The Wager. Metsy Hingle

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Название The Wager
Автор произведения Metsy Hingle
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия MIRA
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474024082

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know what you mean. This is the first time today the phone hasn’t been ringing off the hook.”

      “Speaking of phones, Nick buzzed me a few minutes ago. He said there was someone he wanted me to meet.”

      “Oh, terrific,” Jen said, her face beaming. “You can get the scoop on TDH.”


      “Tall, dark and handsome,” Jen explained. When Laura simply stared at her, the other woman sighed. “Tall, dark and handsome as in major hunk. When I returned from my doctor’s appointment and stuck my head in Nick’s office to tell him I was back, I saw him.”


      “The hunk,” Jen replied, shooting her a warning look to pay attention. “He didn’t have an appointment scheduled. And the reception desk said when Nick came back from his lunch meeting, the guy was with him. The tongues in Marketing and in Reservations have been hanging out since he walked into the hotel. Everyone’s dying to find out who he is.”

      “Probably a potential client,” Laura reasoned.

      “Whoever he is, he is one gorgeous male specimen. He’s also unattached.”

      Laura blinked. “How on earth do you know that?”

      She held up her left hand, wiggled her ring finger. “No wedding ring,” Jen explained. “I checked.”

      “Need I remind you that you are married?”

      “Yeah, but I’m not dead. And there’s no reason I can’t appreciate a good-looking guy with a great tush.”

      Laura arched her brow. “I wonder what Bob would say about you checking out the guy’s tush.”

      “Hey, I was checking him out for you,” Jen defended herself. “But now that you’re here, you can go on in and check him out for yourself,” she said, and pressed the intercom button to announce Laura’s arrival. “Just remember—no drooling.”

      Laura didn’t drool. But she could have. One look at the man Jen had dubbed TDH, and Laura admitted the other woman had been right. He was tall—a few inches over six feet, she guessed, with long limbs and too-die-for green eyes. His hair was dark. So was he. She’d be willing to wager a week’s salary that the deep golden tan he sported hadn’t been courtesy of any tanning salon. She also doubted that those linebacker shoulders that filled out the expensive charcoal jacket so nicely were the result of a fancy personal trainer. A quick scan of slashing cheekbones, a strong jaw and a mouth curved into a wicked grin, and Laura had to agree with Jen’s assessment. The man was flat-out gorgeous.

      But then, so was her boss Nick. Fortunately, living in California where there were so many good-looking men, she had long ago developed an aversion, if not an immunity, to men with those movie-star looks.

      “Here she is,” Nick said as he hung up the phone and stood. Moving from behind his desk, he put an arm around Laura’s shoulder and ushered her over to the hunk. “Josh, I’d like you to meet Laura Harte, not only the best assistant GM in the business, but the prettiest, too. Laura, meet Josh Logan, an old friend who’s in town for a few days.”

      “Mr. Logan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Laura smiled and extended her hand. “And please, pay no attention to Nick. He considers it his duty to flatter every female who crosses his path.”

      “But in this case, I have to agree with him. You’re even more lovely than he told me,” he replied smoothly, a hint of the South in his voice as he took her hand. “And please, call me Josh.”

      Color warmed Laura’s cheeks as much from the compliment as from the approval in his eyes, and not for the first time, Laura wished her skin weren’t so fair. “Thank you,” she murmured.

      “I hope you don’t mind if I call you Laura.”

      “No. Laura is fine.” Keenly aware that he was still holding her hand, Laura withdrew it.

      “Josh and I used to work together when we were in college,” Nick explained as he led them to the grouping of couches and chairs that filled a section of the executive suite.

      Laura opted for one of the overstuffed chairs positioned around the marble coffee table. “In Florida?” she asked, since she knew that’s where Nick was from originally.

      “Louisiana,” Josh replied. “Nicky and I did a little of everything—bussed tables, parked cars, you name it. The hotel grunt work that no one else wanted to do.”

      Laura stiffened at the mention of Louisiana, her thoughts momentarily turning to the Jardine family. “Are you in the hotel business, too, Mr. Lo—”

      “Josh,” he corrected her, flashing her that smile again.

      The full impact of that smile warmed her like a caress. Caught off guard by her response to him, Laura shook off thoughts of the Jardine family and told herself she’d need to concentrate if she were to hold her own against the likes of Josh Logan. “Are you in the hotel business…Josh?”

      “In a manner of speaking. I deal primarily in acquisitions.”

      “Josh’s family owns Logan Hotels,” Nick informed her.

      The words Logan Hotels and acquisition hit her like a slap of cold air. “I see,” Laura managed to say despite the sudden knot in her stomach as she considered the purpose behind Josh Logan’s visit. Larger than the Ambassador Grand Hotel that Nick operated, Logan Hotels was a major competitor known for its five-star properties throughout the country. The firm was also known for its rapid growth during the past decade by acquisition of competing luxury hotels.

      “I’m afraid you don’t see,” Josh drawled, a hint of amusement in his voice. “At least not the right picture. Although the Ambassador Grand is a fabulous property, Logan Hotels isn’t interested in buying it.”

      “Which is a good thing since it’s not for sale,” Nick added.

      “Of course, there is that factor, too,” Josh conceded, his lips curving into a grin that had Laura’s stomach tightening again. “But the truth is, I’m not here on Logan Hotels business. This visit is strictly a personal one.”

      “Well, that’s good news,” Laura began, and could have kicked herself when Josh laughed aloud. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I don’t have anything against Logan Hotels.”

      “I’m glad to hear it,” Josh told her.

      Laura laughed. “It’s true. I even stayed at your San Diego hotel a few years ago. It was lovely and fully deserving of its excellent reputation.”

      “But?” Nick coaxed.

      “But I’d hate to see the Ambassador Grand sold.”

      “Because you like working for Nick?” Josh inquired.

      “Yes. That’s part of it. The other reason is the hotel itself. When new owners come in, there’s a tendency to start making changes. I’d hate to see anything changed here. It’s a beautiful property, so rich in history, and Nick has done such a wonderful job restoring it.” Realizing how she must sound, Laura decided to change the subject. “Has Nick given you a tour of the hotel yet?”

      “There wasn’t time,” Nick offered. “Josh and I had some other matters that we needed to discuss.”

      “Well, you’re in for a treat,” she told Josh.

      “Sounds like it. Any chance I could convince you to give me a tour?”

      Laura hesitated. “I…of course, I’d be happy to do it. But I’m sure Nick’s looking forward to showing you around and using the opportunity for the two of you to visit a bit longer. Right, Nick?”

      “Actually, Nick mentioned that he was going to be tied up all afternoon.”

      Laura cut a glance