Winning Her Heart. Harmony Evans

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Название Winning Her Heart
Автор произведения Harmony Evans
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Bay Point Confessions
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474084802

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leaned back against the bench and nodded. “It’s small, quiet at night, maybe too quiet. I like the people for the most part. I like running on the beach, and the breezes that smell of salt and sand. I feel safe here.”

      “Did something happen back in New Orleans?”

      She swallowed hard, and wondered what he would think if she told him about her former boss.

      “No, I just meant that there’s not a lot of crime here. I guess because it’s so small. I worry what will happen as the town continues to grow.”

      “The police force will grow with it,” he said. “I know that Gregory is committed to continuing to bring new commerce into the town and more residents, but he’s also focused on keeping everyone safe, too.”

      “That’s good to know. I heard he doesn’t want Bay Point to become a roadside tourist trap either.”

      “I agree with him.” Micah crossed his legs at the ankles. “We’re close enough to the Pacific Coast Highway to be easily accessible, but not so close to have any drive-through restaurants. If people want to eat here, they have to park and get out of their cars.”

      “Yes, people do tend to shop or check out the rest of the town, either before or after they eat.”

      As the minutes passed, their conversation remained on the town. Micah, who claimed to be a local history buff, relayed some little-known stories that Jasmine found amusing, but far-fetched. She had a feeling that it would be easy for them to converse back and forth for hours on end.

      “Tell me something. Why go through the trouble of getting to know me when you’re only just visiting for a few days?” she posed.

      “That doesn’t mean we have to be strangers, does it?”

      “I suppose we can start out as casual acquaintances,” Jasmine replied, giving in a little because she wanted to continue to see him.

      “I don’t have a problem with that, if you promise to have dinner with me before I go.”

      She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure I can spare the time. I work at the restaurant pretty much from sunup to sundown.”

      “Doesn’t Lucy ever give you a break?”

      “She’s the one who works too hard,” Jasmine said in her grandmother’s defense.

      “Then I’ll just have to charm her into giving you a night off.”

      “Ha! Give it a try, but she’s no fool, Micah. She told me all the Langston men were flirts.”

      “And do you believe her?”

      Jasmine folded her arms. “I’m still waiting for you to prove her right.”

      Micah grinned. “Are you challenging me?”

      “What do you think?”

      He gave her a wide grin. “I think I like you. You’re beautiful, funny and—”

      “Leaving,” she interrupted and stood, heart hammering in her chest.

      Micah frowned. “Why so soon?”

      “I’ve been away too long. I better go see if Lucy is okay.”

      Living with her grandmother was a little like living with her parents, no privacy until after they were asleep. She couldn’t wait until she could get her own place.

      “I’ll go with you.”

      “No, I’d rather be alone right now. See you later.”

      Jasmine walked away, feeling his eyes on her back. It took everything in her power to keep on going. When she got to the restaurant, she turned around and the park bench was empty.

      * * *

      Micah circled around City Hall, before heading back to the alley. Back in his car, he breathed a sigh of relief.

      “That was too close,” he muttered and realized that keeping his restaurant a secret was going to be very stressful.

      After he’d emerged from the alley next to Vanessa’s flower shop, which was seven stores down from his space, and saw Jasmine trying to peek into the windows, he’d hesitated even approaching her. But he had to find out what she’d seen, or even better, what she’d been doing.

      She’d taken him totally by surprise.

      Although she’d claimed she was only taking a walk, Micah was afraid that she’d already caught the “snooping bug,” which many residents seemed to have in spades. They were intelligent, inquisitive and never could seem to find the time to mind their own business.

      Maisie Barnell, owner of the only bed-and-breakfast establishment in town, was known as the eyes and ears of Bay Point, but she did it because she cared about its people.

      Micah twisted his lips, realizing that tonight at least, he was being somewhat of a snoop himself. At first, his whole point of inviting her to the carousel park was to distract her. He wanted to talk to her enough to make her forget whatever she saw even if it was only the light from his phone.

      Later, as they began to talk, he wanted to learn more about her. When she talked about New Orleans, her tone sounded nostalgic, but he also caught a hint of fear when he asked if something bad had happened to her.

      When she denied it, he sensed she was lying. Out of respect, he didn’t question her further, but he’d felt a surge of tenderness for her, wanting her to feel safe, no matter where she happened to be. Hoping that she felt at ease with him.

      He felt confident she didn’t suspect him as the “intruder” or that she even saw anything at all. Still, he decided that he would call the contractor and have him triple the paper on the windows. He wasn’t going to take any chances of anyone in Bay Point finding out that he was part owner of the space.

      He wanted to see Jasmine again. Not to cover his tracks, but to really get to know her this time. She’d been glib about his dinner invite, even though he was serious.

      He knew firsthand that working in the restaurant business left very little time for a real relationship. Closing his eyes, he recalled hot and heavy trysts in supply closets, vacant hotel rooms in-between guest check-ins, even alleys like the ones behind his restaurant.

      That’s not what he wanted with Jasmine.

      He was eager to get back to his parents’ house and be alone in his room. He wanted to think about Jasmine, the glow of her skin under the streetlamps, and how the light cast shadows in the swell of her cleavage.

      There was something about Jasmine that made him think she could be the woman who could finally make him set down roots, though not necessarily in Bay Point. He wanted her badly, but he had to move slowly. With so much at stake for both of them, he wasn’t sure it would be fair to take the chance, no matter where it would lead.

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