Vibrational Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need. Amanda Cochrane

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Название Vibrational Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need
Автор произведения Amanda Cochrane
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008249342

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that it will heighten the vibrations upon the planet, resulting in the dawn of super-consciousness, so bringing to pass the ancient prophesies of a golden age.

      Many healers believe, therefore, that it is extremely important to enhance the vibrational patterns of the human body to enable us to cope with the changes this event will bring. Vibrational healing has a major part to play at this time of transition.


      Vibrational healing – the notion that all living organisms are infused with a life force or energy that is influenced by other energetic vibrations – can be traced back in its various guises to ancient civilizations around the world. The traditional medical systems of the Chinese, Japanese and Tibetans, the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines feature at least one, if not several different vibrational therapies and remedies. Over the centuries physicians and healers have discovered many different ways of using light, sound and other vibrational wave forms in ways that can bring about healing.


      The inhabitants of some mythical places had a profound knowledge of vibrational healing.

      The most ancient land of mythology is Lemuria or Mu, said to have been in existence some 500,000 years ago. Located in an area now covered by the Pacific Ocean, Lemuria was reputedly like the Garden of Eden, a vibrant land where all kinds of exquisite flowering plants flourished. The people could attune themselves to the Earth’s natural energies and they lived in harmony with nature. They were said to be highly sensitive individuals who could sense the energies of plants, flowers, animals and other people, and they found ways to harness particular vibrations for healing.

      It is possible that flower remedies – essences encapsulating the energies of flowers – were first used therapeutically in Lemuria. They may have been taken as an aid to spiritual development and attaining enlightenment. The Lemurians allegedly harnessed the energetic vibrations of gems and crystals, primarily for spiritual expansion and growth.

      The subtle energies (the therapeutic vibrational qualities) of herbs were valued for healing. By attuning themselves to the energetic vibrations of plants, the Lemurians were able to discern their healing properties. They realized that sage can help to dissolve energy blockages resulting from negative thought patterns, trauma and shock, which is why it was traditionally used as a cleansing herb. (In contrast, modern day herbalists use herbs according to their pharmacological properties: sage has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to relieve period pain and menopausal problems.) Sage was also burned as an offering to the four comers of the Earth – north, south, east and west – in a purification ceremony that is still practised by Native Americans.

      In Indonesia the tradition of being able to sense the vibrations emitted by plants and herbs survives today. Typically the healer enters a state of meditation or mindfulness to increase his sensitivity to the vibrational qualities of a plant. Simultaneously he develops a capacity to sense sickness or disharmonious patterns within the physical body. This enables him match the appropriate herb to the vibrational flaw in the body.

      According to myth, Lemuria gave way to Atlantis, a civilization which became far more technologically advanced than its predecessor.

      It has been suggested that vibrational healing has its true origins in Atlantean culture. Numerous flower essences, gem remedies and homeopathic remedies were developed to treat illnesses that emerged for the first time in Atlantis.

      The Atlanteans would have been aware that the energy of sunlight has a profound influence on all living cells. By creating flower essences and gem elixirs they were able to fuse the vibrations of nature with the subtle energetic properties of sunlight.

      The Atlanteans are particularly famed for their knowledge of the healing power of crystals: they knew that the colours produced when sunlight passes through a crystalline prism can be used for healing purposes. Some speculate that crystals were grown artificially to achieve specific qualities and sizes for different uses such as laser surgery. A number of crystalline devices were utilized in the diagnosis as well as the treatment of disease.

      Legend has it that when Atlantis crumbled, survivors fled to other parts of the globe taking with them their knowledge of vibrational healing. This is why different peoples throughout the world share similar healing philosophies and practices.


      The power of Ancient Egyptian healer-physicians is legendary. According to Homer, the Greek historian and storyteller, their skills in medicine exceeded those of any others. There is little doubt that they knew of the therapeutic power of vibrational healing.

      To understand the Ancient Egyptian approach to healing, we need to know a little about their view of man and his place in the universe. To the Ancient Egyptians, everything was interlinked. Man was a microcosm of the universe, which was charged with subtle energy currents: the cosmic ‘uranian’ forces and the subterranean ‘telluric’ forces. Like the Ancient Chinese philosophers, the Ancient Egyptians were intrigued by the relationship between Earth and the cosmos, and great emphasis was placed upon establishing a connection with the sun and stars. They regarded this link as fundamental to a sense of wellbeing.

      All the temples in Ancient Egypt were aligned to particular stars and all the sacred buildings were of cosmic design. Great pyramids and obelisks were built to reach up to the heavens. The pyramidal points of these awe-inspiring constructions were capped with gold or electrum to reflect the sun’s rays across the land. It is said that great quartz crystals were placed on the top of certain pyramids which scattered coloured rays in different directions.

      The sun was worshipped as a god named Ra. The Ancient Egyptians knew that light rays emitted by the sun are essential for life on Earth. They undoubtedly recognized the healing power of its component colours, too. There were healing temples of light and colour at Heliopolis in Egypt as well as in early Greece, China and India.

      The Ancient Egyptians referred to medicine and healing as ‘the necessary art’ and it was clearly designed to cater for the mind, body and spirit.

      Originally all cures were thought to have been revealed by the gods and interpreted by Thoth, god of medicine and science, and author of a 42-volume encyclopedia which was part of the great library at Alexandria.

      Throughout the ancient world the ability to heal or practise medicine was usually either a gift, or a vocation handed down from father to son or from master to pupil.

      In Ancient Egypt there were various classes of healers. The most highly regarded medicine was temple medicine. Training was strict and secrecy was imposed to preserve knowledge. The most renowned of all the Egyptian healers was Imhotep, whose powers were so extraordinary that he became one of the most popular deities of healing. Born about 3000 BC, during the reign of King Zoser, Imhotep was a sage and scribe, astronomer, magician, physician and architect of the famous step-pyramid of Sakkara, near Memphis.

      Some physicians were skilled in the art of healing with their hands, one of the most ancient and traditional techniques of amplifying and transmitting energy. Some temple healers were capable of tapping into telluric and cosmic forces and directing them by sweeping their hands over the patient’s body, without touching him or her. This healing process is depicted in bas-reliefs. In the villages there were bonesetters who could heal simple fractures and sprains simply by laying their hands on the wounded parts.

      There is little doubt that the Ancient Egyptians also harnessed the healing power of flowers. They did, after all, perfect the art of aromatherapy and so it is likely that they used flower remedies in other ways too.


      Many currents of Ancient Egyptian thought found their way to Ancient Greece. Pythagoras and Hippocrates both spoke of healing energies: Pythagoras said that a central fire in the universe was the prime cause of creation and that from this originated all healing