Maggie Jamieson Crime Thriller. Noelle Holten

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Название Maggie Jamieson Crime Thriller
Автор произведения Noelle Holten
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008332235

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of attempted murder against her mother and GBH against her. Due to the brutality of the offence – he’d beat Shell’s mother so bad that nearly all her bones were broken – he received the maximum sentence: life.

      The thought of what she and her mother had had to endure all those years ago was still too much to bear. Shell hated when the post arrived; she was crippled by the constant fear that she’d find out he was eligible for parole.

      Her mother’s diary had been produced as evidence. It detailed the years of abuse, both sexual and physical, that she’d endured at the hands of Shell’s father. Shell had kept this diary and it made for a very dark read. Her mother had survived the brutal attack, but something had died inside her that day. Shell had been taken into care as her mother turned to alcohol and drugs to escape the memories, and eventually prostitution, to pay for her mind-numbing addiction. She overdosed a few years later and Shell would never forgive her father for that.

      Shell snapped out of the painful stroll down memory lane and carried on with the job at hand. She picked up her cloth and cleaner before she leaned against the window and looked down at the traffic rushing past in the street below. Never forgotten, she knew this abyss would rear its ugly head again. She was just grateful that she was able to push the dark thoughts aside and focus on the positive things in her life. She had made something of herself and wouldn’t let her father get the last laugh. She had to admit though, sometimes it was hard to keep her anger in check and she feared what that could lead to. Would she turn out like him?


      Lucy had spent Tuesday and Wednesday at work making sure her cases were up to date and her appointments were covered. She had the Thursday off to deal with personal matters.

      The family courts were busy on Thursdays. Patrick and Lucy had met with their solicitor and handed over the paperwork that Lucy had spent weeks preparing. They were going for permanent custody of Siobhan, since it looked like social care were going to withdraw their involvement with the Quinns shortly. Although Lucy had been concerned after she had let slip about Rory spending weekends, she had been assured by Claire that the case with Siobhan and her custody would be dealt with on its own merits. Their solicitor and Cafcass also believed that there would be no issues; Rory was not a permanent resident, the agencies just wanted to ensure that there would be no further disruption to Siobhan’s home life.

      Becky Parks was sitting at the other side of the waiting area and kept shooting daggers at Lucy. She looked drunk.

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