Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes. Lauren Baratz-Logsted

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Название Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes
Автор произведения Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Жанр Эротическая литература
Серия Mills & Boon Silhouette
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472091185

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of this kind of book.”

      “I knew it!” She slammed the knife home so hard that poor little green pepper didn’t stand a chance. “Every time you get going on something—”

      “Hi, honey—” it was my turn to cut her off “—how was your day?”

      This was how Hillary and I plugged along in our merrily dysfunctional way, had done so since back in our college days, at least before I flunked out: I was wacky, she called me on my wackiness, I sidetracked that call by being solicitous, and on we went.

      Hard as it was to tear myself away from High Heels, I put the book down and reaching behind me—the eat-in kitchen was that small—opened the door to the lower fridge.

      “May I interest you in a libation?” I asked, going all waiterly on her. “Tonight we have Jake’s Fault Shiraz, Jake’s Fault Shiraz and, hmm, let’s see, Jake’s Fault Shiraz.”

      Hillary tried to be stern, but before long she started to laugh, which was just fine, that was the way it always was with us.

      “Oh, I don’t know.” She rolled her eyes. “I guess I’ll take the Jake’s Fault Shiraz.”

      “Good choice, madam.” I rifled in the utility drawer for the rabbit-ears corkscrew. “Why don’t you go change out of your work clothes while I pour you a glass.” Hillary wore the pants in our family and had a great selection of spiffy suits that didn’t deserve to get ruined. “I’ll even finish chopping your vegetables for you.”

      “Thanks, it has been a day.”

      Sure, she should change so as not to get anything messy on her nice suit, but I really wanted her out of the room so she wouldn’t see what I was about to do with that corkscrew. Hillary had given it to me in my holiday stocking the winter before because I always had trouble opening bottles with the old-fashioned, cheap, blue, plastic corkscrew I’d been using for years. But what she did not yet know was that even with the high-tech marvel she had given me, a corkscrew so wonderful it could make a sommelier out of a five-year-old, I still had problems with the damn thing, always pushing down on the ears too prematurely so that the cork only rose partway out and I wound up mangling it as I twisted it between my legs, trying to uncork it the rest of the way.

      The cork came out almost without incident, meaning it snapped a bit at the bottom and I had to press that snapped part through into the wine down below. I poured us each a glass, but Hillary must have decided to indulge in a second shower and by the time she emerged, I was too deep into High Heels and Hand Trucks again to make polite conversation while she ate and did whatever else she did, only taking in her words in the most peripheral way. The written word being the way I connected with the world, my imagination caught up in the mere prose descriptions of all those Choos.

      Her: “Do you want more of this wine?”

      Me: (stretching out glass without looking) “You wouldn’t believe these shoes.”

      Her: “Want to watch American Idol 25 with me?”

      Me: “You would not believe these shoes.”

      Her: “How about Jon Stewart?”

      Me: “You would not believe these shoes.”

      Her: “I guess I might as well hit the—”

      Me: “You would not—”

      Her: “Oh, stuff it, Delilah. ’Night.”

      Well, that was rude.

      But here was the thing: you would not believe these shoes, no one would, unless you read about them yourself, I thought, shutting the book after the last page.

      Damn! It was after midnight. I’d need to wait until after work the next day, technically that day, to go to the bookstore and pick up more books like High Heels. I was definitely going to be reading more books like High Heels.

      But then I realized something else: reading about the shoes, which the author constantly described as “architectural marvels” as if there were no other words for them, was a far cry from actually seeing the shoes. I mean it’s always show, don’t tell, right? And as good as the author was at describing the shoes—there were so many of them!—I suddenly was struck by an overwhelming urge: I needed to see those shoes.

      But what to do, what to do…

      I had no idea who in Danbury might actually sell Jimmy Choos, probably nobody, and even if I took the last train into Manhattan, all the shops there would be closed at one in the morning.

      What to do, what to do…

      There was only one computer in our apartment and it wasn’t mine.

      I gently turned the knob on the door to Hillary’s bedroom, tiptoed over toward her computer, tried not to trip over anything in the dark—“Ouch!”—and shushed myself, silently cursed my own clumsiness and immediately thanked my stars I hadn’t woken her, sat down in her desk chair, turned on the monitor and Googled the obvious.

      The PDF file for all things Jimmy Choo was on the screen before me—the Asha, the Asha, I really wanted the Asha!—when…

      “Delilah, just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

      But I was too caught up in the pretty images on the screen before me to feel as appropriately guilty, snagged and embarrassed as I might otherwise have felt.

      “Oh, never mind that.” I pooh-poohed her. “Look. Look!”

      “I don’t want to look,” Hillary said, totally peeved and sporting quite a case of bed head, I must say. “I want my sleep.” She grabbed the mouse and moved it toward the shut-down menu. “And I want you to—”

      “No!” I stopped her hand. Then, feeling totally contrite, I wheedled, “Please look.”

      “Oh, all right.”

      At first, she just looked annoyed, but as I ceded control of the mouse and she started to click on the images of the shoes and boots and sandals, enlarging some of the images as I had done earlier…

      “Well—” she was still resisting the pull “—I’m not crazy about some of the red ones.”

      “Oh, me, neither,” I said quickly, trying to sound agreeable. And it really wasn’t much of a stretch since, despite red being one of my favorite colors, the red pairs didn’t grab me as much as the others.

      I saw her eyes stray back toward the comfort of her rumpled sheets. Thinking I couldn’t let her get away, since I really did need a cohort here, if for nothing else than to keep me from being so lonely in the midst of my own obsessions, I grabbed the mouse back and quickly clicked on a different image.

      “Look at this,” I said eagerly.

      It was the Asha.

      “Oh, my!” Hillary said, her eyes going all glittery, as my own had no doubt done a short time ago.

      “And this,” I said, clicking again.

      It was the Ghost, which was maybe even more spectacular than the Asha, if such a thing were possible.

      “Oh, my!” Hillary said again.

      “And this.” I clicked one last time.

      It was the Parson Flat.

      “I would buy that shoe!” she trumpeted.

      I knew the Parson Flat would get her.

      “How much…?” she started to ask.

      In another second, she’d be racing for her Dooney & Bourke bag to fish out her Amex.

      “But that’s the whole problem!” I all but whined.

      “What?” Hillary said. “Are they too much money?”

      “I don’t know,” I said. “I keep clicking around, but I don’t see any prices here.”