A Bride To Redeem Him. Charlotte Hawkes

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Название A Bride To Redeem Him
Автор произведения Charlotte Hawkes
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Medical
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474075084

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you’ve got me. I remember my patients’ names. They matter to me. Their procedures matter to me. And Gigi’s was a good operation. She’d suffered three miscarriages in the past, probably what had weakened her cervix. Stitching it closed might help prevent premature labour.’

      He didn’t add that the procedure carried significant risks, or that every minute, hour, day was crucial. He didn’t need to. Alex clearly understood that or she wouldn’t have been in his OR. The question was, who had let her in, and did some heads need to roll?

      ‘It’s a hail-Mary procedure that very few surgeons could have even attempted. Fewer still could have actually pulled it off.’

      She bit her tongue before she could add whatever else it was she had been about to say. He found himself strangely curious. About what this woman...what Alex thought of him? He eyed her thoughtfully. Finally breaking free of her spell, falling back on what he knew best.

      He advanced on her, watching with grim satisfaction as she braced herself, her eyes darkening with the mutual attraction she clearly didn’t want to acknowledge.

      ‘So you’re Gordon’s protégé.’

      Another humble blush.

      ‘I wouldn’t put it quite that way.’

      ‘I would.’ His eyes never left her. He took another step towards her, watching her every reaction. ‘He speaks exceptionally highly of you. He really fought your case for you to be in that surgery. I don’t just let anyone in, you know.’

      Was he still talking about his surgeries, he wondered, or had the conversation suddenly split off into a second, less overt direction? When had he let that happen? He deliberately advanced again.

      ‘You should.’ She almost covered the slight quake in her voice and he flashed another wolfish grin. ‘You’re an exceptional surgeon—any doctor would be inspired by watching you.’

      The unexpected compliment caught him off guard. Why did it mean more when it came from this stranger’s lips?

      ‘Should I be offended that you sound so surprised?’ he drawled in an effort to conceal his rare unsettled state. ‘I understood my reputation as far as my career went was exemplary.’

      The hollow, unimpressed laugh unbalanced him even further and Louis didn’t know what to think. He was always in control, always so assured that he found this current state of flux anathema.

      ‘True, but with your hand-picked teams and closed surgeries, which most of us mere mortals have never actually witnessed in person, you’ll forgive us for considering that your shining reputation could have been coloured by the simple fact that you’re a Delaroche.’

      ‘Is that so?’

      ‘It is.’ She affected a shrug. ‘There’s only one thing I don’t understand.’

      ‘Oh, and what’s that?’

      ‘The Delaroche Foundation has been given credit for the entire Gigi Reed procedure in the press. His name might not have been mentioned outright but the leaked article in the paper certainly made it appear that Jean-Baptiste was the surgeon, not you. Yet neither you nor any of your close-knit team has bothered to set the record straight.’

      Why was it suddenly so hard to shrug it off as he would have had no trouble doing had anyone else been asking him?

      ‘It’s good for the Delaroche brand.’

      The line his father had fed him since he’d performed his first exciting surgery. Jean-Baptiste’s successes were his own. Louis’s successes were those of the foundation.

      And he didn’t care. Because, really, what else could his father take from him that he hadn’t already taken? Plus more accolades meant more expectation, which in turn meant more responsibility. And up until recently he’d been content with just his surgeries and his hedonistic lifestyle, as the media seemed so fond of calling it.

      ‘I’ve heard you say that before.’ She glanced at him astutely. ‘To the press. How many times have you passed up taking credit for something that would have improved your godawful reputation with the media?’

      ‘What if I don’t want to improve my reputation? What if my playboy label gets me more...benefits than getting the credit for weird surgeries ever would? Besides, despite everything, I already have a good reputation with the media as a surgeon, so why worry about more?’

      ‘Given how well documented your sexual exploits have been in the media over the past decade, it’s a miracle you even know what day it is half of the time. Shame. I heard from Gordon that you were a decent enough lad in your late teens. A bit arrogant, conceding that you were in med school while other kids your age were still doing their A Levels. Then suddenly you turned into the player of the century.’

      He arched one eyebrow in quasi-amusement and watched her swallow once, twice. The sexual tension between them was unrelenting.

      ‘And you wonder why my father reacted as he did. Are you always this combative?’

      ‘I wasn’t at all combative with your father,’ Alex retorted hotly. ‘I’m not a confrontational person.’

      ‘I find that hard to believe.’ Although, as it happened, he didn’t find it hard to believe at all.

      The mutual attraction was messing with his head almost as much.

      He folded his arms across his chest, as if entertained. A move that he knew from experience only enhanced the strong muscles in his chest, his biceps, even his forearms. Muscles he had acquired through serious hours pounding the streets or in his home gym in a futile effort to exhaust himself into sleep pretty much whenever he had time on his hands and no stupid party to distract his racing thoughts.

      Despite her obvious inner fight, Louis watched as Alex tracked his every movement with her eyes, lingering longer than he knew she wanted to.

      ‘So you’re Apple Pie Alex.’

      ‘I’ve never liked that nickname,’ she bit out.

      He ignored her, knowing his amusement only riled her up even more and wondering why he felt so compelled to keep pushing her as he was.

      ‘Why do you suppose your colleagues call you that? Because you’re wholesome and sweet, or because you’re boring?’

      For some reason, it cut right through her even though she tried not to let him see it. Instead, she rolled her eyes with a hefty dose of melodrama to distract him.

      ‘Because apparently I’m comforting. Just like my grandmother’s recipe for apple pie, which I foolishly brought in one day.’

      ‘Comforting?’ His chuckle rumbled out of nowhere. When was the last time he’d wanted to tease in this way? ‘What? In the same way that a tankful of piranhas is comforting?’

      ‘I’m very even tempered,’ she snapped.

      ‘I can see that. And for your next trick...?’

      It was intended as a gentle ribbing, but by the expression on Alex’s face she was genuinely struggling with her supposedly out-of-character attitude. He felt chastened, and yet he got a thrill out of this verbal sparring with her.

      ‘I was polite and respectful with your father,’ Alex said firmly.

      ‘So, like I pointed out earlier, it’s just me.’

      ‘Yes.’ She nodded, making him grin again, much to her chagrin. ‘No. Oh, you’re impossible. I just meant that I’m more on edge now, after...your father.’

      ‘You’re even cuter when your temper flares.’

      ‘And you’re condescending.’

      ‘So I’ve been told,’ he replied, unfazed. ‘Many, many times before.’

      ‘We’re just going around in circles here, aren’t