The Mistresses Collection. Оливия Гейтс

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Название The Mistresses Collection
Автор произведения Оливия Гейтс
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474064743

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reckoned with, no matter what Thomas said, there simply weren’t enough hours in the day.

      The swinging arc of car lights on the driveway had Zack thrusting back his shoulders. When he confirmed the vehicle was a cab, he strode out to meet the likely occupant. A moment later, near the front door, he cleared his throat and told Keats, their regular doorman for special events, that he would greet this guest himself.

      Out on the extensive portico, Zack rubbed his hands together against the slight chill in the air while the cabdriver held open the back passenger door and Trinity Matthews alighted.

      She wore his favorite color on her—a deep vibrant red. The dress was silky and two hundred percent sexy with silver brocade crisscrossing the bodice and looping around her neck. A luminous lightweight wrap rested in the crooks of her arms, its tails lifting softly in the breeze either side of the shapely high-waist-to-heel sheath.

      When she saw him, her eyes rounded before she gathered herself and, shifting the wrap up around her bare shoulders, clutched her silver pocketbook close to her chest. He’d heard about women looking like veritable visions. Now he could take pleasure in that wonder himself.

      As he moved forward, she seemed to take a breath and moved forward, too. When they stopped, standing face-to-face, he covered her chilled hands in his. He wanted to circle her in his arms and generate some heat the way they did best. Instead he smiled into her gorgeous moonlit eyes and led her into his family’s home.

      Trinity had been ready for affluence but this magnificent waterfront estate was almost beyond imagination. The driveway had wound on forever. The house—more a mansion!—exuded an elegant yesteryear charm with an architectural design that reminded her of those old larger-than-life black-and-white films.

      “This makes my studio apartment look like a shoebox,” she said as, his hand on her elbow, Zack led her up a wide arc of stone steps. “When was it built?”

      “Nineteen thirty-six. With ten acres to romp around on, it was great here growing up, but seven bedrooms and an equal number of full baths, along with a library, ballroom, office, plus, plus, plus…It’s too big for my parents now.”

      “They’re thinking of selling?”

      “That’s still to be decided.”

      Inside, a three-tiered crystal chandelier hung from the soaring ceiling of a majestic vestibule. Artwork on the walls looked as if they might belong in a museum. She guessed the trimmings were all twenty-four-karat-gold plating, at least.

      With that dynamite smile that never failed to leave her lightheaded, Zack urged her along.

      “Come in and meet the family.”


      The very word made Trinity’s stomach jump so high, she had to press a palm to help slow the knots. Logically she had nothing to fear. From all she’d heard, the Harrisons were a great bunch. And their obvious wealth didn’t put her off. It was the fact she’d come at Zack’s invitation—as his date—and she was expecting everyone to be suitable, curious and ask a slew of questions.

      She’d already decided to be her usual vague self where private matters and the past were concerned. She was certain Zack would understand. But she intended to soak up this atmosphere and the conversation tonight. After spending those days in Colorado, she was curious like she’d never been before about seeing a truly happy family in action.

      “Are the children here?” she asked as they moved beneath a soaring ornate carved wood archway and the live music grew louder.

      “Wouldn’t be a party without the munchkins. Although they’ll be put to bed at a reasonable hour.”

      “In one of the seven bedrooms,” she concluded.

      But, taking her wrap and handing it to a uniformed maid, he shook his head. “There are a couple of private guesthouses on the grounds in case any of us decide to stay over but also want our own space.”

      “Are you staying over tonight?”

      “Oh, yes.” He sent her a lopsided grin. “So are you.”

      Trinity almost swallowed her tongue. Before she could object, she was standing among other guests and Zack was handing her a flute of champagne while introducing her to an inquisitive-looking man who resembled Zack a great deal. Same raven’s-wing hair. Same dazzling smile.

      “Thomas, this is Trinity Matthews.”

      Thomas took her hand and dipped his head in greeting. “So glad you could make it. It’s not every day our little sister accepts a marriage proposal.” He flicked a glance Zack’s way. “That leaves one.” He called over to a curvy redhead whose smile was as big as her generous bosom. “Willa, sweetheart, come meet Trinity, Zack’s date.”

      Willa was there in a heartbeat. “We’ve heard all about you. Being stuck in Zack’s cabin, cut off from everything.”

      Trinity waited for her to mention the baby. But Willa only talked on about the recent freakish weather. Clearly Zack hadn’t divulged that much about their story, although she did catch Thomas looking at her thoughtfully. She knew the siblings were close. Were Thomas and Zack close enough to discuss the more intimate details of the night they’d spent together?

      After five minutes of chatting, Zack called another woman over. She wore an amazing peach-colored evening gown. Her brunette hair was swept up in a flattering loose-curl style.

      “This,” Zack said, “is Sienna, my baby sister and woman of the hour.”

      “Congratulations on your engagement,” Trinity said, subtlety checking Sienna’s hands, not for the engagement ring so much as those chewed nails carried over from her childhood. “You must be very happy.”

      “I’m beyond happy! And a little shocked. I only accepted David’s proposal on the weekend. Mom insisted on putting this bash together. You know how mothers are.”

      While Trinity kept her straight face, Zack explained the engagement situation.

      “They’ve only known each other four weeks—”

      “Three,” Sienna cut in. “We met during a chocolate-making workshop in Brussels, although we ate more pralines than we made. Then we went on to Amsterdam together, then Berlin, then home. David’s from New York, too.” Sienna laughed. “We had to go halfway around the world to meet and fall in love.”

      Trinity held her brow. “Your heads must be spinning.”

      “It’s strange,” Sienna said. “I guess I knew I’d do it one day. Tie the knot, I mean. It’s in the Harrison DNA. But now I so totally get what people mean about love at first sight.”

      Trinity was intrigued. “You knew you were going to be married the first time you laid eyes on each other?”

      “It wasn’t so much a ‘club to the head’ deal. It wasn’t as if I imagined a big gold ring the instant we met. Just somewhere deep inside, I knew we’d be together.” Her earnest look faded and she laughed again. “Sounds silly, doesn’t it? My cool, collected brother here wouldn’t buy it for a second. Although I’m betting sparks flew when the two of you met.”

      Sienna was about to expand on that point when a woman—clearly a good friend—grabbed her free hand and unceremoniously dragged her away to another circle of people. No sooner had Zack’s sister left than another brother and sister-in-law introduced themselves as well as one of their children.

      As they spoke about the handmade toys Zack kept at the cabin, Trinity found herself relaxing in a way she never had before. It must be her imagination but she felt connected to these people who came from perfect backgrounds and seemed to lead such charmed lives. What a wonderful dream come true to really belong to all this.

      She was introduced to Zack’s mother and father separately, as well as a myriad of other people whose names she could never hope to remember. Zack was a perfect host and the hours