Undone by Her Tender Touch. Maya Banks

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Название Undone by Her Tender Touch
Автор произведения Maya Banks
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Desire
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408972021

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black lacy panties and bra that barely covered her nipples. Her hair was delectably mussed, giving her that just-out-of-bed look. And her eyes. So sultry with liquid eroticism. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was bloody amazing.

      He tumbled her onto the mattress, enjoying the way she sprawled, laid out for him, a feast for his senses. And he wanted to indulge them all. Touch, sight, smell … He wanted to hear her whisper his name and her throaty sounds of passion. But most of all he wanted to taste every inch of her skin.

      Knowing if he didn’t take care of the condoms now, he’d never stop in the heat of the moment, he fumbled in the night-stand, pulled out the entire box and tossed it on the bed.

      Then he came down over her, captured her mouth and molded her soft body to his.

      It was like being struck by lightning. An electrical charge surged through his body, tightening every one of his muscles. She returned his kiss every bit as passionately as he kissed her. Her hands roamed over his back, exploring every inch of his flesh.

      Remembering the vivid fantasy he’d had earlier that night, he rolled, taking her with him until she was positioned astride him.

      The reality far surpassed the weak fantasy he’d spun in his head. Nothing compared to having her here, in his arms, her thighs pressed to his sides.

      “Undress for me,” he said hoarsely. “Right here where I can watch.”

      A wicked smile glimmered on full, kiss-swollen lips. Slowly she reached behind her and began to unclasp her bra. Instead of letting it fall immediately, she held the tiny lace confection to her chest and then allowed the straps to slide down her arms inch by inch.

      He was barely capable of breath. The anticipation was killing him. And then finally she pulled the bra away, baring her full breasts to his avid gaze.

      And they were perfect breasts. Perfectly shaped. Perfect size. Just the right amount of bounce. Firm. High. Delectable nipples that just begged for his mouth.

      “I’ll need your help with the panties,” she murmured, her eyes flashing mischievously.

      He couldn’t even stammer out a reply. He nodded, but then right now he’d agree to damn near anything.

      She leaned forward, pushing her gorgeous breasts mere inches from his mouth. Then she slid one leg over him so she was no longer straddling his hips. She turned then and began working her panties slowly down her buttocks.

      He wasn’t at all sure what he was supposed to help with, but he was game. He turned over on one elbow and reached to steady her waist with his free hand, letting his fingers wander down the small of her back, enjoying the feel of so much silky flesh.

      When the underwear was down to her knees, trapped there by the mattress, she turned on her back and stretched her legs over his chest.

      More than happy to accommodate, he took over, pulling the panties the rest of the way until they came free of her feet. He tossed them across the room and went after her like a starving predator.

      He slid over her body, the sensation of skin on skin nearly undoing him. He kissed her neck, nibbled, tasted and teased and then worked down, wanting nothing more than to have her breasts underneath his tongue and lips.

      She was utter perfection. Curvy, sweet, not too slim, not too heavy. Just … perfect.

      A sigh escaped her when his lips closed over one straining nipple. It was an intoxicating combination of hardness and velvet. Luscious. So very soft. He sucked gently at it, rolling it between his lips. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over the point, bringing it to an even harder bud.

      Then he slid his mouth over the hollow between her breasts to the other nipple. For several seconds he played, idly toying with it. She twisted restlessly beneath him, her breaths coming more rapidly now.

      “You are so damn perfect,” he murmured. “I can’t get enough of you. You taste better than anything you could possibly cook.”

      He looked up to see her lips form a pout. “You haven’t tried my cooking, then,” she said. “I’m a wonderful cook.”

      He laughed. “It was a compliment, or at least it was meant to be.”

      “I think you’re doing just fine without the compliments,” she said in breathy delight.

      He cupped her breast in his palm, shaping it, watching as the nipple hardened again. “You like this. What else do you like, Pippa? Tell me how to please you.”

      “Oh, you’re doing fine. No complaints here. I love it when a guy takes his time and doesn’t just think about his own pleasure.”

      “Oh, but this is my pleasure,” he murmured. “I love touching you. I love tasting you. Love watching you respond. How your eyes go a darker green when you’re really turned on. And that little vixen smile that tells me I’m in for one hell of a good time.”

      “On second thought, keep on with the compliments. I’m liking this very much,” she purred.

      “Where do you like to be touched?” he whispered.

      Her eyes darkened again. She reached for his hand and slid it down her belly to the juncture of her legs. She guided his fingers over her softness to the tiny bundle of nerves at the apex and gently stroked the tip over it.

      Then she moaned when he took over himself. Oh, yeah, she liked that. A lot.

      He could be just as wicked as she could. Still stroking through the soft, velvet folds of her femininity, he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

      She let out a cry and arched upward, her hands tangling in his hair. She was forceful. Nothing dainty about her. She knew what she liked and demanded it. He loved that about her.

      He stroked his thumb over her clitoris one last time and then he pulled his hand away long enough to snag a condom. He leaned down to kiss her as he parted her legs. He wanted it to last, too, but he also knew this wouldn’t be the only time tonight. There was no way he’d get enough and he planned to use every single minute she was here to his advantage. Neither of them would be able to walk the next day but he was more than okay with that.

      He nibbled at the corner of her mouth. “Are you ready for me?”

      She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist and arching upward. He smiled at her impatience.

      He planted his forearms on either side of her shoulders. “Guide me in, Pippa. Show me how you want it.”

      Her pupils flared and then she reached down, circling him with her fingers. She positioned him against her opening and arched just enough that he slid in the barest inch.

      They both let out an anguished sound and he could hold back no longer. Flexing his hips, he drove deep. At first he thought he’d hurt her, but then she dug her fingers into his shoulders and all but roared at him not to stop.

      He grinned, kissed that ferocious mouth and then began to move in a frantic rhythm. There was no style, no grace. Their lovemaking couldn’t be described as polished or smooth. Far from it.

      It was animalistic, with Pippa taking every bit as much as she gave. She demanded everything he had and more. He’d never made love to a woman more fierce than her, and he loved every minute of it.

      She fused her mouth to his. Then she nibbled at his jaw and moved her mouth lower to sink her teeth into his neck. He’d wear her marks for days and it stroked his male pride to think of someone else being able to see the marks of her possession.

      But she wouldn’t be without marks of her own. Oh, hell, no.

      “Are you with me, Pippa?” he panted out. “I need you with me. I’m close.”

      “Sooo there,” she said from behind clenched teeth. “Go hard, Cam. Don’t let up. Please just don’t let up.”

      As if he could.

      He let out a roar of his own and began