Beyond the Velvet Rope. Tiffany Ashley

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Название Beyond the Velvet Rope
Автор произведения Tiffany Ashley
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Spice
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472074164

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soft cashmere. It was indeed a gift from Cam. A Christmas gift to be exact. He’d given it her two years earlier.

      Thandie began to deflate. Disorientation of time was another symptom of dementia. Thandie knew at that moment her mother had yet again retreated. She’d lost her. Like so many times before, Josephine Shaw had slipped away from her daughter when she needed her most.

      “Yes, Mom,” Thandie agreed. “It’s very lovely.”

      * * *

      Hours later, Thandie was back in her apartment. The visit with her mother had taken a lot out of her. Before leaving, she’d kissed her mother on the cheek and promised to return in the next few days. It was a pledge she always made, and always kept.

      There was a lot to be done, following last night’s event at Phenomenon. After taking a calming bath, Thandie set to work calling her contacts at local newspapers to find out how much coverage the party secured. Within half an hour, Thandie’s three assistants arrived: Amanda, Raja and Len. Without preamble, they quickly went about sending emails and making calls.

      Shortly after noon, the office phone rang and Amanda scooped it up. “Shaw Public Relations,” she said cheerily. “This is Amanda speaking.”

      “Thandie, please.”

      “Who’s calling?”

      “Tell her it’s Warren Radcliffe.”

      A moment later, Thandie was on the line. “Hello, stranger. I haven’t heard from you since you moved. Where are you?”

      “Miami,” he said, with a smile in his voice.

      “Miami? Why on earth would you ever leave New York?”

      “I ask myself that question every day.” He laughed. “But I have family down here. I moved to be closer to them in my old age.”

      “I don’t think you’ll ever be considered old, Warren. But Miami over NYC—it doesn’t sound logical.”

      “If you could see the sights I see every day, you would think differently.”

      She smiled. “That means there are a lot of half-naked women running around. Careful, Warren, you’ll have a heart attack.”

      Thandie had known the retired corporate CEO for years. They had met on the club scene. She met a lot of interesting people in her line of business, and Warren was by far one of the more memorable characters she’s ever come across. In his late sixties, the man had a weakness for the nightlife and young women. It was a flaw that had caused him to endure four divorces over the span of seven years. Shaky matrimonies never seemed to bother Warren. They only gave him a reason to party hardier, which eventually led to him marrying another young trophy wife.

      “How are you, Warren?”

      “I’m wonderful. I finally put my money where my heart lies.”

      She laughed. Where Warren was concerned, there was no telling what that statement meant. “I’m listening.”

      “I’m an investor in a club down here.”

      “Where, exactly?”

      “South Beach, of course. It’s awesome, Thandie.”

      “I can hear the excitement in your voice. What’s the name of the club?”

      “Club Babylon.”

      This got her attention. “I’m familiar. Word has it that place is a growing hot spot on the strip.”

      “Yeah, business has been really good.”

      “Sounds as though you’ve got your hands full, but I hope you’re calling me because you’re visiting Manhattan soon.”

      “Actually, I was calling to see if you would consider coming to South Beach. I think I might have a business proposition for you.”

      “Me in Miami? You’ve got to be kidding.”

      “On the contrary, I’m very serious. Moving down here was a major change for me. I was used to the hustle of the City, but it’s a complete different world down here. There are beautiful people everywhere, white sandy beaches and crystal-blue water. It’s unbelievable.”

      “Sounds like paradise.”

      “It is. I spent the first months just soaking up the place. Of course, you learn about the movers and shakers very quickly. But there is one in particular I would like you to meet.”

      “Who is that?”

      “His name is Elliot Richards.”

      “I think I’ve heard of him.”

      “He’s a young guy. Probably a year older than yourself, I’d guess. He’s a serious tycoon down here, a real sharp thinker. He owns several local health gyms, smoothie shops, nightclubs, and a restaurant. And get this—he personally manages them all at the same time.”

      “Impressive,” she said, mildly intrigued.

      “Everything he touches turns into gold,” Warren went on. “So when I heard he was opening his newest club, Babylon, I jumped at the chance. Two other guys invested with me. None of us had ever invested in a nightclub, so there was a lot we had to learn. There were a few nervous moments, but Elliot talked us through it like a pro. In the end, Club Babylon was a success. The revenue that place brings in one night is unbelievable.”

      “Sounds too good to be true.”

      “That’s what I thought. We all make a healthy cut, so you can image how shocked I was when Elliot proposed to shut down the club five months to renovate the building.”

      “Five months? That’s a death sentence.”

      “That’s exactly what I said, but somehow Elliot talked us into it. Looking back on it, he didn’t have to because he owns seventy percent of the shares. We invested two-point-eight million into the renovation. We just reopened a few weeks ago. So far, everyone loves the changes, especially the VIP lounges. The turnout has been decent, but we know we can do better, much better. So that leads me to why I’m calling you.”

      “I’m listening.”

      “I’d like you to come down and promote the club. Of course, Elliot would have to give the green light, but I’m sure after he talks to you, he’ll be sold on the idea.”

      “I can’t move to Miami, Warren.”

      “It would only be temporary.”

      She flinched at the word. “How temporary?”

      “Three months.”

      “Three months? That’s an eternity.”

      “It could be done in two months if you really work hard. If you think you can recoup our venture in less time, go for it.”

      “Warren, I’d love to help you, but I haven’t been able to survive outside New York for longer than a week. Besides,” she hesitated, “I have responsibilities here. I can’t leave town for that long a time.”

      “Then visit the City on the weekends. This isn’t a regular nine-to-five job, kiddo. If you have to fly back to take care of a few things then do it.”

      “I can’t.”

      “Thandie, I need you. Babylon will reach its mark eventually, but you could give us the boost that gets us over the top. I’ve seen you work, Thandie. You’re the best.”

      “You have the wrong person. I barely know Miami. I wouldn’t even know where to stay.”

      “You’ll stay with me. I have a house near the beach. You’d love it.”

      “Warren, this is a huge undertaking. I would have to bring my staff.”

      “That’s fine. There’s plenty of room at my place. I’ll even offer you my home office.