Return To Me. Jacquelin Thomas

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Название Return To Me
Автор произведения Jacquelin Thomas
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия The DuGrandpres of Charleston
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474084796

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he’s almost three and keeps me very busy. I’m not complaining, though. My son brings me so much joy. It’s hard to put into words what it means to be a mother.”

      “It’s clear to me that you really enjoy it.”

      “I’ve always wanted to be a mother. A short time after Caleb and I married, I found out that my chances of having a child naturally were very slim. We decided to adopt, but then he passed away. When I felt ready emotionally, that’s when I moved forward and Emery came into my life.” She looked away. “That’s probably more than you wanted to know on a first date.”

      “No, I admire you for being so transparent.”

      “I love my son so much—it doesn’t matter that he didn’t come from my body.”

      “He’s a very lucky little boy.”

      Bree’s eyes grew bright with unshed tears. “I’m the lucky one, Austin. I’m sure every mother says this, but I know this to be true—Emery is a very special child. He loves in such a pure way. When he smiles at me or gives me a kiss... I can’t describe the feeling I get.” She took a sip of her wine. “I’m sorry for going on like that.”

      “No need to apologize, Bree. I asked about Emery.” He paused a moment before saying, “I’m sure you’re just dying to show me a picture of him.”

      “I have many,” she responded. “Would you like to see them?”

      Austin nodded.

      Bree pulled up some photos on her cell phone and handed it to him.

      “He’s a handsome little boy.”

      “Thank you.”

      She watched as Austin stared at the photos. Bree had never met a man who was so taken with Emery, especially since they hadn’t even met.

      Their food arrived.

      “How’s the crab cakes?” Austin asked.

      “Delicious as always.” She leaned forward and said in a low voice, “I’m trying not to devour them. Don’t want to ruin your impression of me after one date.”

      He chuckled. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

      Bree regarded him with amusement. “I don’t know if Jordin told you anything about me, but what you see is what you get.”

      “I like that,” he responded. “I prefer to be around someone who isn’t afraid to be herself.”

      She wiped her mouth on her napkin. “It’s the only way I know how to be.”

      He broke into a grin. “It’s nice to meet another well-rounded individual.”

      Laughter rang out between them.

      After dinner, they returned to his condo.

      Austin had teased over dinner that he had a surprise for her. Bree couldn’t imagine what it could be, and could hardly contain her excitement.

      Before taking a seat in the living room, she caught glimpses into other rooms. A formal dining room and an office with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.

      In the room where she sat, a wall beyond the fireplace was covered with bookshelves filled with books. Bree settled back in the chair. It was a very nice house, shabby and comfortable, clean but not too neat. All it lacked was the warmth of a woman’s touch...

      “I’ll be right back,” Austin said before disappearing into the kitchen.

      Moments later he returned with two slices of banana chocolate chip cake on plates. “Is this from Ashley Bakery?”

      Nodding, he smiled. “Now, I have to confess that I asked Jordin about your favorite dessert, but the restaurant was my idea.”

      “This is the perfect way to end the night,” she murmured. “Thank you, Austin.”

      He seemed to be peering at her intently.

      “What is it?”

      “You are so beautiful.”

      Austin looked at her as if he were trying to photograph her with his eyes.

      “You should try the cake,” Bree said. “It’s really delicious. It’s also Emery’s favorite.”

      She shifted her focus from his face to her plate. Her body ached for his touch and she didn’t want to get too caught up in her own emotions. What she felt—her feelings for him had nothing to do with reason.

      This is a first date. Slow down, girl.

      Austin sampled the dessert. “This is really good. I’ve always been a carrot cake lover, but this is good.”

      “A new convert...yeah!”

      They laughed.

      “I’ve already packaged up half of the cake for you to take home with you.”

      “You’ve just made my baby a very happy little boy. He was asking for some earlier. I’d promised him that we’d pick up a cake this weekend.”

      Bree was impressed with Austin’s unselfish actions. He hadn’t known her long, but he was interested in her likes and dislikes. He was considerate in including her son, which scored him major points with her.

      * * *

      Austin brought the half of the cake he’d packaged up for her. “Here you go.”

      Bree didn’t want to keep her babysitter up too late as it was a weeknight and she usually went to bed early. She rose to her feet. “Tonight was amazing,” she said. “Thank you for everything.”

      He moved closer, challenging Bree to deliberately shut out any awareness of him.

      “I have another confession to make.”

      Looking up at him, she asked, “What is it?”

      Bree was lifted in the cradle of Austin’s arms. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do all evening,” he said, his voice just above a husky whisper.

      Her body tingled when he touched her.

      His lips were warm and soft, and she let go of any misgivings and kissed him back, her heart leaping. Austin was gentle and devastating as his mouth slid from hers and dropped fleeting kisses on her cheeks and her eyes.

      When they parted, Bree’s lips still burned from the delicious sensation of his kiss.

      He walked her down to her car.

      “Call or text me when you get home,” Austin told her. “I want to know that you made it home safely.”

      “I will.”

      He planted another kiss on her lips.

      Bree sang along with the radio all the way home.

      When she arrived, a full-figured woman wearing a T-shirt and jeans came down the stairs.

      “I can tell you had a good time. You practically floating right now.”

      Bree smiled despite herself. “Miss Sara, what are you talking about?”

      “What’s that in your hand?”

      “He surprised me with a banana chocolate chip cake for dessert,” Bree announced. “He gave me half to bring home.”

      “High Cotton for dinner and then your favorite that’s my kinda man. I’m liking this boy already.”

      Bree held up her phone. “I need to text him to let him know I’m home safe.”

      “I made some tea,” Sara announced. “Want a cup?”

      She handed her neighbor the cake. “Sure. Feel free to have some cake. It’s from Ashley Bakery.”

      “Girl, you talking my language. I’ma