The Baby They Both Loved. Nikki Benjamin

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Название The Baby They Both Loved
Автор произведения Nikki Benjamin
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472081926

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been alone so long, facing one tragedy after another—her mother’s illness, then her death and then Lucy’s death. How easy it would be to lean on him, just as she had done when she’d stumbled on the steps and he’d saved her from a fall. How easy it had been to trust in the promise of benevolence he’d held out to her then.

      Kit had never thought of Simon Gilmore as a hurtful person until he’d abandoned Lucy. And if he hadn’t run out on his responsibilities as Lucy had claimed—if, in fact, Lucy had lied to him as well to her—then she had no reason to think of him as a hurtful person now.

      Only, he’d said he was going to take Nathan away from her. There was no more hurtful thing he could do to her.

      A soft tap on the front door announced Sara’s arrival. Time to put Simon out of her mind—ditto the havoc he could cause, Kit thought. Tables had likely begun to fill in the diner and much as she wanted to call Isaac immediately, she knew her help would be needed there until the crowd dwindled.

      Reluctantly Kit left Nathan sleeping in his bed and hurried to answer the door, managing somehow to dredge up a smile for sweet, young Sara somewhere along the way.

      “You didn’t tell me that you knew the identity of Nathan’s father,” Isaac Woodrow said, his tone slightly accusatory.

      “You didn’t ask,” Kit answered, trying not to sound as defensive as she felt.

      She had called Isaac as planned after the diner’s 3:30 p.m. closing time, and had explained the situation to him as calmly as she could. He’d listened without comment until she’d finished. But then, instead of offering her the reassurance she’d needed, her lawyer had made her sound like the culpable party.

      “I assumed Ms. Kane wasn’t sure who the father was since she didn’t list a name on the child’s birth certificate.”

      “I didn’t think it mattered who Nathan’s father was since Lucy named me as his guardian. She obviously didn’t want Simon Gilmore to have him. I had to agree with her because of the way he abandoned her.”

      “But you’re saying now that Mr. Gilmore is claiming Ms. Kane told him he wasn’t the father of her child. That would preclude any attempt at accusing him of abandonment.”

      “Maybe Lucy had a reason why she didn’t want Simon involved in Nathan’s upbringing. Maybe he behaved badly toward her,” Kit insisted, though she admitted to herself that it was highly unlikely.

      “That would have to be proven, Ms. Davenport.”

      “He could be lying about what Lucy told him,” she said, returning to her original argument. “So it would be his word against mine, wouldn’t it?”

      “Regardless of what occurred between Mr. Gilmore and Ms. Kane three years ago, if Mr. Gilmore is the child’s biological father and if he wants custody of the child, then the court will give his claim serious consideration,” Isaac explained patiently. “And to be perfectly frank, unless he can be proven to be a danger to the child, his rights will most certainly take precedence over yours.”

      “How can that be possible? I’m his legal guardian,” Kit pointed out, unwilling to just give up.

      “I’m sorry, Ms. Davenport, but it’s the law. Be grateful he’s shown up now instead of two years from now when the transition for Nathan would be even more difficult. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here with worst-case scenarios. Mr. Gilmore may actually be willing to give up his rights once he’s considered all that’s involved in becoming a single parent. He was understandably angry about what he believes to be Ms. Kane’s deception, and he reacted accordingly. Given a little time to think about what he’d be taking on, perhaps he’ll change his mind. Did he say he’d be hiring an attorney?”

      “Not in so many words, but he did say he’d see me in court,” Kit replied, tears of frustration stinging her eyes.

      It was easy for Isaac to dismiss worst-case scenarios. He hadn’t seen the determined look in Simon’s eyes.

      “Then let’s give it a few days and see what develops.”

      “But the adoption is so close to being final. Isn’t there some way you can get the judge to sign the papers?

      “Not unless Mr. Gilmore agrees to give up his parental rights.”

      “But Lucy wanted me to take care of Nathan….”

      “Again, I’m sorry, Ms. Davenport. We have to abide by the law in cases like this, and the law gives Mr. Gilmore certain rights regarding his son. I will do everything I can on your behalf, though. Under the circumstances, I’m sure I’ll be able to arrange visitation for you at the very least, unless you choose to be openly hostile toward Mr. Gilmore. That certainly wouldn’t work in your favor.”


      “I’m sure I’ll be hearing from Mr. Gilmore’s attorney in a few days. We’ll talk again after that, all right?”

      “Yes, of course…we can talk again.”

      Only Kit didn’t want to talk to Isaac Woodrow anymore. She wanted to pack up all of her belongings, strap Nathan into his car seat and head out of Belle as fast as her aging car would go.

      How could he think she’d be satisfied with visitation? Lucy had wanted Kit to take care of Nathan 24/7, not just see him occasionally at Simon Gilmore’s convenience. As for curbing her hostility toward him…well, that just wasn’t going to be possible.

      Sadly, neither was making a run for it. Life on the lam would be no life for her or for Nathan. For one thing, they’d have no peace. Simon would be hot on their trail. She’d only be postponing the inevitable until he finally caught up with her. She might have Nathan with her for a little longer, but she would lose him eventually.

      Better to stand and fight than run and hide, she told herself, brushing the tears from her cheeks with shaky hands. Then maybe all wouldn’t be lost completely.

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