The Billionaire and His Boss. Patricia Kay

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Название The Billionaire and His Boss
Автор произведения Patricia Kay
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Cherish
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408907795

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cell phone rang. He thought about ignoring it, then sighed, reached for it and looked at the caller ID. It was his sister Julie.

      “Hey,” he said. “I hope this doesn’t mean you’re in trouble again.”

      “Hey, yourself,” Julie said, her voice filled with amusement. “Why would you assume I’m in trouble? Can’t I just call to say hello?”

      “Yes, but you rarely do.”

      “Now Alex…is that nice?”

      Alex chuckled. Deciding this call might take awhile, he grabbed a towel from the towel rack and, tucking the phone under his chin, wrapped the towel around himself, then sat on the rim of the tub to continue the conversation. “So if you’re not in trouble, what’s up, Jules?”

      “I called to invite you to my birthday bash.”

      “That’s right. You have got a birthday coming up soon.”

      “Don’t pretend you forgot.”

      Alex smiled. They both knew he never forgot her birthday. In fact, he’d already bought her gift— earrings and a matching bracelet designed by a local artist who worked in silver and semi-precious stones. The moment Alex had spied the pair set with deep-blue tourmalines, he’d known they were perfect for his sister, whose eyes were an exact match. “So where’s the party going to be?”

      “Well, believe it or not, it’s going to be at the house.”

      “That’s certainly different.” Usually Julie’s parties took place at one of the many clubs she and her friends frequented.

      “Mom insisted.”

      “And bribed you how?”

      Julie laughed. “I want a new car.”

      “A new car?” Alex said in disbelief. “Your Mini Cooper is only two years old.”

      “I know, but I’m tired of it.”

      Alex mentally shook his head. He remembered how Julie had wheedled when she’d wanted that car. “So what do you want now?”

      “I saw this really gorgeous black Lotus—”

      “Lotus! Geez, Jules, you’re talking, what, sixty thousand or more?”

      “Daddy can afford it.”

      “That’s not the point. You don’t need a car like that.”

      “Need has nothing to do with it.”

      Alex sighed. She was so damn spoiled. There was no doubt in his mind that his stepfather would buy her the Lotus.

      “Anyway, will you come to my party?”

      “When is it?”

      “On my birthday. It’s a Friday, so that works out great. Seven o’clock. You can bring a date, too, if you want.”

      “No date.”

      “But you’ll be there, right?”

      “I’ll be there.”

      “Mom’ll be happy.”

      Alex grunted. His mother had been attempting for a long time to get back into his good graces, but no matter how she tried to make it up to him, Alex found it almost impossible to forget that when he was only two years old, she’d given custody of him to Harry.

      Hell, every single one of Harry’s wives had sold out for money. Although he and his half-brothers rarely talked about it, Alex couldn’t help but think Justin, J.T. and Gray had been just as affected by their mothers’ abandonment as Alex had. Because what else could you call it when your mother took money in exchange for giving sole custody of you to your father?

      At least Alex, as the next to youngest, had only had to get used to one stepmother—Justin’s mother—and she hadn’t lasted all that long. Gray, on the other hand, had gone through three stepmothers, all of whom had a short shelf life with Harry. No wonder Gray was so mistrustful of women.

      It was pretty sad, but the only stable female influence in their lives was their Aunt Cornelia. And she wasn’t technically their aunt at all, even though they’d referred to her that way all their lives. She was actually the widow of Harry’s best friend, and it was Alex’s private belief that Harry had been in love with Cornelia for years.

      As Julie continued to chatter excitedly about the car she coveted, Alex wondered if it would do any good for him to talk to his stepfather about her. Alex didn’t want his sister to turn out like their mother, and indulging her the way her father did wouldn’t encourage her to be any different.

      But as much as he wanted to do something, he knew he’d better not. Terrence would get his hackles up if Alex said anything to him. No sense causing any more tension in the family.

      When Julie wound down, they said their goodbyes—Julie exacting one more promise from Alex that he’d be at her party—and Alex tossed the towel he’d been wearing onto the towel rack. He started to step into the tub when he suddenly changed his mind. Even though he was tired, he knew he’d feel better if he got some real exercise today. Something to unkink his muscles and blow the stink off. After that he could come home and shower and crash with a beer and dinner.

      Twenty minutes later, dressed in shorts, a Coldplay T-shirt Julie had given him along with their newest CD, and his cross-trainers, he pulled into Jansen Park. Although running wasn’t his favorite activity, in the absence of a tennis partner, it would do. He still hadn’t found a gym to join, but he hoped to remedy that soon, too.

      He was about halfway through his run when one of the runners coming toward him from the opposite direction looked familiar to him. As she got closer, he realized it was his boss, the prickly P.J. Kincaid.

      Well, well.

      His gaze took in the riot of red hair inadequately held back by a sweatband, her perspiration-soaked white T-shirt that had molded to her rounded breasts, the navy-blue running shorts that showed off her nice firm butt, and her long, shapely legs with their well-defined calf muscles. Prickly or not, she sure was easy on the eyes.

      He knew the exact moment when she realized who he was. Her eyes widened, her nice, even rhythm faltered, and she nearly stumbled.

      Recovering quickly, she stopped, and when her breathing had slowed enough to speak, she said, “Hello, Alex.”

      “Hi.” Alex mopped his brow with the towel he’d thrown around his neck.

      “So you’re a runner, are you?”

      Damn, those blue eyes of hers were unnerving. “Not much of one, I’m afraid.”

      She shrugged. “You’re here.”

      “I need the exercise. You run here a lot?”

      “Every day.”

      No wonder she looked as good as she did. “How far does this trail go?” he asked to distract himself from just how good she looked.

      “If you go all the way around, it’s exactly five miles.” Now her gaze held a challenge. “You plan to do the whole trail?”

      “I thought I would,” he said, although he hadn’t planned anything of the kind.

      “Good.” She looked at her black sports watch. “Well, I’d better get going. I’m meeting my sister for dinner at seven and if I don’t hurry, I’ll be late.” She gave him a wave as she set off. “See you tomorrow.”

      Alex couldn’t help it.

      Instead of continuing on his way immediately, he watched her. Yes, she certainly did have a nice butt. In fact, it was one of the nicest butts he’d seen in a long time. It would fit very nicely in a man’s hands.

      And those legs!

      Alex couldn’t stop himself from imagining those legs twined around a man