The Treasure Trail. Marah Ellis Ryan

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Название The Treasure Trail
Автор произведения Marah Ellis Ryan
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027220847

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man of sense never goes without his gun in wolf land, but Singleton –– well, in peace times he could have lived a long lifetime, and no one ever guessed what a weak sister he was, but he’s sure out of place on the border.”

      “I’m tired wearing this halo,” observed Rhodes, referring to the white handkerchief around his head. “Also some of the dope you gave me seems to be evaporating from my system, and I feel like hitting the Piman breeze. Can we strike trail tomorrow?”

      “We cannot. Doña Luz has been dosing out the dope for you –– Mexican women are natural doctors with their own sort of herbs –– and she says three days before you go in the sun. I’ve a notion she sort of let the Mexicans think that you were likely to cash in, and you bled so like a stuck pig that it was easy enough to believe the worst.”

      “Perhaps that’s why Conrad felt safe in leaving me outside of jail. With Doña Luz as doctor, and a non-professional like you as assistant, I reckon he thought my chance of surviving that monkey wrench assault was slim, mighty slim!”

      “Y –– yes,” agreed Pike, “under ordinary conditions he might have been justified in such surmise, but that would be figuring on the normal thickness of the normal civilized skull, but yours –– why, Bub, all I’m puzzling over now is how it happens that the monkey wrench was only twisted a mite, not broke at all!”

      “You scandalous old varmint!” grinned Kit. “Go on with your weak-minded amusements, taking advantage of a poor lone cripple, –– refused by the army, and a victim of the latest German atrocity! I suppose –– I suppose,” –– he continued darkly, “everyone on and around Granados agrees that I was the villain in the assault?”

      “I couldn’t say as to that,” returned Pike judicially. “Doña Luz would dose you, and plaster you, just the same if you had killed a half dozen instead of knocking the wind out of one. She’s pretty fine and all woman, but naturally since they regard you as my companero they are shy about expressing themselves when I’m around –– all except Singleton –– and you heard him.”

      “Good and plenty,” agreed Kit. “Say, I’m going to catch up on sleep while I’ve a chance, and you rustle along and get any tag ends of things needed for the trail. I’m going to strike for Mesa Blanca, as that will take us up into the country of that Alisal mine. If we go broke there is Mesa Blanca ranch work to fall back on for a grub stake, but from what I hear we can dry wash enough to buy corn and flour, and the hills are full of burro meat. We’ll browse around until we either strike it rich, or get fed up with trying. Anyway, Companero, we will be in a quiet, peaceful pastoral land, close to nature, and out of reach of Teuton guile and monkey wrenches. Buenas noches, señor. I’m asleep!”

      Pike closed the door, and went from the semi-dark of the adobe out into the brilliant sunshine where Billie, with a basket, was waiting under the ramada with Merced, and Merced looked gloomy lest Pedro should be blamed by Señor Singleton for practically turning his family out of the adobe that it might be given over to the loco Americano.

      “Tomorrow, can he go?” she asked hopefully. “Me, I have a fear. Not before is the adobe here watched by hidden men at night, and that is very bad! Because that he is friend to you I say to everybody that I think the Americano is dying in our house, but today he talks, also he is laughing. No more sick?”

      “No more sick, sure not, but it will be one more day. A man does not bleed like a gored bull and ride the next day under a sky hot enough to fry eggs. The tea of Doña Luz drove off the fever, and he only sleeps and talks, and sleeps again, but sick? Not a bit!”

      “Nor –– nor sorry, I reckon?” ventured Billie.

      “Why, no child, not that I could notice. That scalawag doesn’t seem to have much conscience concerning his behavior.”

      “Or his language!” she added.

      “Sure, that was some invocation he offered up! But just between pals, Billie, you ought to have been in hearing.”

      “I –– I don’t suppose he even remembers that I was,” she remarked, and then after a silence, “or –– or even mentioned –– us?”

      “Why, no, Billie. You made the right guess when you sized him up and thought he couldn’t hold the job. He certainly doesn’t belong, Billie, for this ranch is the homing nest of the peace doves, and he’s just an ungainly young game rooster starting out with a dare against the world, and only himself for a backer. Honest, –– if that misguided youth had been landed in jail, I don’t reckon there’s anyone in Arizona with little enough sense to bail him out.”

      “Likely not,” said Billie. “Well, there’s the basket from Tia Luz, and I might as well go home.”


       AN “ADIOS” –– AND AFTER

       Table of Contents

      Two days later in the blue clear air of the Arizona morning a sage hen slipped with her young through the coarse grass by the irrigation ditch, and a flock of quail raised and fluttered before the quick rhythmic beat of a loping horse along the trail in the mesquite thicket.

      The slender gallant figure of his rider leaned forward looking, listening at every turn, and at the forks of the trail where a clump of squat mesquite and giant sahuarro made a screen, she checked the horse, and held her breath.

      “Good Pat, good horse!” she whispered. “They’ve got nothing that can run away from us. We’ll show them!”

      Then a man’s quavering old voice came to her through the winding trail of the arroya. It was lifted tunefully insistent in an old-time song of the mining camps:

      Oh, Mexico! we’re coming, Mexico!

       Our six mule team,

       Will soon be seen,

       On the trail to Mexico!

      “We made it, Pat!” confided the girl grimly. “We made it. Quiet now –– quiet!”

      She peered out through the green mesquite as Captain Pike emerged from the west arroya on a gray burro, herding two other pack animals ahead of him into the south trail.

      He rode jauntily, his old sombrero at a rakish angle, his eyes bright with enthusiasm supplied by that which he designated as a morning “bracer,” and his long gray locks bobbed in the breeze as he swayed in the saddle and droned his cheerful epic of the trail:

      A –– and when we’ve been there long enough,

       And back we wish to go,

       We’ll fill our pockets with the shining dust

       And then leave Mexico!

       Oh –– Mexico!

       Good-bye my Mexico!

       Our six mule team will then be seen

       On the trail from Mexico.

      “Hi there! you Balaam –– get into the road and keep a-going, you ornery little rat-tailed son-of-a-gun! Pick up your feet and travel, or I’ll yank out your back bone and make a quirt out of it! For –– –”

      My name was Captain Kidd as I sailed

       As I sailed,

       My name was Captain Kidd,

       As I sailed!

       My name was Captain Kidd

       And most wickedly I di-i-id

       All holy laws forbid

       As I sailed!

      The confessor of superlative wickedness droned his avowal in diminishing volume as the burros pattered along the white dust of the valley road, then the curve to the west hid them, and all was silence but for the rustle of the wind in the mesquite and the