Christmas Hideout. Susan Sleeman

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Название Christmas Hideout
Автор произведения Susan Sleeman
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия McKade Law
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474086516

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been too worried and afraid last night to get more than an initial impression of him, but in the light of day, there was no avoiding the fact that he was not only a good-looking guy, but also heart-stoppingly handsome. His face was angular, all etched and chiseled. His hair was almost as dark brown as his eyes had been last night, but now as he smiled, his eyes were liquid like melted chocolate. And his smile. Wow. He had a way of making her feel like it was just for her, and he’d never share it with anyone else.

      Powerful. So powerful. Drawing emotions out that Grady never raised, and she’d thought she’d buried with Troy.

      The sound of the front door opening broke through her thoughts.


      She spun in her chair, her heart racing. She soon heard voices.

      “That’ll be my parents and grandparents,” Matt said.

      Nicole almost sagged in relief.

      “What’s that I smell coming from the kitchen?” a male voice boomed. “You make pancakes, Matt?”

      “Matt never cooks,” a woman said. “You’re likely smelling some leftovers he heated in the microwave.”

      Footsteps coming toward the kitchen followed the comments. Nicole ran a hand through her hair in preparation of meeting Matt’s family. She’d raced out of the bedroom in search of Emilie and was still wearing her pajamas. Once she’d discovered that Emilie was fine, she should have thought to go up and change, but she’d been too shocked by hearing Emilie announce that she knew about Grady to remember her pajamas.

      “Well, well, well,” an older gentleman with a thick head of gray—almost white—hair said. “What do we have here?”

      A woman—his wife, Nicole presumed—stepped up behind him and peered at Nicole. “What’s going on?”

      Another man and woman entered the room. Matt was a spitting image of the second man, only younger. Trim, the second man wore a Western shirt and jeans with a thick belt. The woman, whom Nicole guessed to be in her fifties or early sixties, was tall and slender with blond hair pulled back in a ponytail.

      “Everyone, this is Nicole and her daughter, Emilie,” Matt said.

      “Hi.” Nicole could only come up with one word as the others studied her with extreme interest.

      “Walt McKade, Matt’s father.” The younger man held out his hand.

      As they shook hands, Walt introduced his wife, Winnie; mother, Betty; and father, Jed. The others smiled their welcome, but the smiles were reserved and tight.

      “What’s going on, Matt?” Winnie asked.

      “Why don’t we leave Nicole and Emilie to finish their breakfasts, and I’ll update you in the family room?” Matt didn’t wait for a response but settled Emilie on Nicole’s lap and shooed his family toward the door.

      Was he embarrassed to be seen with them? Caught with her in her pajamas? Of course he was. She’d invaded his life, and now his family was taken aback. She just kept doing the wrong thing since she’d met him. Even more reason to get that car fixed and take off.

      When Matt reached the doorway, Nicole grabbed his wrist to stop him and peered up at him. “I’m so sorry for intruding this way.”

      “Hey.” He smiled, that sweet one that made her heart yearn for more. “You’re welcome here at the ranch for as long as you need to stay. Once I explain the situation, my family will agree.”

      She nodded but was reluctant to let go of his wrist. What was up with that? Was she clinging to him out of fear or was it something else?

      She dropped her hand. “Still, I don’t want to be a burden.”

      “Sounds like you’re blaming yourself for this, but it’s not your fault, you know. Not at all. There’s only one person to blame. If he’s guilty of his actions, I aim to bring him to justice.”

      His rock-hard tone reminded her of Grady after he’d turned into a domineering guy, giving her a moment’s pause. Grady had gone from sweet to tough in a flash like this, and she’d feared he would hit her. Thankfully, he hadn’t, and he’d never called her names or otherwise verbally abused her.

      “Sorry,” Matt said. “I know that sounded harsh, but I can’t handle when a man... Well, you know.”

      She nodded.

      “Mommy, I need more syrup,” Emilie said.

      “Enjoy the pancakes.” Matt gave her a lingering look and stepped from the room.

      She poured the syrup, her mind racing. So many things to consider right now, and she didn’t know what to focus on.

      “I love you, Mommy,” Emilie said out of the blue.

      Perfect. Her daughter reminded her of the most important thing, and even with the loss of Troy, Nicole felt so blessed to be the mother of this precious child.

      Nicole needed to banish all emotions and remember her every action had to be about keeping Emilie safe. That meant ignoring that she found Matt McKade attractive and evading Grady at all costs.

      She would stay ahead of him. She had to. She couldn’t fail, or the consequences would be dire not only for herself but for her baby girl, too.

      “Have you checked out her story?” Matt’s father asked from his recliner. His feet were planted firmly on the floor and his body rigid. Matt had expected both the posture and the question from his sheriff father, who questioned everything, at times trying Matt’s patience.

      Matt leaned against the wall, acting like it was no big deal, so his dad would relax, when this was a big deal for Matt. Huge deal. Especially after spending time with Emilie, raising thoughts of having a family of his own someday. He needed to be sure no one hurt her. Her mother, too, though she seemed a bit prickly about his help.

      “I don’t have all the details yet,” he said to his dad and explained what he’d learned from dispatch. “But you should also know, this guy’s an Austin police officer.”

      “Of all the...” Matt’s granddad shot to his feet and ran a hand through hair still as thick now as when he’d been the Lake County sheriff. Many generations of McKades had filled that position, going back to the 1800s. “It’s bad enough that this is happening to a woman, but by one of our own? That’s not something I can abide.”

      “You’re awful fast to believe her.” Matt’s father eyed his dad.

      Matt’s granddad planted his feet wide. “Don’t give me that look.”

      “What look?”

      “The one that says I’ve been out of law enforcement too long and don’t know what I’m talking about.” Matt’s granddad crossed his arms. “I can read people as well as I used to, and there’s something about that young lady that rings true.”

      “You only saw her for like a minute,” Matt’s father said.

      He tightened his arms. “That’s all it took.”

      Matt’s father turned his attention to Matt. “What’s your gut feel on this? Do you buy her story?”

      “The background check I ran on her last night leaves me leaning toward believing her, but I don’t know her well enough to be sure.” Matt pushed off the wall. “Still, with a child in the picture, we need to err on the side of caution. I’d like her to stay here until the car’s ready. Not only because Nicole doesn’t have her wallet to pay for a motel, but also if a cop is stalking her, she won’t fare very well on her own.”

      His mother sighed. “I don’t like this. Not one bit. If this guy is after her, it doesn’t seem very wise for her to take off before you look into this stalker. Especially when she can stay here with you all to look out for her.”
