Snowbound Seduction: A Night of No Return / To Claim His Heir by Christmas / I'll Be Yours for Christmas. Sarah Morgan

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fact you’ve always put him first. And you’re so different from Lucas’s usual type of woman.’

      ‘What do you mean by that?’

      ‘You’re the home and hearth type that Lucas usually avoids like a non-alcoholic cocktail.’ She gave a slow smile. ‘And you spent the night together. How interesting.’

      ‘It’s not interesting. In fact I think it’s fair to say he was appalled. He thought it meant I would automatically fall in love with him.’

      ‘Whereas you were already in love with him.’

      ‘No, absolutely not! I don’t love him.’

      ‘Probably why you slept with him,’ Avery said helpfully, ignoring Emma’s denial. ‘Let’s just hope he doesn’t figure that one out. So—you’ve freaked him out. Lucas Jackson is Mr Cool so I’m looking forward to meeting the freaked-out version.’

      ‘He is so freaked out he spent all yesterday making sure I knew it was never going to happen again. And he was really angry about the whole thing.’

      ‘Definitely freaked out,’ Avery murmured, ‘which would explain his reaction to the red dress.’

      ‘No, that was just because he thought it was too frivolous for work.’

      ‘You think so?’ Avery gave a cat-like smile and pulled her phone out of her purse as it rang. ‘Excuse me for one moment while I get this—’

      While Avery solved some problem that involved lighting and fireworks, Emma brooded on the grim reality of her situation. She wasn’t in love with him. It would be madness to fall in love with a man who would never love her back. Even greater madness to be in love with her boss.

      After his initial response to the dress, Lucas had returned to his detached, slightly intimidating self. Their evening had been starchy and formal. Their whole relationship had changed. They couldn’t go backwards and it seemed they couldn’t go forwards either.

      ‘Right—where were we? Ah, the dress—’ Avery came off the phone and looked at her. ‘You were saying that he found it incredibly sexy.’

      ‘I didn’t say that. I said he was angry.’

      ‘Presumably because he found you attractive and didn’t want to.’

      ‘I’ve no idea. I work for him and I want to carry on working for him. But I have to stop feeling this way.’

      Avery shrugged. ‘A man like Lucas Jackson comes along once in a lifetime. My advice? Take the sex and get a different job. Problem solved.’

      Emma gaped at her. ‘I could never pick sex over job security. You don’t understand—’

      ‘I’m the child of a single mother. A strong single mother, so believe me I do understand about the importance of job security. And I’m not really suggesting that you throw in a job just for sex, but it seems to me that this isn’t the job for you anyway. You need to find something closer to home so that you can have a life. Maybe this is the trigger you need to make you do that. You’ve had far too much responsibility and not enough fun but we’re going to fix that.’

      A job closer to home? ‘Even if I were prepared to look for another job it wouldn’t make a difference. He isn’t interested in a relationship. And I made a total fool of myself last night because when he invited me to dinner, just for a moment I thought he meant dinner, if you know what I mean.’ She thumped her forehead with her fist and Avery looked amused.

      ‘Yes, I know exactly what you mean. So the first thing you have to do is find out whether or not Lucas is interested. Wear a really knockout dress tonight.’

      ‘He’ll think I’m trying to seduce him.’

      ‘Not if you don’t try to seduce him. Wear the dress but be businesslike.’ Avery narrowed her eyes. ‘If you dance, you dance with other people. If you talk, you talk to other people. Any connection with him should be brief and businesslike. If he really doesn’t want you then he’ll be fine with that. If he does—well, we’ll see.’

      ‘No, we won’t see! He’s my boss. He pays well and he’s a good employer.’

      ‘I pay well and I’m a good employer. You could always work for me and I don’t care where you’re based as long as the work gets done. Now let’s get started on these clothes.’

      Unable to summon up any enthusiasm, Emma slipped off her shoes. ‘I thought after his reaction to the red, we’d better go for something a bit more muted. Maybe beige?’

      ‘Sure. Let’s just put you in a canvas sack and have done with it, shall we?’ Avery shuddered. ‘Emma, you are never wearing beige again. Your beige days are totally behind you. I’ve earmarked a nice boring navy dress for you to wear in your meetings this afternoon because it will make the contrast all the more startling when you dress up tonight, but your days of dressing like a nun are over. They’re fetching me a selection of dresses and while we’re waiting you can tell me something about Lucas, apart from the fact he rocked your world. What’s going on behind that handsome face?’

      ‘He’s a clever man. Very talented. I’m really lucky to work for him.’

      ‘I love a bit of moody, cerebral introspection as much as the next girl, but that isn’t exactly what I was asking. I want to know why the man has never settled down. You do realise that of all the women he’s ever been with, his longest relationship is with you?’

      ‘I’m not a relationship. I’m his PA.’

      ‘And before you he was getting through a PA every six weeks. But you’ve stayed the course. That has got to mean something.’

      ‘It means I need the job too badly to resign.’

      ‘Or that you’ve become important to him.’

      Her heart skipped. ‘Only in the sense that I make his work life run smoothly.’

      ‘Really? So why did he bring you here?’

      ‘Because he and Tara broke up and he needed someone with him.’

      Avery gave a womanly smile. ‘And you don’t think Lucas Jackson has a million replacements waiting in the wings? Come on, Emma. He wanted you. And I’m so pleased he finally dumped that awful Tara.’ She poured two glasses of water and handed one to Emma. ‘Tara got horribly drunk at one of my parties a year ago and we had to tactfully remove her before she stripped on the dance floor. I’ve been wishing her bad karma ever since.’ She frowned as the personal shopper in the exclusive store arrived with a selection of clothes. Within seconds she’d dismissed them all. ‘I saw this bright blue dress at one of the shows in fashion week that would be perfect.’ She named the designer and described it and the girl hurried off while Emma looked on in amazement.

      ‘Do you know every dress in every designer’s collection?’

      ‘No. Only the ones that catch my eye. The others I forget—’ Avery drank the water and looked longingly at the bowl of fresh dates that had been put on the table. ‘I am starving, but if I eat that I’ll never get into my dress for tonight. Ah—’ She sprang to her feet as the girl returned carrying a sheath of midnight-blue silk. Avery took the dress from her with a crow of triumph. ‘This is the one. I would have bought it myself if I hadn’t already picked one out for the party. It’s going to look perfect on you.’

      ‘How much is it?’

      Avery rolled her eyes. ‘Who cares? Just try it on. Every woman should own at least one dress like this. It is going to turn you from a sensible, professional woman into a wanton sex goddess.’

      ‘Firstly, Lucas wants sensible and professional and secondly I’m not remotely wanton sex goddess material.’

      ‘You will be by the time I’ve finished. Now shut up and try the dress, Emma. You’re old before your time and we’re going to fix that.’ Avery thrust it