The Heat Between Us. Cheris Hodges

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Название The Heat Between Us
Автор произведения Cheris Hodges
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474070089

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wins championships, and the way Atlanta looks right now, we’re going to the big game!” Michael had said at the end of the game.

      “It’s just the first game of the season.”

      “You have no faith.”

      “I know we have Carolina twice this season and their offense is finally as explosive as their defense,” he’d said.

      “Please. We’re going to eat them up.”

      Smiling at the memory, Jamal walked up to the receptionist and asked for Craig Franklin.

      * * *

      Michael returned to her office and decided to throw herself into work. She didn’t want to think about Jamal, but in the silence of her office, all she could do was think about him. If his finger was any indication, his kiss would be damn near deadly. Shivering, she wondered if anything would happen beyond the heat between them. Would the fire burn out and she end up like the woman who tossed that drink in Jamal’s face?

      “Nope. I’m not going to let that happen.” Logging on to her computer, Michael did immerse herself in her work for about thirty minutes, and then her phone rang. When she saw Mimi’s number, she answered because she was going to give her BFF a small piece of her mind.

      “You’re not slick, Mimi.”

      “What are you talking about? I had to meet my husband.”

      “Sure you did. You and Brent aren’t slick at all.”

      “I had no idea that Jamal was going to show up at lunch. That was all Brent because he said his boy was having a bad day.”

      “And I’m supposed to be the make-him-feel-better girl?”

      “It worked, didn’t it? I don’t get you two.”

      “Wait a minute! You were totally against me getting serious with Jamal and called him a rebound.”

      “And you said you guys weren’t serious.” Michael could imagine her friend’s eyebrow raised to the heavens. “So, what’s the problem here?”

      “We’re friends, Mimi. Just friends. I don’t understand why people don’t get that. And I’m not looking for another dead-end relationship that is going to end up with me looking like a fool again.”

      “You like him more than you want to admit. Michael, remember the words of wisdom you used to give me? Time to take your own advice. Stop running and go after what your heart wants.”

      Michael rolled her eyes. “Because you took my advice, Mimi?”

      “Umm, well, had I listened to you about that Fast Love post, I would’ve never had the chance to get close to Brent and fall in love with him. And you wouldn’t have met Jamal. Then you’d still be sitting here pining for Nic.”

      “That’s not true.”

      “What part isn’t true? You meeting Jamal or still trying to show Nic that you’re in love with him.”

      “Let’s put Nic in the past, where he belongs. I wasted a lot of time trying to make him think we should’ve been a power couple. I own that. I’m over that.”

      “Then why are you working with him?”


      Mimi sucked her teeth. “So.”

      “And if this event is as big as I want it to be, this is going to mean more high-profile clients, more big events and the success I’ve been chasing.”

      “You’re already successful. You run this city,” Mimi said.

      “From your mouth to God’s ear. People know I’m Mimi’s friend, but they have no idea what I can really do.”

      “Whatever. How was the food at the café, though?”

      “Amazing, and the dessert was superb. Maybe you and Brent should go there for dinner, since you guys set up that bogus lunch.”

      “For the record, it didn’t start that way, but if you must blame someone, blame Mr. Law and Order. He told Jamal where we were having lunch.”

      “Oh, there you go. Let me tell you something, Mimi Collins-Daniels. If I read your blog and see any parts of me and Jamal on there, I’m going to hurt you.”

      “You mean like real names?”

      “Don’t play with me, Mimi!”

      “All right, I’ll try.”

      Michael sighed. “You better do more than try.”

      “You have my word, unless something really juicy happens. And don’t say anything else, because I do write about myself on my blog.”

      “What does that have to...? Mimi, my brand isn’t like yours, and if you...”

      “Let me stop playing with you. I won’t do it. And you better be ready to run in the morning.”

      Michael grinned. “About that run. I’m going to work out with Jamal in the morning.”

      “Ooh. With or without clothes?”

      “Stop it. We’re going to the gym. And he wants me to come see him tonight.”

      “You mean he wants to go on a date?”

      “It’s not a date. It’s a...”

      “D-A-T-E! Stop living in the land of denial. You two are getting to be annoying.”

      “Spoken like someone who has been annoying for years.”

      “And on that note, I’m hanging up.”

      “I love you, Mimi,” Michael said through her laughter. After hanging up, she opened a file on her computer and started planning logistics for the jazz festival. When she typed in security, the only company she could think of to handle the job was First Line of Defense. Michael picked up the phone and called Jamal.

      Voice mail.

      “Jamal, this is MJ. Give me a call when you get a chance. I have a proposal, a business proposal, for you. I wanted to discuss it with you before I see you tonight, if possible. Thanks.”

      * * *

      Jamal shook hands with Craig Franklin. “You’ve been really lucky,” Jamal told the bank CEO.

      “And I don’t want to continue to press my luck. Your security ideas are just what we need to make the bank more secure from inside and outside jobs.”

      “You also shouldn’t give an employee access to the video system. Not saying that you have someone stealing from you, but you have to be proactive instead of reactive.”

      “Makes sense. I look forward to your report and I’m sure the board will agree to the project.”

      Jamal nodded. “Let me know when you guys want me to get started and I’ll send my tech team in.”

      The two men walked to the lobby and shook hands again. “Looking forward to working with you,” Craig said.

      Jamal nodded and told his client goodbye. When his phone vibrated in his pocket, he pulled it out and smiled when he saw a missed call and voice mail from MJ. If she was trying to back out of his surprise evening, he was not going to allow it. Tonight, he’d show her a side of him no other woman had ever seen.

      Once he got into the car, Jamal listened to Michael’s message. Business proposal? Interesting, he thought as he called her back.

      “Hey, Jamal. I hope you got my message.” Michael’s voice was like a sweet song that he wanted to keep on Repeat.

      “I did. Do you want to meet tomorrow and talk about it?”

      “Aren’t we getting together tonight?”

      “Just looked