These Arms of Mine. Judy Lynn Hubbard

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Название These Arms of Mine
Автор произведения Judy Lynn Hubbard
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472020437

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name only?” To her horror, Alesha blurted out a question that made it obvious she was considering his offer.

       All she had to do was take one look at him to answer her own question. Derrick Chandler was a handsome, virile man. He wouldn’t go without a woman for days, let alone months—he would never have to. Besides, their past relationship wouldn’t allow him to marry her only for show. He wanted what she had denied him—of that, she was certain.

       “Alesha, I expect our marriage to be real, because that’s the way it has to be.”

       “Why?” She grudgingly admitted, “You’re a handsome man. You can have any woman you want. Why me?”

       “Thank you for the compliment.” He smiled. “I’m running for public office. I can’t be married to you and then be seen around town with other women.” He felt compelled to add, “And I have no intention of living the life of a monk.”

       “But why me?”

       “I think you already know the answer to that question.” He reclined in his chair, studying her distraught countenance.


       “I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

       His statement was true. However, more to the point, he needed to get her out of his sight so that his pulse could return to normal. This reunion was more upsetting than he had anticipated. Why, after the hell she had put him through, did she make him feel like a damn schoolboy asking a girl out for a first date?

       “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to decide. If I haven’t heard from you by this time tomorrow, I’ll take that as a no and contact the police.”

       He was proud his voice remained steady, when he felt anything but. He lowered his head and began to study the papers on his desk once again, totally ignoring her.

       She opened her mouth to try to convince him to give up this ridiculous idea, but closed it again, realizing the futility of that gambit. He had set his terms and the next move was up to her. Without another word, she turned and left, slamming the door forcefully behind her.

       He leaned back in his chair and let out his breath on a loud sigh. Tense fingers loosened his tie a bit. She hadn’t left a moment too soon. Why had seeing her again affected him so profoundly? It was because he hadn’t been with a woman in a while—that was it. That had to be it.

       He shook his head in satisfaction and returned his eyes to the manila folder on his desk. After a few seconds, he gave up trying to concentrate on anything other than anxiously awaiting Alesha’s return tomorrow, even though he already knew what her answer would be.

       Alesha entered her mother’s home and forced herself to appear happy and carefree, even though her heart was heavy, laden with the ultimatum Derrick Chandler had just issued to her a few hours earlier. Despite the dark cloud of gloom that hung over her, she could not risk letting her mother know she was upset—her mom had already had one heart attack a year and a half ago. Alesha would make sure she didn’t find out about the events currently transpiring in her children’s lives.

       “Mom?” She searched for her mother as she walked through the house, throwing her coat onto a chair in the hallway.

       “I’m in here, darling.”

       Following her mother’s voice, Alesha made her way toward the bedroom. Once there, she was extremely glad to see that, for once, her mother was taking her doctor’s advice, reclining in bed, though she was fully dressed.

       Alesha walked over and kissed her mother’s cheek warmly before perching lightly on the side of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

       “I’m fine, darling.” Barbara Robinson smiled as her daughter eyed her carefully.

       Alesha marveled at what a beautiful lady her mother was. At age fifty-six, her black hair was sprinkled with gray and was cut short, attractively framing her oval face. Alesha smiled lovingly at her and silently vowed she would do everything in her power to make sure her mother stayed healthy and happy.

       “What have you been up to today, dear?”

       “Just the usual.” She smiled. “Have you been following doctors’ orders?”

       “Yes, dear. I’ve been behaving.” Barbara rolled her brown eyes heavenward. “Honestly, I don’t know how much more rest and relaxation I can stand.”


       “I know. I know.” Barbara sighed heavily and then smiled slightly.

       “You just continue to be a good girl, and Bobby and I will be around to make sure that you do.” Alesha grasped her hand and surreptitiously took her pulse.

       Before her mother could respond, the front door opened and closed and Robert’s voice called out, “Mom? Alesha?”

       “We’re in here, Bobby.” Alesha walked over to the bedroom door.

       Seconds later her brother found them. He was about two inches taller than Alesha, though they both possessed the same café-au-lait coloring. Entering the bedroom, he bent down and placed an affectionate kiss on his mother’s forehead, brought out a beautiful bouquet of colorful flowers from behind his back and handed them to her. Alesha noted and engraved in her memory the happy look on her mother’s face. She would do anything to keep her that way forever.

       “For the most beautiful lady in the world.” He smiled as he straightened to stand beside the bed.

       “They’re lovely. Thank you.” Barbara brought the bouquet to her nose and sniffed appreciatively.

       “Let me get you a vase for them.” Alesha took the flowers from her mother’s hands and glanced pointedly at Robert, silently communicating that he should follow her.

       “Is there anything sinful to eat in the kitchen?” Robert’s brown eyes twinkled mischievously.

       “Well, you know I’m not allowed,” Barbara complained, “but, there is some chocolate cake.”

       “Perfect!” Robert smacked his lips in anticipation.

       “Mother, what are you doing with a cholesterol-filled chocolate cake?” Alesha quickly returned from the doorway to glance at her mother disapprovingly.

       “Relax, darling. I didn’t eat any. Antonia came by today and left it. I couldn’t turn her down, now, could I?”

       “I suppose not.” Alesha sighed before adding, “I’ll be sure to take it with me when I leave—just to remove the temptation.”

       “Sorry, Mom, but you know how she is.” Robert smiled sympathetically.

       “I do, indeed.”

       “Don’t you two start ganging up on me.” She wagged her finger at them good-naturedly. “Come on and get your cake.” Alesha pushed her brother ahead of her out of the room.

       Robert’s eyes focused on the cake sitting on the counter. “Mmm, this looks great!”

       When the door was safely shut behind them, Alesha spoke slowly and calmly, “I went to see Derrick Chandler today.”

       “What?” He whirled to face her.

       “Shh! I don’t want Mom to hear you.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but firm.

       “Why did you go see him? I thought you were going to stay out of this.” He’d lowered his voice, yet his tone remained angry.

       “You decided that, not me.” She filled a vase with water. “I had to see if I could make him listen to reason.”

       “Did you?” He knew the answer before she replied.

       Turning her back on him to cut a slice of cake, she replied cryptically, “In a way.”

       Robert walked around to stand in front of her, placing a finger under her chin and