A Family for Tyler. Angel Smits

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Название A Family for Tyler
Автор произведения Angel Smits
Жанр Контркультура
Серия A Chair at the Hawkins Table
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472055286

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at the kid, there was little doubt Tyler was DJ’s son. And Addie would be thrilled to have someone to take care of once Wyatt told her about him. But right now his sister needed the vacation he’d finally convinced her to take.

      “I packed my stuff.” Tyler used the stick to point at two plastic grocery bags beside the door.

      “That’s all of it?”

      “Yep. Mama took the rest. She told me to be ready and not tick you off.”

      “Is that so?” Wyatt’s chest hurt, for himself, for the boy and mostly for the man who didn’t even know he had a son. DJ was in for one heck of a surprise when, and if, he ever got back home.

      Slowly, Wyatt stepped toward Tyler and sat on the step beside him. He figured he could take a few minutes to start to get to know his nephew, an apparently angry little boy of eight years old, who’d been totally unknown to him—to anyone in the family—until last week. If only Mom had gotten to meet him. She’d have loved Tyler, but would have killed DJ. Wyatt smiled and refocused on the boy.

      Where did he start the conversation? But before he could say anything, Tyler jumped up. “Guess we’d better get goin’.” He grabbed a grocery bag in each hand and returned to stand next to Wyatt.

      Wyatt stood. “Guess so. Need any help with those?”

      “Nope.” The boy marched down the steps and was halfway across the bare yard before Wyatt moved. The wind had died down and the only sign of life in the battered neighborhood was a flutter of curtains in the house across the street.

      Wyatt hurried to catch up and open the gate for Tyler. The sooner they got out of here and left this mess behind, the better. He helped settle the bags on the truck’s floorboards and buckled Tyler in before either of them said another word.

      “Ready?” Wyatt met the boy’s stare.

      “Yep.” Tyler looked straight ahead, not even glancing toward the old house as they pulled away from the curb. Wyatt glanced in the rearview mirror and thought perhaps Tyler was wiser than his years. It wasn’t much to look back on. With nowhere else to go, and not much else to say, they headed through Austin and on west to the ranch where Wyatt lived...and where Tyler would be living, too.

      The hot Texas wind followed them, reaching in the window and ruffling the boy’s blond hair just as Wyatt used to ruffle DJ’s hair. DJ had always hated anyone touching his hair. Now he was in some godforsaken corner of the world with all his blond hair long gone to the barber’s razor.

      Wyatt leaned back and returned his gaze to the two-lane blacktop.

      What in the world were they going to do now?


      EMILY JANE IVERS liked—no, demanded—predictability in her world. Unfortunately, few people or events lived up to her expectations.

      Just like every other morning, she headed to her office. She checked with the clerk, scanned the docket and arranged her day’s schedule. She loved the consistency of her calendar. It shook up her whole day if there were cross outs or Wite-Out on it.

      Today, she could only stare at the normally orderly page on her desk. The bright yellow sticky notes were not expected and she felt herself tense at the events spelled out on them.

      “I don’t do juvenile cases.” She ripped one sticky from the page and headed to Dianne’s desk. “I don’t do juvenile cases,” she repeated to her clerk’s face.

      The tiny, bespectacled woman behind the counter peered over her dark frames. “You do this week. Judge Ramsey is out sick and we’re covering any emergency situations.”

      “Emergencies?” No one really had emergencies; they just thought they needed something done now and called it an emergency. She and Dianne had had that conversation often enough.

      “There are already two cases scheduled.” Dianne rounded the desk, her arms loaded with files. She moved from desk to desk, delivering a few to each clean blotter.

      “Can’t they be rescheduled?” Emily picked up the datebook that served as the department’s master calendar, needing something to hold on to.

      “No.” Dianne grabbed the datebook and slapped it back on her desk. “It’ll be good for you.” Dianne’s blue eyes sparkled behind those infernal glasses.

      “No. It won’t.” Emily knew there was no way this was going to end well.

      No case was simple, not in family court, and certainly not in the juvenile arena. Emily didn’t like messy cases, and it drove her crazy whenever she had to preside over one. That was why she’d left that division. Well, part of the reason, anyway. “Do I even have any of the reports?”

      “Nope.” Dianne glanced up at the old clock on the wall. “You’d better hustle if you’re going to get over to Ramsey’s courtroom in time.”

      How did Dianne take control like that? Who was in charge around here, anyway? Emily resisted the urge to smile. Dianne, of course. Magistrates and judges came and went over the years, but good law clerks were priceless and Dianne was the best. She’d been in the building for nearly twenty-five years.

      As Emily hurried through the familiar dim halls of the courthouse, her mind worked. She’d never had second thoughts about her job. Heck, she’d never been one to look back or second-guess her actions, period. Right now, though, she was tempted.

      Reminding herself that she knew how to do this, she headed to the second floor. Still, as she climbed the steps, her hand curled tightly around the cool bar of the handrail, her heart raced.

      To save time, she cut through the common area. She wasn’t supposed to mingle with the public on court days, just in case she ran into one of the case participants. But she didn’t have time to go all the way around to the back stairs.

      Still, all the people crowding around her set her on edge. By the time she reached Judge Ramsey’s chambers, her palms were damp and her heart had hit a painful pace.

      She barely had time to catch her breath before Rita, the judge’s clerk, descended. The distraction shook Emily out of her impending panic.

      “Oh, thank goodness.” The older woman jumped up. “I’ve tried to get hold of you, but didn’t have your cell number.”

      Emily refrained from telling her that no one had her cell number.

      “The first case begins in ten minutes.”

      “But I haven’t reviewed the files yet,” Emily protested.

      “That’s okay. There aren’t any. Just listen. The first is a pretty obvious bad situation we need to get the kids out of ASAP. The one this afternoon is pretty cut and dried. You can look at those files over lunch.”

      The woman grabbed the file and put it into Emily’s hands, then guided Emily toward the inner door. Was People Moving 101 a class in law clerk school?

      “Then why is it an emergency?” Was that her blood pressure going through the roof? Rita looked over her glasses, much as Dianne always did. Emily frowned, reminding herself she was the magistrate, but they both knew she abhorred situations where a child was at risk.

      “Mother’s missing. Dad’s overseas with special forces. The uncle’s requesting temporary custody until Dad’s back.”

      Emily’s entire body tensed. Her heart froze in place. No she could not, would not do this. Images of William Dean’s face came to mind.

      “Not permanent?” Her mind worked even if the rest of her seemed frozen in place.

      “No. He’s convinced his brother is coming home and will take over full parental responsibility. He just wants it temporarily.”

      Shadows from her last juvenile case stretched out to her and she shivered.

      Cut and dried, indeed.