The Complete Ruby Redfort Collection. Lauren Child

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Название The Complete Ruby Redfort Collection
Автор произведения Lauren Child
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия Ruby Redfort
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008249113

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just ran out of lives. But I am afraid the Count, well, he got lucky – slipped right through our fingers.’

      ‘He always does,’ sighed LB.

      ‘Just a minute,’ said Hitch. ‘I got someone who wants to say hello.’ He held his watch to Ruby’s mouth.

      ‘Hey there LB, I got a complaint. Those gadgets of yours – you know some of them are faulty? I coulda been toast, you know what I’m saying? Lucky for you I don’t die so easy.’

      The kid’s alive? For one heartbeat LB was speechless – but only for one heartbeat. A second later and she had regained her composure. ‘I presume you are talking about the Bradley Baker gadgets you stole? They are vintage, Redfort – what do you expect?’

      ‘Bradley Baker’s gadgets? How did you know I even had them?’

      ‘I like to think I know most things.’

      LB disconnected the call, let out a deep breath and smiled. That’s some kid, she thought.

      Crowds of people were gathered in the square: fire trucks, TV crews, all the citizens of Twinford, and while no one was looking Ruby slipped under the police tape and up the museum steps. The place was deserted and her footsteps echoed on the marble floor but as she made her way into the great hall she could see the Jade Buddha of Khotan, radiating its mysterious green light, and there standing in front of it was Ruby’s father.


      ‘Hey Rube, do I look wiser?’

      Ruby put her head on one side. ‘Nah, just greener.’ Brant Redfort, the lucky soul to look the Jade Buddha of Khotan in the eye at midnight – but then Brant Redfort was born lucky.

      ‘Isn’t it magnificent?’ His voice had a faraway tone and he seemed almost hypnotized. ‘Just look into its eyes.’

      And Ruby did.

      And she saw that the Jade Buddha of Khotan really was something.

      They stood staring at it for a while longer before Ruby said, ‘What are you doing in here anyway? I thought everyone was out looking at the bank not being robbed.’

      ‘I came to look for you honey. Your mother and I were wondering where you had gone to. We have been searching all over – thought you might have gotten lost inside the museum…’

      ‘There you are Ruby!’ came Sabina’s voice from across the hall. She was about to be alarmed by Ruby’s appearance, particularly her T-shirt, which now bore the slogan trouble – the in deep bit somewhat obscured by mud, blood and sand. However, all that came out of her mouth was, ‘oh my! Isn’t it just beautiful!’

      And it was – too beautiful for words.

      The tranquility wasn’t to last, though; the Redforts were roused from their appreciation by the following sharply spoken statement.

      ‘Ruby Redfort! I get kidnapped for a few weeks and look what happens – what in tarnation have you done to yourself?’

      It was Mrs Digby, who was looking pretty extraordinary herself, dressed in one of Mrs Redfort’s evening gowns, a mink stole around her shoulders. Standing by her side was a short man with a huge moustache.

      ‘Mrs Digby!’ said Ruby, grinning. ‘You look a million dollars.’

       Cat Woman

      Ruby was standing outside Mrs Beesman’s house with Clancy Crew.

      He was peering over the fence looking at the debris in her yard. Boy, was it ever a mess.

      ‘We really have to do this?’ said Clancy.

      ‘You got me into this Clance, telling my mom I was such a super nice kid, helping old Mrs Beesman out. Now I guess I gotta be a super nice kid.’

      Clancy sighed. ‘I was only trying to cover for you Rube.’

      ‘I know,’ said Ruby giving him a friendly thump on the arm. ‘Just next time think before you open that big mouth of yours.’

      Clancy frowned. ‘You sure she wants us to clear her yard?’

      ‘I had to talk her into it,’ said Ruby. ‘She took a lot of persuading.’

      They were about to push open the gate when they were surprised by a bleeping sound coming from Ruby’s coat.

      ‘You’re bleeping,’ said Clancy.

      Ruby pushed up her sleeve to reveal Bradley Baker’s watch, still fastened around her wrist. The fly was flashing blue. In all the chaos of last night Ruby had forgotten to hand it back to Hitch. With some trepidation she pushed the talk button and held the watch to her ear.

      ‘Where are you?’ demanded a gravelly voice.

      Ruby gulped. She didn’t really feel up to talking to an irate LB. ‘Look, sorry about the watch and the whistle – I promise I’ll hand them to Hitch before he leaves.’

      ‘Too late for that, Redfort,’ said LB. ‘He’s back at Spectrum.’

      Ruby’s heart sank. Just like old Mary Poppins, she thought, he’s taken off without so much as an adios. ‘He could at least have said goodbye,’ muttered Ruby.

      ‘Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?’ said LB. ‘I just wanted him to bring in that watch so we can have one of our technicians take a look at it. A faulty rescue device is no good to any agent.’

      Ruby’s mind was working overtime but she couldn’t make sense of what LB was saying.

      ‘You can consider this your week off, Redfort, but I want to see you at 6am in exactly seven days time, no excuses, no sick notes from your mom. Understand?’

      Ruby did not. ‘My week off?’ she stammered. ‘My week off from what?’

      ‘You want to be an agent don’t you? Well, being an agent takes a lot of training. Hitch will be in charge of that so you had better listen to him.’ LB cleared her throat before saying, ‘The rescue watch you can keep, but look after it, it belonged to a friend of mine.’

      ‘You can count on me,’ said Ruby.

      ‘I hope so,’ said LB. She paused. ‘Oh and by the way, you did good kid.’


      OK so I bet you are wondering what happened to Froghorn? Well, he got himself in some very deep water ‘a good agent should never take his eye of the ball’ that what LB said [sic]. I believe he’s on he coffee and donut detail for the next six months. That’s Spectrum-speak for stakeout duty.

      Why Buzz is called Buzz? It’s simple:

      [redacted text]

      What I can’t tell you is what the Count was looking at with that little laser light thing – who knows if we’ll ever find out, but I’ll bet he wasn’t trying to discover the secret to world peace.

      Clancy’s got a hunch I haven’t seen the last of that fellow. I think he could be right.

      Ruby Redfort

      The Spectrum Agency Test SOLUTIONS

      (1) Solution:

      First take Trunch across the river. Asimov and Carlucci are safe together. Then take Asimov across but since you can’t leave Asimov and Trunch together you must bring Trunch back. Then take Carlucci across the river. Finally come back for Trunch. Everyone is safely on the other side.

      (2) Solution: Put three bars on each side of the scales.