you aren't going ahead."

      "If not, why not, huh? I know you mean well, Sally Jane, and——"

      "And it's none of my business? Oh, I know you weren't going to say that but you think it. You're quite right, Bill—but can't you see I'm talking for your own good?"

      "Sure, yes. My pa used to talk just like that before he'd go out behind the corral with a breeching-strap in one hand and my ear in the other. I've heard him many's the time. I used to hurt most unpleasant for two-three days after, special if he'd forget which end of the strap carried the buckle. Old times, old times. Now, I take it you were never licked, Sally Jane. That was a mistake. You should have been— What? You don't mean to say you're going home? And we were getting along so nicely too. Well, if willful must, she must. I'll hold your horse for you. Again let me offer my apologies for the lack of a door."

      He sagged down on his heel and watched her ride away along the side of Linny's Hill.

      "I've often heard a woman's 'no' doesn't mean what it says," he muttered, fishing out the makings from a vest pocket. "But Sally Jane is so persistent with it, I dunno. I wonder if I really love her, or do I only think I do because I can't have her? I suppose I'd feel worse'n I do every time she turns me down if I did. Lord! she said, I said, he said, and may Gawd have mercy on your soul!"

      When his cigarette was going well he lazed over on his side, supporting his head on a crooked arm, and gazed abroad between half-shut lids.

      The view from Linny's Hill was all that could be desired. At the base of the hill the Golden Bar-Hillsville trail, a yellow-gray ribbon across the green, led the eye across flats and gentle rises through shady groves of pine and cedar westward to where Golden Bar, a collection of toy houses, each one startlingly clear and distinct in that rarefied atmosphere, sprawled along the farther bank of Wagonjack River.

      The stream itself, a roaring river in the spring of the year, was now but a poor thing. Shrunk to quarter-size, and fordable almost anywhere, it flowed in sedate and midsummer fashion between its cut-banks and miniature bluffs. Bordered throughout its length by willows and cottonwoods, Wagonjack River meandered and wound its way southward from the blue and hazy tumble of peaks that was the main range of the Medicine Mountains to where the wide and pleasant reaches of the Peace Pipe watered the southern section of the territory.

      From Golden Bar to the Medicine Mountains was a long two hundred miles. From Golden Bar to the Peace Pipe was twice that distance.

      Crocker County, four hundred miles long by three hundred miles wide, bounded on the east by the Wagonjack, ran well up into the Medicine Mountains before giving way to Storey County. Across the river from Crocker were two counties, of which Tom Read County was the northern and Piegan County the southern. Shaler County ran the whole length of the southern side of Crocker, whose western line was the boundary of the neighboring territory.

      There you have Crocker, a county three hundred miles wide by four hundred miles long, and Golden Bar was its county seat.

      Political pickings in Crocker, which pickings the neighbors called by a much worse name, were consistently good. A small Indian reservation lay partly in Crocker and partly in Shaler, but somehow the Crocker citizens always secured the beef contracts. Crocker laws, provided the suspected person or persons were friendly with the county officials, were not administered with undue severity. Coarse work was never tolerated, naturally; but if one were judicious and a good picker, one could travel far and profitably. Thus it may be seen that Crocker was, as counties go, fertile ground for easy consciences.

      But, like Gallio, Bill Wingo cared for none of these things. He watched the moving pencil-end that was Miss Prescott and her mount descend to the trail and ride along it in the direction of Golden Bar.

      Another pencil-end was riding the same trail,—away from Golden Bar. Traveling at their present rate of speed, the riders would meet not far from the scattering grove of cedars marking the entrance to the low-walled draw that led to the Prescott ranch house.

      Bill Wingo intently scrutinized the way-farer from Golden Bar side.

      "Looks like Jack Murray's sorrel," he mused, holding the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and rocking it up and down. "If they stop, it's Jack."

      The pencil-ends drew together at the lower end of the grove. They stopped.

      "Shucks," Mr. Wingo muttered mildly. "I never did like that man."

      Said the first pencil-end to the second pencil-end, "Hello, Sally Jane."

      "Morning, Jack."

      "I was just a-riding to your place."

      "Don't let me stop you."

      "I'll ride along with you."

      "It's a free country." She lifted her reins and "kissed" to her horse. "And at times I've known you to be amusing, Jack. It's four miles to our ranch and you'll help to brighten the weary way."

      He spurred alongside and turned in his saddle to stare at her.

      "Is that all I'm good for—to help pass the time?"

      "What else is a man good for?"

      "Don't be so flip, Sally Jane. You know——" He stopped short.

      She waited a moment. Then, "I know what?"

      "You know I've been loving you a long, long time," he said abruptly. "I didn't want to tell you till I had something to offer you besides myself. And now I've got something—Rafe Tuckleton has promised to make me sheriff."

      "I thought the voters usually decided such things," said she.

      He laughed cynically. "Not in Crocker. We know the better way. Well, I've told you, Sally Jane. What do you say?"

      She looked at him coolly. "What is this—a proposal?"

      "Sure, I want you to marry me."

      "No, you don't." There was no hint of coquetry in either her tone or the direct gaze of her violet eyes.

      He crowded his horse almost against hers and dropped a hand on top of her hand where it lay