Home for Christmas. Debbie Macomber

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Название Home for Christmas
Автор произведения Debbie Macomber
Жанр Контркультура
Серия MIRA
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474007184

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to Dovie.

      “I don’t know…I don’t think she is, but I do wish she’d shown a bit more discretion. She’s young yet—it’s understandable.”

      Phil heard the reluctance in her response and the way she eyed Frank, as though she expected him to leap in and express his opinion.

      “Annie seems to like her,” Dovie said, “but with this new pregnancy, she’s spending less and less time at the bookstore. Really, I hate to say anything….”

      “I tell you, the woman’s a homewrecker,” Frank announced stiffly.

      “Now, Frank.” Dovie placed her hand on her husband’s knee and shook her head.

      “Dovie, give me some credit. I was in law enforcement for over thirty years. I recognized that look the minute I saw her.”

      Phil frowned, now starting to feel seriously worried. “You think Nicole Nelson has set her sights on Cal?”

      “I do,” Frank stated firmly.

      “What an unkind thing to say.” Still, Dovie was beginning to doubt her own assessment of Nicole.

      “The minute I saw her, I said to Dovie, ‘That woman’s trouble.’”

      “He did,” Dovie confirmed, sighing. “He certainly did.”

      “Mark my words.”

      “Frank, please,” she said, “You’re talking as though Cal wasn’t a happily married man. We both know he isn’t the sort to get involved with a woman like Nicole. With any woman. He’s a good husband and father.”

      “Yes,” Frank agreed.

      “How did you hear about her taking dinner out to Cal?” Phil asked. It worried him that this troublemaker was apparently dropping Cal’s name into every conversation, stirring up speculation. Glen was the one who’d mentioned it to Phil—casually, but Phil wasn’t fooled. This was his youngest son’s way of letting him know he sensed trouble. Phil had weighed his options and decided his advice wasn’t necessary. But it seemed that plenty of others had heard about Nicole’s little trip to the ranch. Not from Glen and not from Ellie, which meant Nicole herself had been spreading the news. She had to be incredibly naive or just plain stupid or…Phil didn’t want to think about what else would be going on in the woman’s head. He didn’t know her well enough to even guess. Whatever the reason for her actions, if Jane heard about this, there could be problems.

      “Glen told Ellie,” Dovie said, “and she was the one who mentioned it to me. Not in any gossipy way, mind you, but because she’s concerned. She asked what I knew about Nicole.” Like Dovie, Ellie didn’t want to involve Annie.

      “Do you think anyone will say something to Jane?”

      Dovie immediately rejected that idea. “Not unless it’s Nicole Nelson herself. To do so would be cruel and malicious. I can’t think of a single person in Promise who’d purposely hurt Jane. This town loves Dr. Texas.” Dr. Texas was what Jane had been affectionately called during her first few years at the clinic.

      “The person in danger of getting hurt here is Cal,” Frank said gruffly. “Man needs his head examined.”

      Phil had to grin at that. Frank could be right; perhaps it was time to step in, before things got out of hand. “Mary always was better at talking to the boys,” he muttered. “But I suppose I’d better have a word with him….”

      “You want me to talk to him?” Frank offered.

      “Frank!” Dovie snapped.

      “Someone has to warn him he’s playing with fire,” Frank blurted, and glanced at Phil, obviously expecting him to agree.

      Phil shook his head. “Listen, if anyone says anything, it’ll be me.”

      “You will, won’t you?” Frank pressed.

      Reluctantly Phil nodded. He would, but he wasn’t sure when. Sometimes a situation righted itself without anyone needing to say a word. This just might be one of those cases.

      He sincerely hoped so.

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