1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Gator
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Зарубежная драматургия
Серия 1 Law 4 All
Издательство Зарубежная драматургия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456635466

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in. “What Lucy is trying to say is that your group is not afraid to go up against corrupt politicians, the establishment or their social media accomplices. Their Globalist’s goals disrupt America’s social order and weaken its capitalist based, economic system. Some of our ‘gray hat’ activities border on the edge of being illegal. But without probing social media and election technology, we wouldn’t know the existing vulnerabilities and how they are being exploited by those controlling Globalist types.”

      Juan took control of the conversation trying to understand their emotional presentation. “I’m trying to understand who the enemy is and what we can do to help you. Have you harmed anyone or gotten law enforcement’s attention in any way?”

      Lucy looked at Sean, “Well, we think we poked a hornet’s nest.” Sean broke in, “Is this privileged information we’re giving you? You’re not going to rat us out are you?”

      Juan’s lips turned up at the start of a smile. He tilted his head. “If you put one dollar down on the table to retain our services, you will have hired me and my firm as your attorneys. Anything you tell me will stay with me and within our Foundation’s group.”

      Sean pulled out his wallet and slapped a dollar bill down on the glass table. Then he looked at Lucy. She nodded her approval. “The law group you’re talking about is the ‘1 Law 4 All’ Foundation, isn’t it?”

      Juan nodded yes. “Tell me what’s got you so riled up?”

      Chapter 3

      Alpha Lucy, in her Anne Klein single-button navy pantsuit, began explaining their cause as if she were a race horse leaving the starting gate. Her high pitch voice loosened when Sean nudged her. He stared at her with broad, wide-open eyes saying ‘relax’.

      Lucy took a breath and started over. “This attack on our democracy has my blood pressure going through the roof. These invisible, unelected, untouchable money people rarely expose themselves. Their followers do the dirty work craving more money, power and control. The result is ‘we the people’ eat the legislative crap their ignorant, puppet–like politicians spew. These fraudulently elected politicians manipulate our social traditions mostly through presidential executive orders or occasionally Congressional laws, like Obamacare.”

      Sean broke in. “Lucy means we at F&F can’t believe that the American public is so voter fraud ignorant. Either they don’t give a care or somehow they believe socialism is better than capitalism. Both our two political parties, one more than the other, are turning our democratic republic into a socialistic, Marxist dictatorship. The media’s propaganda tries to make people believe that EVERYONE supports this political left insanity. That alone infuriates us.”

      Out of the blue, Lucy, more composed proclaims, “China is trying to earn their way into 'The Club'.”

      Shaking his head skeptically, Juan asked, “The Club? What Club?”

      “Yes,” Lucy continued. “The Club is a small group of ultra wealthy, power hungry socialists. They are wealthy Europeans and Asians. They grouped up in the late 1800’s with one goal in mind. They wanted economic world domination. At their beginning they experimented with manipulating different countries' currencies. After successfully causing major market volatilities, they moved on to destabilizing entire countries. They started a revolution in the early 1900's within Russia’s society. After gaining control of Russia, they turned to China, Cuba, South American and Asian countries. Now they are aiming at the United States.”

      Juan fought not comically rolling his eyes and asked, “What do you mean aiming at the United States?”

      Sean explained. “This Club has been responsible for taking control of various countries through elections and implementing socialist/communistic policies. They only need a few bribable leaders at the top of third world countries to initiate major social and political changes. These changes are designed to enrich and entrench powerful, economic controls over the country's people.”

      Juan nodded. “Ok, but control? Isn’t that a little strong? I mean taking over and controlling a country is a complex task. How do you think this Club manages that?”

      Lucy collected herself and prepared for a fight saying, “They have elected or bribed many politicians and influential people rich beyond their imaginations. These people buy off or bribe countries' leaders and then align their financial policies with the Club’s international banks. The Club’s goal is dominating the world’s economy.”

      Sean didn’t let Juan get his next question in. “Their lackeys have bribed and bought U.S. politicians, first one major party, then the second major party. Their goal is to socialize the U.S. and turn financial control over to the Club’s international and world banks.”

      Lucy broke in, “They have bribed many of our political leaders. The Club’s plan was moving along on schedule until the last election. Then president Trump was elected. He was already rich so they couldn't bribe him. He's leading the nation’s new capitalistic awakening.”

      Sean finished with, “The Club has stepped up attacks creatively exploring new voter fraud avenues. We have isolated results for the past several elections that defy insanity. That's where F&F steps in. We are tracking the most intense voter fraud scheme ever devised. Social media definitely is part of their scheme, but we’ve seen a major focus on the coming election especially here in Florida.” He handed Juan several thin folders each with a smattering of typed written papers inside.

      Lucy said, “This information should hold your attention. The facts speak for themselves.”

      Juan took the folders. His interest peaking, he scanned several of the papers inside the folder. Some of the pages started out sounding simply like another conspiracy theory. But he knew that social media and election results were under public scrutiny. He asked for more details about this supposed ‘Club’.

      Lucy describes them in short phrases as an eager group of four or five individuals playing a game of world-wide domination; people are pawns in this game; overthrowing governments challenge their creativity.

      Intrigued as Juan was with their presentation, his thoughts drifted Dominica’s way. Her ‘vortex’ beach walk was lasting longer than usual. Shaking off the Dominica temptation, he said “Your passion about the nation’s voter fraud issue is compelling. I’ll look over these files and get back to you this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest.”

      Lucy and Sean stood. Lucy pleaded, “Look at the facts objectively. We want you and the ‘Foundation’ to defend us if or when we get into trouble during our investigations.

      We have ruffled some international and local feathers with this Club talk. The word within international hacking circles is that the club is targeting Florida for their most ambitious voter fraud scheme yet. If they’re successful, they will control the outcome of all our future elections. We know from our previous dealing with them that they will stop at nothing to execute their plans.”

      Juan got to his feet and shook their hands. “Like I said, we’ll be in touch soon.”

      After Lucy and Sean walked from his office, he reached for the cell phone on his desk. He pulled up his private, secure moodmeNow app. He picked the ‘worried’ icon and wrote, ‘how’s it???’ and sent the message to Dominica’s phone.

      Chapter 4

      “Juan impressed me,” Sean commented as they ambled out of the three story office building. Lucy and Sean exited the building’s front door. They stepped off the curb to get into their Prius, unaware of the blue Ford minivan parked across the street.

      A scruffy, foreign man in the van smoothly opened the street side door. He methodically set himself aside the middle bench and aimed at the two with an AK-47 rifle set on semi-automatic. He envisioned shooting Lucy on his left first, then swinging right several inches for Sean. Leaning on the van's seat, he inhaled, steadying his aim. A teenage boy trying to parallel park suddenly