Bet on Love. Devon Vaughn Archer

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Название Bet on Love
Автор произведения Devon Vaughn Archer
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472071637

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      * * *

      That night, Bianca stuck with her original plans to meet her good friend, Vicky Poole, for drinks at a club on Paradise Road called The Palace.

      She had known Vicky for a few years now—they met when Bianca was a crime reporter. Vicky, an ex-prostitute, had turned her life around and was counseling teen runaways and sex workers, getting them off the street. She now ran a safe house for prostitute girls.

      “Hey there,” Vicky said, waving as she made her way through the crowd to reach Bianca.

      “Hey,” Bianca responded with a smile, giving the taller, slender woman a hug. “I got us a table.”

      “Cool.” Vicky put her oversize purse on the table and sat across from Bianca. They both ordered cocktails when the waitress approached.

      “How’s the safe house?” Bianca asked, knowing how important this was to Vicky. Bianca volunteered there once every two weeks.

      “It can be utterly exhausting at times,” Vicky responded, running a hand through her short brown hair with its golden highlights. “But I love being there for the girls, you know?”

      “I know,” Bianca said. “And they love having you there, knowing someone cares.”

      “Yeah, I do. I only wish someone had been there to care for me when I worked the Strip as a teenager.”

      Bianca couldn’t begin to imagine the hell Vicky must have endured at that stage of her life. She reached across the table and touched Vicky’s hand. “The important thing is that you got through it in one piece and are doing good things with your life now.”

      “Very true,” she said.

      The drinks came and Bianca sipped hers thoughtfully.

      “So bring me up-to-date on what’s going on with you,” Vicky said.

      Should I or shouldn’t I mention Tanner? Bianca asked herself. After all, they hadn’t even gone on a date yet. She also wondered if she might jinx any potential they had by jumping the gun.

      Then she realized that if it was meant to go somewhere it would. And if not, it wouldn’t.

      “Well, I met Tanner Long,” Bianca said casually, knowing that he was well-known to most women in the city, thanks to his most-eligible-bachelor tag.

      “Get out of here,” Vicky said in disbelief. “Or do you mean you met him as a reporter?”

      “Actually, I met him as a car owner.”

      Vicky cocked a brow. “Explain.”

      “His limo driver hit my car and I ended up getting a ride from Tanner,” Bianca said nonchalantly. “Next thing I knew, he invited me to the grand opening of his hotel and casino. He asked me out to dinner tomorrow night.”

      “Whoa—this is in warp speed!” Vicky said. “How on earth did you get from point A to point, let’s say, N or O...?”

      Bianca giggled. “It just happened. Well, nothing’s really happened yet, but he seems to like me, so we’ll see where it goes, if anywhere.”

      “Well you go, girl!” Vicky lifted her hand and gave Bianca a high five. “After being with too many losers, maybe you’ve finally met your match. Or should I say it’s the other way around?”

      “Maybe a little of both,” Bianca said. “But it’s way too early to think about matches made in heaven. After all, this is Sin City, is it not?”

      Vicky laughed. “It is, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still good people around with good intentions.”

      “Tanner seems to have good intentions with Aloha Seas as a new place of employment on the Strip,” Bianca told her. “Not so sure what his intentions are as a confirmed playboy.”

      “Hey, being a player usually only means the man hasn’t met anyone yet to get him to slow down. Could be you’re just the right person for the job.”

      Bianca chuckled. “This isn’t an interview. Just a first date.”

      “So enjoy, and see what the man is made of—besides millions.”

      “I intend to,” Bianca said. She was in no way a gold digger—she was more than happy to support herself. But she did want a man who was self-assured, successful and wasn’t into head games. Or leading her on just because he could. Could Tanner be that man?

      Or was she setting herself up for yet another disappointment?

      Chapter 4

      After a brisk morning workout, Tanner had showered in his penthouse suite and then attended a series of meetings with his management team. So far, so good for the hotel-casino. They had gotten a lot of press coverage. But he understood that they were in competition with every other hotel and casino on the Strip, as well as those off it. As such, they had to be innovative and welcoming if they were going to stay ahead of the game.

      After the meeting ended, Tanner had hoped to talk to Solomon alone, but he was meeting Melanie for lunch—apparently in his room where she had spent the night. Admittedly, Tanner was envious of his little brother. He had sought out the prize and conquered with seemingly little effort on his part.

      Whereas Tanner felt as though he was starting from scratch with Bianca. She didn’t strike him as the kind of woman who would settle for a one-night stand. Especially not the first night. And though he had been guilty of that a time or two, the truth was he preferred a steady relationship, contrary to popular belief. Finding a woman who could hold his attention was key.

      Bianca certainly seemed like a good candidate.

      After doing some paperwork, Tanner went to the hotel’s Mahalo Lounge to have a drink with his best friend and lawyer, Chuck Newman. Aside from the fact that they had known each other for more than a decade, Chuck was also one of the hotel-casino’s investors and someone he could trust to tell it like it was.

      Tanner spotted him nursing a drink at the bar.

      “Hope you haven’t had too many of those yet,” Tanner kidded.

      Chuck looked up and grinned. “This is my first one.”

      Tanner smiled, sitting next to the thirty-eight-year-old man. “In that case, I’ll order a second round for you and one for myself.”

      “That works for me,” Chuck said. His short black hair was graying at the temples.

      Tanner ordered the drinks from the bartender who promptly made them.

      “Looks like this place has set the Strip on fire,” Chuck commented.

      “Yeah, all the rooms are booked for the next couple of weeks and some high rollers have shown up hoping to get lucky.”

      Chuck laughed. “That always helps. Unless, of course, you’re pulling for the house, which I am.”

      Tanner chuckled. “You had me worried for a moment there,” he joked.

      “Don’t be. I want to see my investment grow tenfold, if possible.”

      “You and me both.” Tanner tasted the drink. “So how’s Deloris?” he asked about Chuck’s wife.

      “Great. She’s in South Carolina visiting her mother.” Chuck looked at him. “And who’s the flavor of the week for you right now?”

      Tanner laughed. “Sounds like ice cream.”

      “Only sweeter, potentially,” Chuck shot back.

      “I’m not seeing anyone right now,” Tanner told him.

      “No...? Losing your touch, friend?”

      “Been too preoccupied of late.” Tanner thought of Bianca. “Actually, I do have a date tonight.”
