His Loving Caress. Candace Shaw

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Название His Loving Caress
Автор произведения Candace Shaw
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Chasing Love
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474054997

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opposite wall to compose herself. Being in his arms again, though brief, reminded her of the heart and soul connection they’d once shared. It was still there, and she needed to get away from him as soon as possible before the waterworks turned on and she gave in to his request to talk.

      They stared at each other for a moment. Even though the music from the mezzanine level reached the lobby area, Elle could hear her heart hammer rapidly against her chest over the upbeat song. Before her was the man she used to love and trust. She’d shared her deepest thoughts, fears and dreams with him. Now she hated him. Though a part of her was actually overjoyed he was there. At one point in time he’d been her best friend, and she’d missed that more than anything.

      Sighing, she broke their uneasy silence. “I need to go.”

      “I meant what I said earlier, Elle. I need to talk to you.”

      “We just finished talking. You admitted you effed up, you miss me, and I really don’t care.”

      “You know what I mean.”

      “And I meant what I said earlier. We have nothing to discuss. You want to know how my life has been without you. Fabulous. Now I have to go check on a wedding gown for an auction. Goodbye, Braxton.” She turned on her heel and hoped he didn’t say anything else or follow her. She needed to jet to the car and fast before the tear in the corner of her eye rolled down her cheek.

      “Oh, so you’re attending your sorority’s auction tonight, as well?” he asked in a pleasant, upbeat manner.

      She cringed as she replayed his words. She really hoped he didn’t mean “as well” as in he would be there, too. Pivoting toward him, she laughed nervously. “You’re going?” she asked as calm as possible. Seeing Braxton twice in one day wasn’t on today’s schedule.

      “Yep. I’m auctioning off an upright piano.” Approaching her, he swept a tendril of her hair from beside her eye and tucked it behind her ear before running a finger down the side of her neck. “So I guess I’ll see you tonight, Sunshine,” he stated in an endearing tone that was accompanied by an arrogant smirk.

      The mere touch of his finger on her neck was enough to send a raw shudder through her body that she managed to suppress until she rushed out of the revolving door, down the sidewalk and somehow to the safety of her rented BMW. Crashing her head onto the steering wheel, she exhaled and let the tears flow. Seeing Braxton without warning caused overwhelming emotions to surface that she’d hidden over the years in order to move on with her life. She’d missed him dearly and every blue moon she’d find herself teary-eyed from the pain that still lingered. However, she was irritated for letting him unravel her that easily. Braxton knew exactly which buttons to push, or in this case, which spots on her body to touch that would make her instantly let down her guard. He’d been her first love and the first man she’d ever been intimate with. She hated to admit that after all these years her body and mind were still under his control as if he’d purposely programmed it that way. The few boyfriends she’d had since Braxton never knew what the hell they were doing, and she usually ended up sexually frustrated because she never felt fulfilled afterward. She’d never craved or longed for any of them the way she did for Braxton. They’d always been in perfect harmony and in sync while making love.

      Once Elle entered her penthouse suite at the Pinnacle Boutique Hotel in midtown, she found her assistant, Mya Collins, steaming the wedding gown for the auction. Elle had forgotten she’d given her a key and at the present moment preferred to be alone with her thoughts and a glass of wine. Tossing her purse on the foyer table, she mustered up a smile.

      “I see the dress arrived.” Elle walked over and eyed the princess gown carefully. She was a perfectionist and every intricate detail had to be on point. She ran her fingers along the crystals and pearls on the bodice that had been hand sewn in a basket weave design.

      “Yes, Ms. Lauren. The delivery service dropped it off about an hour ago. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

      “Thank you. It’s one of my favorites. Did the other dresses arrive as well?” Elle asked referring to a couple of evening gowns from her spring collection, one of which she would wear tonight.

      “Yes, I steamed them and they’re hanging in the closet. I love the black one with the side thigh slit. Very sexy. I know you had your heart set on wearing the pink ball gown, but I bet the black one would look hot on you. You have the perfect toned legs for it.”

      Elle tapped her chin. At first she wasn’t even sure she wanted to go to the auction. Now that she knew Braxton was going to be in attendance she’d contemplated sending Mya. But she’d promised the president of her sorority earlier at the brunch she’d be there. However, that was before learning that what’s-his-face would be present. Besides, the auction was just downstairs in the ballroom, which was why she’d chosen this particular hotel. She could make a quick appearance and jet back upstairs to avoid Braxton or she could stay for a while, completely ignore him, and agitate the hell out of him while wearing a sultry dress. And considering he’d always loved roaming his hands and tongue on her thighs, seeing what he hadn’t had in a decade would drive him crazy.

      “Mya, when you’re done, help me try on the black dress to see what alterations I need to make. I think I want it cinched in more around the waist and stomach.”

      “You’re going to turn heads in that dress. Maybe even find you a man.”

      Ever since Elle had ended her relationship for good with the investment banker she’d dated off and on for two years, her best friend and Mya had been relentlessly suggesting she find a man.

      “Not exactly.” Plopping down on the couch, she unbuckled her shoes and tossed them in front of her. “Just want to remind someone of what he could have had.”

      Mya turned the steamer off and joined her boss on the couch. “Wait a minute...you aren’t talking about what’s-his-name? The piano guy?” she inquired. “He was there after all?”

      Elle laughed even though this situation was far from being funny. “Yep, you were right. He showed up.”

      “I told you he would be. He owns the place. Either someone apparently tipped him off that you’d be at the brunch or it’s fate, and it’s simply meant to be.”

      “Not fate. His sister Syd told him. I didn’t have a chance to tell her not to do otherwise, even though I had hoped she wouldn’t. He’ll be at the auction tonight as well so I guess I would’ve run into him anyway. I haven’t spoken to the man since our rehearsal dinner years ago, and now I’ll have the pleasure of seeing him twice in one day,” she said sarcastically, running her hand through her thick tresses. “Lucky me.”

      “You know your hair would look wonderful in a swept up, tousled style along with your diamond choker and diamond hoops from Harry Winston. Showcase your regal neck.”

      “Mmm...that’s a great idea. Just make sure the makeup artist you set up has makeup to cover up this.” Elle lifted her hair up and turned her back to Mya. “Look at the fine print directly below my hairline.” She ran her finger along the back of her neck.

      “BC? You had his initials tattooed? That seems so out of character for you. Don’t take this the wrong way Ms. Lauren, but you’re so conservative and reserved.”

      “I was a freshman in college.”

      “Aww, you were in love,” Mya said in a sing-song voice.

      “No. I was young, immature and head over heels in puppy love. That’s all.”

      “And yet you still have it. You know you can have it lasered off, right?” Mya teased.

      “Well, not before tonight. Just call her and also the hair stylist with the change of hairstyles. I’d told him I wanted it straight down my back.”

      “No problem. I’ll call them now.” Mya swiped her cell phone and iPad from the coffee table and retreated toward the bedroom door. However, she halted and turned around with an inquisitive expression. “Does he have one with your initials?”