A Stallion Dream. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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Название A Stallion Dream
Автор произведения Deborah Fletcher Mello
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия The Stallions
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474086011

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a look.

      Matthew laughed heartily, “That’s okay, baby. I know the ladies love my brother’s rugged good looks and I’ve heard most of your friends say how they would love to run their hands through that full head of hair he has.”

      Katrina tossed the man another dry look. “You really are no help, Matthew Stallion.”

      Collin grinned. “I’ll tell you what, Mom. I’ll give it some consideration, but I can’t promise you anything. The girls like to slide their fingers through my hair, too!”

      Matthew and Collin both laughed heartily as Katrina threw her hands up in frustration. The two men watched as she made her exit, stopping to give them both one last kiss before retiring for the night.

      Matthew stood and moved to the sideboard. He filled two glasses with scotch and passed one to Collin as he sat down with the other.

      “You’ve impressed me, son. You’ve worked hard these past few years and I’m very proud of you. Graduating top of your class at Harvard, then finishing law school early and passing the state bar in Massachusetts and here in Texas on your first attempts. Those are quite the accomplishments.”

      A look crossed over Collin’s face, giving Matthew pause. His gaze narrowed ever so slightly as he stared at his eldest child. “Do you want to talk about it?”


      “What’s bothering you, son? You haven’t been yourself since you arrived. You’ve been quiet and withdrawn. So, why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

      Collin took a deep breath before answering. “After you finished law school, were you scared at all about what came next?”

      Matthew took a slow sip of his cocktail before he responded. “I was. I wasn’t sure I’d made the right decision. It took a while before I got my bearings and realized corporate law was what I really wanted to do.”

      “I’m not sure it’s what I want, Dad. But I don’t want to disappoint you.”

      Matthew shook his head. “You wouldn’t disappoint me, son. You’re an adult now. The choices you make for your life must be about what you want and what you need. You’ve done everything your mother and I have ever asked of you and in most cases, you excelled beyond our expectations. It’s now your time and you need to make the most of it.”

      Collin pondered the comment for a moment. Being the son of district court judge Katrina Boudreaux Stallion, and then adopted by her husband, mega Attorney Matthew Stallion, he had big shoes to fill and an extraordinary family legacy to uphold. He didn’t have the words to express that pursuing his own legal career came with some self-confidence issues he hadn’t anticipated. “Mom’s really excited about me working for Stallion Enterprises. But I’ll be honest, Dad. I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

      “Your mom wants you to be happy, no matter what you choose to do. So, what is it you’re thinking you want to do?”

      “That’s my problem. I’m not sure. I really don’t have a clue.” Collin’s gaze was downcast as he drummed his fingers against the crystal glass resting on the table before him.

      His father nodded. “May I make a suggestion?”

      “Please. I can use all the advice I can get.”

      Matthew smiled. “There’s a community organization called the Pro Bono Partnership of Dallas. They provide legal services to the underserved and the disadvantaged. Only a select few are added to their payroll, but they’re always looking for good attorneys willing to donate their time to help. I think you should give it a try.”

      “It wouldn’t be a salaried position, though?”

      “Probably not, but it’s a great way to spend your time until you figure out what you want to be doing. And you know how much we believe in being of service to others.”

      “What about my bills?”

      “What bills?” Matthew eyed him with a raised brow.

      “I know I don’t have to pay rent or anything, and I’m blessed that I don’t have any student loans to repay, but I don’t want you and Mom covering my personal expenses. And I was hoping to get my own apartment at some point. I mean, the guesthouse is great and all, but what’s it going to look like if I bring a girl home and Jake is hanging out the window, screaming my name? Or, worse, Mom is tracking who’s coming and going!”

      “Jake better not be hanging out any window!”

      “You know what I mean.”

      “I do,” Matthew said with a light chuckle. “Which is why you need to relax and trust me when I tell you it will all work out. Find out if the Pro Bono Partnership can use you. Then go from there.”

      Collin nodded, a slight degree of uncertainty lingering in his eyes. He did trust his father, but his future prospects still felt daunting. He took a sip of his own drink, wincing as the bitter fluid burned the back of his throat.

      Matthew laughed, “You’re not a scotch man, I take it!”

      “Sorry, Pops! I’m more of a bourbon guy like Uncle Mark.”

      His father winked at him. “I’ll be sure to pick up a bottle just for you. Now, tell me about these girls you’re planning to bring home, hoping your mother won’t be tracking!”

      * * *

      Pulling his new car past the gates of Stallion-Briscoe Ranch, Collin was surprised by the intensity of emotion that suddenly overwhelmed him. It happened every time he returned to his uncle’s home. Stallion-Briscoe Ranch was well over eight hundred acres of working cattle ranch, an equestrian center and an entertainment complex that specialized in corporate and private client services. With the property being central to Austin, Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth, the ranch had made quite a name for itself.

      Back in the day, Edward Briscoe, the ranch’s original owner, had been one of the original black cowboys. Not long after the birth of his three daughters—Eden and the twins, Marla and Marah—he and his first wife had expanded their Texas longhorn operation, adding two twenty-thousand-square-foot event barns and a country bed-and-breakfast.

      After Marah Briscoe’s marriage to business tycoon John Stallion, Edward had gifted the property to his daughter and new son-in-law, her love for a Stallion ending the conflict that had brought the couple together in the first place. With her father wanting to sell the ranch, John Stallion wanting to buy the property and Marah interfering at every turn, their acquaintance had gotten off to a contentious start. Under the umbrella of Stallion Enterprises and managed by brothers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the ranch had grown exponentially. It was now a resource for several government programs that assisted children and families in need. It was a community center of sorts and a bright light in the Dallas area. But the ranch was still home to all the Stallions and the pride and joy of the family.

      Eleven years ago, Collin had been sent to Stallion-Briscoe Ranch as a part of his court-ordered plea agreement for stealing Matthew Stallion’s car. It was where he had found family and a sense of belonging. He’d grown up at the ranch, and returning to where it had all started for him punched him in the gut every time.

      His father and his uncles were all standing on the front porch as he stepped out of his car. Pride registered over their expressions, broad chests pushed forward as they moved down the porch steps to greet him and inspect his ride.

      “Congratulations, nephew!” Mark Stallion said as he wrapped Collin in a heavy bear hug.

      John and Luke Stallion echoed the sentiment. “When did you get home, son?” his uncle John asked.


      “Nice ride!” Luke exclaimed. “Somebody did something right.”

      “Collin actually went to college and studied,” John said. He shot his brother a look. “And he completed his undergrad in three years. He didn’t