The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books. John Armstrong

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Название The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books
Автор произведения John Armstrong
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066063955

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       John Armstrong

      The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books

      Published by Good Press, 2020

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066063955

       I. Air

       II. Diet

       III. Exercise

       IV. The Passions


       Table of Contents

      Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Katharine-Street in the Strand.


      [Price Four Shillings sewed.]

      Books(not individually listed)

       I. Air II. Diet III. Exercise IV. The Passions


      I. Air

       Table of Contents



       Table of Contents



       Table of Contents

      BOOK I.


       Table of Contents

      Daughter of Pæon, queen of every joy,


      Or shak'st the rigid pinions of the north,

       Diffusest life and vigour thro' the tracts

      10Of air, thro' earth, and ocean's deep domain.

       When thro' the blue serenity of heav'n

       Thy power approaches, all the wasteful host

       Of pain and sickness, squallid and deform'd,

       Confounded sink into the loathsom gloom,

      15Where in deep Erebus involv'd the fiends

       Grow more profane. Whatever shapes of death,

       Shook from the hideous chambers of the globe,

       Swarm thro' the shuddering air: whatever plagues

       Or meagre famine breeds, or with slow wings

      20Rise from the putrid watry element,

       The damp waste forest, motionless and rank,

       That smothers earth and all the breathless winds.

       Or the vile carnage of th' inhuman field;

       Whatever baneful breathes the rotten south;

      25Whatever ills th' extremes or sudden change


      Of cold and hot, or moist and dry produce;

       They fly thy pure effulgence: they, and all

       The secret poisons of avenging heaven,

       And all the pale tribes halting in the train

      30Of vice and heedless pleasure: or if aught

       The comet's glare amid the burning sky,

       Mournful eclipse, or planets ill-combin'd,

       Portend disastrous to the vital world;

       Thy salutary power averts their rage,

      35Averts the general bane: and but for thee

       Nature would sicken, nature soon would die.

      Without thy chearful active energy

       No rapture swells the breast, no poet sings,

       No more the maids of Helicon delight.

      40Come then with me, O Goddess heavenly-gay!

       Begin the song; and let it sweetly flow,

       And let it wisely teach thy wholesom laws:


      "How best the fickle fabric to support

       "Of mortal man; in healthful body how

      45"A healthful mind the longest to maintain."

       'Tis hard, in such a strife of rules, to chuse

       The best, and those of most extensive use;

       Harder in clear and animated song

       Dry philosophic precepts to convey.

      50Yet with thy aid the secret wilds I trace

       Of nature, and with daring steps proceed

       Thro' paths the muses never trod before.

      Nor should I wander doubtful of my way.

       Had I the lights of that sagacious mind

      55Which taught to check the pestilential fire,

       And quel the dreaded Python of the Nile.

       O Thou belov'd by all the graceful arts,

       Thou long the fav'rite of the healing powers,

       Indulge, O Mead! a well-design'd essay,


      60Howe'er imperfect: and permit that I

       My little knowledge with my country share,

       Till you the rich Asclepian stores unlock,

       And with new graces dignify the theme.

      YE who amid this feverish world would wear

      65A body free of pain, of cares a mind;

       Fly the rank city, shun its turbid air;

       Breathe not the chaos of eternal smoke

       And volatile corruption, from the dead,