Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 2. Ngaio Marsh

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Название Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 2
Автор произведения Ngaio Marsh
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007531363

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the clam’s cuticle!’ said Mr Ogden.

       CHAPTER 18 Contribution from Miss Wade

      After Mr Ogden had gone Alleyn thrust his hands into his trouser pockets and stood staring at Fox.

      ‘What are we to make of all this, Fox?’ he asked. ‘What do you make of it? You’re looking very blank and innocent, and that means you’ve got hold of an idea.’

      ‘Not to say an idea, sir. I wouldn’t go so far as that. I’ve been trying to string up a sequence as you might say.’

      ‘May we hear it? I’ve got to such a state I hardly know which of these creatures is which.’

      ‘Now, then, sir,’ said Fox good-humouredly, ‘you know we won’t believe that. Well, this is as far as I’ve got. We know Miss Quayne went out yesterday afternoon. We know she came here between two-thirty and three. We know she got some sort of a shock while she was here. We know the bonds were stolen, but we don’t know when. We know she was murdered last night.’

      ‘True, every word of it.’

      ‘Starting from there,’ continued Fox in his slow way, ‘I’ve wondered. I’ve wondered whether she discovered the theft yesterday afternoon and whether the thief knew she discovered it. She used the word “discovery” in her note. Now if Garnette pinched the bonds she didn’t know it was him or she wouldn’t have left that note for him. That’s if the note was meant for him, and I don’t see how it could be otherwise. Well, say the safe was open when she got here and for some reason she wanted to see the bonds and found they were gone. She perhaps hung round waiting for him until the people began to come in for the afternoon show – the chauffeur chap said they did – and then came away leaving the note. I don’t quite like this,’ continued Fox. ‘It’s got some awkward patches in it. Why did she put the bonds away all tidily? Would the safe be unlocked?’

      ‘She might,’ said Alleyn, ‘have met somebody who said something to upset her. Something about –’

      ‘I say,’ interrupted Nigel. ‘Suppose she met somebody who said they suspected Garnette of foul play and she wanted to warn Garnette against them? How’s that?’

      ‘Not a bad idea, sir. Not a bad idea at all. Garnette got wind of it and thought he’d polish the lady off before she had time to alter the Will.’

      ‘But how did she get wind of it?’ objected Alleyn. ‘Not through the note. He never read it. And if she wanted to warn him, why should she alter her Will?’

      ‘That’s so,’ sighed Fox. ‘By the way, sir, what are the terms of the Will? Has she left him a fair sum?’

      Alleyn told him and Fox looked intensely gratified.

      ‘Ten thousand. And twenty-one thousand for the Church. That’s motive enough if you like.’

      ‘How much further did you get with your wondering, Brer Fox? Had you fitted in the two scraps of paper we found in the fireplace?’

      ‘Can’t say I did, sir. Somebody warning the Reverend about something, and it seems to refer to Mrs Candour, as Mr Bathgate pointed out. Judging from their position in the grate they were part of a letter thrown there some time during the evening, or at any rate some time yesterday.’

      ‘Certainly, but I don’t agree about Mrs Candour. I’ve got the thing here. Take another look at it.’

      Alleyn produced the two scraps of paper.

      ‘I thought at the time,’ he said slowly, ‘that they were written by Miss Quayne’s old nurse.’

      ‘Good Lord!’ ejaculated Fox. ‘How d’you get that out of it?’

      ‘Yes,’ said Nigel, ‘how the devil did you? He wouldn’t tell me, Inspector Fox.’

      ‘Pretty good, isn’t it?’ said Alleyn complacently. ‘Not so good, however, when the first glory wears off. It’s written in green pencil and there was a green pencil on Miss Quayne’s desk. The M-S is the remains of “Miss” and the CA the beginnings of “Cara.” That’s the top of an R, not an N. The old girl wrote to Garnette warning him off. I fancy it read something like this: “Sir: this is to warn you that if you [something or other] with Miss Cara, I am determined to give you in charge. There’s a law in England to save women from men like you.” Something like that.’

      ‘Yes,’ said Fox, ‘that fits.’

      ‘She made that trip here last night to see if the letter had borne any fruit and watched the show from Garnette’s room. Don’t be cross, Fox! I haven’t had time to tell you before. I’ll let you see the notes of my interview with Nannie Hebborn. The old lady came clean and was very helpful. But that disposes of the note. Garnette must have chucked it in the grate some time yesterday. Now, Fox, what about the book?’

      ‘I reckon Garnette heard Ogden showing it to M. de Ravigne at the party and pinched it,’ said Fox. ‘After all, sir, his prints are on the top of the book and on the wrappings of the parcel. He might have missed wiping them off that part of the book.’

      ‘What about that little drip Claude?’ demanded Nigel. ‘You heard Ogden say he was out when he came for the books. And you remember Claude said that a week before he saw the Curiosities here he had put the other books at the back of the shelf. He looked mighty uncomfortable over that. Of course that was when he brought them back from Ogden’s. Suppose he pinched it and didn’t want to say so?’

      ‘That’s got to be considered too,’ said Alleyn. ‘I think the stray prints on the top of the leaves are possibly Claude’s, and not Garnette’s. Bailey hasn’t had much success with them.’

      ‘You think Mr Wheatley took the book?’ said Fox.

      ‘But,’ said Nigel, flushed with triumph, ‘it hadn’t got a brown-paper cover on, so if Claude took it he did so deliberately.’

      ‘Don’t overdo it, Bathgate,’ said Alleyn kindly. ‘This is the pace that kills.’

      ‘Garnette told him to take it,’ continued Nigel. ‘Depend upon it, Garnette told him to take it.’

      ‘He’d never do that, Mr Bathgate,’ objected Fox. ‘Not if he meant to make use of it. No, I still think Garnette pinched the book himself.’

      ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush for about the millionth time,’ said Alleyn wearily, ‘and why the devil we’re hanging about this beastly place is more than I can tell. Let’s get back to the Yard, Fox. There’s an unconscionable lot of drudgery ahead. Have they tackled the fingerprint game?’

      ‘They’re at it now,’ said Fox, as they all walked down the aisle. ‘And by the way, sir, we’ve checked Dr Kasbek’s story. He seems to be all right.’

      ‘Good. I rang New York early this morning. They were very polite and will try to find us something about Garnette and Ogden. They can check up Ogden through the address on that letter we found on him. Come on.’

      But they were not quite finished with the House of the Sacred Flame. In the closed entry, watched over by an enormous constable, was Miss Wade.

      ‘Oh, officer,’ said Miss Wade. She peered up at Alleyn and pitched her voice in a genteel falsetto. ‘I would like to speak to you for a moment.’

      ‘Certainly,’ said Alleyn politely. ‘I’ll see you in the car, Fox.’

      Nigel and Fox walked on, and the constable, with massive tact, withdrew to the outer end of the alley.

      ‘What can I do for you, Miss Wade?’ asked Alleyn.

      ‘It is a little matter that has rather troubled me. I am afraid I cannot keep pace with all the dreadful things that have happened since yesterday