Shadow Study. Maria V. Snyder

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Название Shadow Study
Автор произведения Maria V. Snyder
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия MIRA Ink
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474013185

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gift from Valek. Running my fingers over the smooth material, I verified all my surprises remained in place. Valek always included weaponry with my gifts.

      Which reminded me. I removed the lock picks, releasing my long black hair.

      After a quick peek outside to check for signs of intruders, I returned to the washroom. Steam floated from the water’s surface. I opened the valve and the warm liquid rushed into the sunken tub. Turning off the water, I banked the coals, hung my robe on the hook and settled in, oohing and aahing until only my head remained above water.

      Wonderful for about five minutes. Then the door squeaked and I lunged for my switchblade.

      “Sorry,” Valek said. He leaned against the door’s frame as if it kept him from falling.

      Had he been up all night? “Did you find anything?”

      “He’s gone. I found nothing except those boot prints. No doubt he’s a professional assassin with magical abilities.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “That will be the key to finding him. Not many people have that combination of skills. He’s probably already a person of interest. I’ll have to check my sources.”

      I resisted correcting him. What he called sources were really Ixian spies in Sitia, which as Liaison, I’d been trying to stop. Ixia and Sitia shouldn’t be spying on each other. Instead, they needed to form a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

      “Unless he’s a new assassin. Some young hotshot.”

      Valek straightened. “That’s a possibility. And if that’s the case, then he chose the wrong target if he wishes to grow old.”

      “After you find out who hired him.”

      “Of course. Any ideas who...?” He shook his head. “We should make a list of who doesn’t want to kill you, love. It’d be shorter.”

      I’d be offended, but it was actually a good idea. “Let’s not let it ruin our vacation. Join me.”

      He hesitated, frowning.

      Oh no. Bad news. “Tell me.”

      “I have to leave in the morning.”

      “Not because of the attack?”

      “No. The Commander ordered me to return earlier than I’d planned. He’s been very patient. I’ve been in Sitia for most of the past year and he says I’m needed for an urgent matter. I’m sorry we have to cut our vacation a few days short.”

      Even though disappointment pulsed, I understood his loyalty to the Commander. And the Commander had been more than generous with Valek’s time. Working with Opal and helping to stop the Bloodrose Clan, Valek had done more for Sitia than Ixia.

      No sense moping about something I couldn’t change. Suppressing my frustration with the time limit, I splashed Valek. “Come on in while the water’s hot.”

      He grinned and peeled off his clothes. Scars crisscrossed his long lean muscles, and a faded C-shaped scar marked the center of his chest. Even after spending seasons in Sitia, his skin remained pale, which contrasted with his shoulder-length black hair.

      “Like what you see, love?” Valek stepped into the water.

      “You lost weight.”

      He huffed. “Janco’s a lousy cook.”

      “Did Janco pout when you ditched him to come here?”

      “Yes, but it was fake. He’s more than ready to return to Ixia.” Valek settled next to me. “Do you really want to talk about him right now?” His gaze burned hotter than the water.


      “Exactly.” He ran his thumb over my wound. “Does it hurt?”

      “No.” His touch drove the cold away as a fire ignited in my heart.

      He closed the distance between us and our lips met. Another perk of stone floors: no worries about water damage.

      * * *

      Morning sunlight and chills woke me late the next morning. Memories of last night replayed and I remained in bed savoring them. We’d gone from the tub to the living area, drunk the wine, tested the softness of the rug, and then up to the bedroom. My lips still tingled from Valek’s predawn goodbye kiss.

      Another chill raced along my skin. Shivering, I pulled the blanket up to my chin. All my bones ached as if encased in ice. Unease swirled. Something Wrong.

      Without warning, a wave of heat slammed into me. I yanked the blankets off and jumped to my feet. Sweat poured, soaking my nightshirt as dizziness threatened to topple me. I sank to the ground. The heat disappeared as fast as it had arrived, but the cold returned, seeping into my skin, freezing the sweat into a layer of ice.

      Before I could pull the blanket over me, another hot flash consumed me. Memories of going through the fire to enter the fire world rose unbidden. The searing pain of my flesh burning all too familiar. I batted at my arms even though I knew my skin hadn’t been set on fire.

      Fear wormed through my chest. Maybe I hadn’t expelled all the poison.

      Between gasps of breath, the ice extinguished the heat. My muscles tightened and cramped. My teeth chattered hard enough to cause a headache. I curled into a ball, afraid I’d shatter like an icicle hitting the ground.

      When the fire blazed again, I straightened as steam rose from my skin. Then the cold reclaimed me. And it kept going back and forth, hot to cold and hot again. Like I had a superfast fever, which gave me no time to draw power to counter it.

      I endured the waves. Each flip drained my strength. One of two things was bound to happen. I’d either pass out or the attack would stop. There was a third possibility, but I preferred to stay positive.

      After hours...days...weeks...the seizures ceased. At first I braced for the next cycle. But as time progressed without an attack, I slowly relaxed. With no energy to stand, I groped for the edge of the blanket and pulled it down, covering me. At this point, even the hard floor couldn’t stop me from falling asleep.

      * * *

      Darkness greeted me when I woke. Every single muscle ached as if I’d run here from the Citadel. My dry throat burned and my stomach hurt. I needed water, food and a bath. But first, I needed to ensure that I didn’t have another attack. Had the poison run its course? Or was it still inside me? One way to find out.

      I drew a deep breath and reached for the blanket of power. Nothing happened. Trying again, I concentrated on pulling a thread of magic.


      Fear pushed up my throat. I swallowed it down, determined not to panic.

      I opened my mind to Kiki. What’s going on?

      No response. Not even images.

      Dead air surrounded me.

      My magic was gone.


      He hated leaving her. Memories of last night’s activities swirled in his mind, but he suppressed them. No sense torturing himself. Instead, he focused on the attack on Yelena as he saddled Onyx.

      Valek had done another sweep of the area as soon as the sun had risen. No one in sight and no signs of anyone. Not much of a comfort, considering the bastard had been able to conceal himself so well. His identity remained a mystery for now. But Valek would find him. No doubt.

      Mounting Onyx, Valek grabbed the reins. Kiki said goodbye with a sad little whinny.

      “Please keep her safe,” he said to Kiki.

      She nodded. Her blue eyes shone with intelligence.