Naughty Bits. Megan Hart

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Название Naughty Bits
Автор произведения Megan Hart
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Spice
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408914489

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muscles of his back and shoulders bunched beneath my hands. Sweat slicked his skin and mine everywhere we touched. He widened his knees, nudging mine even farther apart, then gathered his body and plunged inside over and over, the thrusts deepening, sharpening.

      I came apart, unraveling in a sinuous, writhing dance, driving my hips against his. I lacked rhythm, lacked any finesse, trying to fill the desperate need to stay in that moment, hold onto the explosion of color and emotions that rocked me as his wild thrusts grew brutal.

      He rolled us over and over, his arms encircling me to prevent me from hurting myself. My back to the wall, now his, every roll allowing his cock to slide and circle and press at a different angle each time. Flashes of the pale gray bed below and the curtains billowing inward on a breeze, interspersed with the dark shadowy ceiling. Only when he came to a halt did my orgasm finally wane, allowing me to catch my breath.

      I gasped.

      I was looking over his shoulder at my bed—ten feet below us.

      I drew back my head and smacked it against the ceiling. “Ouch!”

      His chest heaved against mine, his gaze spearing me as harshly as his cock had moments ago.

      I wet my parched lips with the tip of my tongue, trying to gather my scattered wits after my trip to the moon. “That…was—” I stopped and caught my breath “—different.”

      “You need to expand your vocabulary. Learn some more descriptive adjectives.”

      I raised an eyebrow, trying to mimic his sardonic look. “Need a little praise, do you?”

      He snorted. “No, I don’t need any praise. I know it was good. I’m swimming in your pleasure.”

      I wrinkled my nose. “That was kinda crude.” I wriggled against him. “You’re getting a little heavy.”

      A mocking eyebrow rose. “Actually, love, you’re on top.”

      “You know this doesn’t make a bit of sense.”

      “I’m dead. The laws of physics don’t necessarily apply here.”

      I boldly placed my hand between his legs. “Not all of you. Why didn’t you come?”

      “Are you complaining?”

      “No, I’m just surprised,” I answered, but there was that insecure part of me that wondered whether I hadn’t been able to satisfy him. “I mean, you’re carrying on a conversation. In my experience, men are decidedly nonverbal when they’re aroused.”

      “Your vast experience?”

      I blushed. He knew better. “Well, not so vast, I guess, unless you count…”

      “Vicarious pleasures?”

      “That’s a nice way of putting it. Still, you didn’t come. After being with her, and then me, I just thought…” His slow smile made me feel stupid, which angered me. I jutted out my chin. “Why didn’t you take a bite of me? I was there for you, opening to you, ready.”

      “I’m not done yet. That was just to get you to relax a bit.”

      “I’m pinned to my ceiling. How am I supposed to relax?” However, I was strangely content.

      “Sorry, are you uncomfortable?” He carefully pulled out of me, and we fell in a heap to the mattress below, bouncing once before settling.

      I leaned up on my elbows and pushed back the hair falling in my face. “Not nice,” I said, as I crawled off his body.

      “I never claimed to be nice.” His hand clamped on my thigh. “And I’m not through.”

      His words stopped me. As much as the arm that encircled me and dragged me down on top of him.

      His cock gouged my belly as I lay over him.

      “Maybe I’m done.”

      “Like I said. That first time was for you. To calm you.” He sprawled beneath me, an arm under his head, looking completely at ease, totally in control.

      Already, my blood thrummed against my temple, my nipples beaded, my pussy tightened. The way his gaze bored into mine, I knew whatever wicked delights he had in store for me would probably make me cringe in embarrassment. “You know,” I said, deliberately stalling, “I just realized I don’t know your name.”

      “Do you know the names of all the people who’ve shared their passion with you?”

      “That’s different. They don’t know I’m there. And I don’t do it because I’m some sort of sick voyeur.”

      “And I don’t feed my hungers just to get off.”

      “Neither do I!”

      He lifted a finger to trail along my cheek and down my neck.

      I thought I hid the little shiver of delight he elicited with that simple touch, but his mouth curved with male satisfaction. “You’re dying to know what I’m going to do next.”

      I opened my mouth to issue a scathing denial, but he pressed his finger against my lips. “Shut up. Roll onto your back.”

      I swallowed, hating that he had me aching and ready to do anything he wanted, but I rolled away and lay facing the damn ceiling.

      “Some sex is pure magic without any tricks,” he said, coming up on his knees to crawl toward me.

      Already my chest rose and fell faster, and the quivering started, something I’d never done with any other man. Not that I was still afraid.

      I shook with need.

      Moonlight sifted through the curtains, striking the harsh planes of his face, illuminating his body in silver light. The ridges of his muscled chest and abdomen stood in stark relief. The length and thickness of his cock had me sucking in my breath.

      His eyes trailed over my body as well, and I wondered if I’d been too lazy lately, too devoted to my writing. Spent too many late nights pounding at a keyboard instead of pounding pavement to keep my body tight and strong.

      He smoothed a hand over my breasts, pausing to circle one taut nipple, then glided down my belly to trail his fingers through my curls.

      One thick digit slid between my folds and I opened my legs, inviting him to play. He feathered the edges of my inner lips before thrusting the finger into my opening.

      Instantly, my pussy clamped around him, making a moist sound that drew a slow smile from him.

      Then he leaned low over my sex, and I knew what he was about to do would be too much, too intimate, but I couldn’t force a complaint past my lips. Instead, I groaned as his tongue swept out and curled around the thin inner lips, lapping up my cream.

      The flavor of me seemed to please him, but I had to know what he really felt about me, had to see myself through him.

      I opened my mind, sifting through the threads until I found him.

      He turned to nip my inner thigh.“I didn’t give you permission.”

      “Please. I’ve never done this before.”

      His head lifted and his gaze locked with mine. “You can’t tear away like before, if something frightens you.”

      “I promise.”

      “I’ll want you to feel everything I feel.”

      I nodded and lay back, closing my eyes. Then I was there, with him, bending over my pussy, inhaling my fragrance, tasting the juices that slid along his tongue. I felt the tightening of his balls as his arousal spiked higher, the urgency building in his belly. How did he resist climbing over me and thrusting toward my core?

      And then I couldn’t think, could only follow and feel. His fingers toyed with me, two thrusting in my channel, another sliding over my hooded clit.
