Finally, You And Me. Lisa Harrison Jackson

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Название Finally, You And Me
Автор произведения Lisa Harrison Jackson
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474028684

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truck, he resolved that the years had failed to diminish his feelings for her, and the Alexa he knew possessed the same feelings for him as well.

      His love for her was enough to make him happy. When Alexa announced that she was offered a job in Denver, he was sure she’d turn it down especially if he asked her to marry him. When he told his parents of his plans, his mother had asked him to take his time, and his father had left it alone altogether. But Darius was in love, and he wanted to share that with the world.

      When he had awakened that morning to an empty bedside, panic hit. Jumping from the bed, he prayed that Alexa was in the shower or maybe preparing their breakfast, but the house was as quiet as ever. In bewilderment, he sank down on the sofa and wondered what could possibly cause her to leave him. The only thing he could think of was his proposal. But, in his mind, he thought that would be the one thing that would draw her nearer, not push her away.

      Suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. Not school, not his job, nothing. He probed everyone, Maya, Bryant, even her school counselor about her whereabouts, but no one knew anything. He even went as far as to contact the company Marks-St. Claire, but the receptionist told him in a nasally voice that it was against company policy to reveal personnel information. Empty-handed and heartbroken, he returned to Cleveland.

      It was a slow process, but Darius managed to accept what had happened and after a year, stopped devising ways to get Alexa back into his life. He eventually completed his graduate program and accepted a computer analyst position with a reputable software development company. After he deemed himself ready, he began dating again. The women were not hard to come by, and his nights were not often spent alone. Even so, no woman came close to capturing his heart, body and soul like Alexa.

      Darius laughed to himself as he raised the snifter to his lips once more. The bartender approached and placed another glass before him.

      “Compliments of the cutie in the red, potna,” the bartender announced, nodding towards the door. Darius glanced over his shoulder to the woman sitting all alone. She smiled and raised her glass exposing her cleavage spilling from the black lace camisole. His eyes bucked at her feminine endowment, and she giggled as if she knew he was checking her out.

      “Some women need to be arrested for making a man want to sin,” the bartender muttered before walking away.

      Darius held up the glass with an unsteady hand and nodded a gesture of thanks. She apparently thought that was a cue for her to come over and she did not hesitate to sashay to his side.

      With each step, more leg was exposed in the butt-hugging short skirt. She was throwing so many of her feminine assets around that he could barely concentrate on her face.

      “You looked like you could use another,” she announced upon approach.

      “Don’t mind if I do,” he replied. If somebody wanted to provide him with the means to distract him from his thoughts then so be it.

      “My name’s Cherise.” She held out her hand as she took a seat on the available bar stool.

      “Darius,” he said, shaking her hand.

      “What brings you here, Mr. Darius?”

      He wasn’t sure if he liked the way she sultrily sang his name or the suggestive glances she threw his way.

      “Just needed a place to think,” he replied.

      “Hmm, you’re thinking on an awfully expensive drink,” she cooed, referring to the sip of cognac remaining in his glass. She motioned for the bartender to send over another.

      “Only the best for me,” he replied with a light chuckle.

      “Is that so?”

      He nodded. “What about you?”

      She giggled, more like purred. “I like the best, too, baby, believe me. A couple drinks always relax me.” She raked her long, bloodred nails through her mane and shook it wildly until it fell across her face and down her breast. “I love to let my hair down, and kick my heels up. You know how much fun it is having your heels up, don’t you?”

      Darius nodded until he realized what she was hinting around to. “Oh, well, I watch football to relax. Yeah, buddy. There’s nothing like a good football game, throwing that pigskin around.” If he wasn’t so occupied with thinking about Alexa, he would have flirted back, but all he could see were those sexy eyes flashing before his eyes.

      “Skin, huh? I like the sound of that.” Cherise laughed. Her hand slid under the table and rested on his knee.

      Darius pulled back. He had had too many drinks. This woman wanted to be taken advantage of tonight and he was in the mood to take advantage of someone. But Cherise wasn’t who he was after. The only one he could think about was Alexa.

      Cherise rambled on with innuendoes, but Darius did not hear as his thoughts were on Alexa. He felt bad for their earlier encounter and suddenly felt the urge to make things right again. He pulled his wallet from his jacket pocket and removed a twenty-dollar bill.

      “Hey, baby, where ya going?” Cherise asked, snagging his jacket and pulling him back.

      “I gotta go,” he replied, placing the bill on the bar. He stood. “Thank you for the drink, Ms. Cherise. I apologize for having to dip out on you, but I have business to attend to.”

      “Would you like me to join you?” she asked with a look of desperation in her eyes. Curiosity made him wonder about the contents beneath the skimpy clothes, but the idea of enduring Cherise’s company did not appeal to him.

      “Thanks, but no thanks.” Before she could utter another word, he departed.

      Darius sat outside Bryant and Maya’s home peering up to the window where Alexa slept. He wasn’t sure if she was home, but his drunken state had lowered his inhibitions causing him to act first and think later. He was aware of his actions and justified them by his curiosity. Had he been sober and in his right mind, he was sure he would be somewhere else rather than lurking outside of his friends’ home.

      He opened the door of his truck and staggered across the street and up the drive. Digging into his pockets, he retrieved a handful of change, along with his keys and some Tic Tacs. He took a quarter from the small pile of change and threw it at the window. It hit the stucco frame just beneath the window. He cursed lightly as he caught the glint of the coin spiraling into the brush below.

      Digging into his pocket once more, he pulled out a nickel and with his best aim hit the window right on target. He waited for a few minutes but got no response. Searching once more, he tossed up another coin, which made its mark again. He decided that if Alexa didn’t answer this time he would call it quits. When on light came on, he resolved that he was not meant to be there and turned to leave when he heard someone whisper his name in the darkness.


      He turned around to find Alexa standing at a side door dressed in an emerald-green satin robe. “Alexa,” he sighed. Man, was she a sight for sore eyes.

      Darius’s immediate reaction was to take her in his arms, but he didn’t want to repeat their earlier encounter by crossing the line.

      “Can I come in?”

      Alexa paused for a moment then beckoned him inside. “What are you doing out at this time of night?”

      “I came to see you,” he replied, stumbling past her.

      “Are you drunk?” she asked, catching a whiff of alcohol as he passed by. She turned on the light above the stove.

      His eyes widened at the sight of her standing there in the thin wrapper, her feminine curves bringing tempting images to mind.

      “I had a little to drink,” he replied as he flopped down on one of the kitchen bar stools.

      She crossed her arms before her chest. “Darius, why are you drinking and driving? And more importantly why are you here at this hour?”

      He exhaled loudly. “Because