The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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if I woke you,” he told her. “I was going to check on you in a minute.”

      Bare feet padded along the hardwood floors, and Grant clenched his fists as Tessa came to stand beside him. Her sweet jasmine scent mixed with the cool night air and surrounded him.

      He hated how vulnerable he was. Hated how his need for her consumed him.

      Turn back. Turn back before I take what I want.

      “Want to talk about it?” she asked, her soft voice washing over him.

      Sparing her a glance, he shook his head. “You should be in bed.”

      “I feel fine,” she insisted, reaching out a delicate hand to grip his bare biceps. “What’s keeping you up?”

      Songs of crickets flooded the night, and Grant couldn’t find the words. Right now he couldn’t even think, given his vortex of emotions. Her fall, her nearness...her virginity.

      “I guess I’m just still keyed up after today’s excitement.”

      “Is that why I heard you cry out in your sleep a few minutes ago?”

      Grant jerked around, causing her hand to drop. When she said nothing more, only crossed her arms over her chest, he muttered a curse and raked his fingers through his hair.

      “I used to have nightmares,” he admitted, not going into further detail. “I had one tonight. It’s no big deal.”

      Bright blue eyes studied him for a moment before she spoke. “They must be a big deal if this is an ongoing thing, Grant. Have you talked to anybody about them?”

      “Like a shrink?” He laughed. “No. I’m fine.”

      Her gaze slid over his bare chest, then back up. She might as well have touched him with her soft fingertips because the effect was the same. His body responded, and there was nothing he could do to stop the heavy dose of arousal that kicked into high if he needed his hormones to bump up a notch.

      “You should get back to bed,” he told her, silently begging her to get her barely covered butt out of here before he forgot how delicate and innocent she truly was.

      If she only knew the control she held over him...

      “I want to help you.” Stepping forward, she slid that delicate hand back up his arm and over the curve of his bare shoulder. “You may not want to talk about the dream, but I can stay up with you so you’re not alone.”

      Grant’s control snapped as he grabbed Tessa’s slender shoulders and backed her up two steps to the frame of the patio door. Her eyes widened as she peered up at him.

      “It’s best I’m alone right now,” he growled. “I want things I shouldn’t, and my mood isn’t the best. Go to your room, Tessa.”

      Her eyes filled with tears as she brought up her hands to cup his face. “You don’t scare me, Grant. Whatever you’re dealing with, I can help.”

      “I may not scare you, but right now I sure as hell scare myself.”

      Closing the slim gap between them, Grant crushed her lips to his. Her soft hands slipped around to grip the back of his neck, her fingers threading through his hair.

      Why didn’t she listen? He wanted her, more than any other woman before. If she’d just gone back to her room... Granted, he’d given her about a minute’s warning, but damn, she was here in his house and barely dressed in the middle of the night. And he had all these emotions whirling around. This was so much more than lust, and it was so much more than sex that he wanted from her.

      But damn it, he couldn’t let himself get too personally involved.

      Grant tried to deepen the kiss, but she beat him to it. He wanted to apply more pressure, but again she was ahead of him.

      Obviously, she wasn’t scared of the desperation in his touch, and she sure as hell wasn’t scared of the warning he’d issued to her.

      On one hand he was thrilled she hadn’t gone back to her room, but on the other he worried he wouldn’t be able to stop. The need for her clawed at him, consumed him.

      Tearing his mouth from hers, he kissed a path down her throat. Her body arched into his as she groaned, giving him another reason to progress. When his fingers found the hem of the T-shirt, he slid his hands up beneath the cotton, finding soft, smooth skin and satiny panties.

      He dipped one fingertip inside the snug elastic, needing more, silently questioning where the boundaries were.

      A soft cry came from her lips as Grant lifted his mouth away. Resting his forehead against hers, he ran his fingers over her, nearly falling to his knees when her hips bumped against his hand.

      With that silent invitation, he eased into her warmth, taking every bit of passion she was allowing. The fine line of control had snapped the moment she’d come to him, wanting to save him from himself. He couldn’t be saved, but he could give pleasure, and right now that’s all he had in him.


      Her whispered plea had him claiming her mouth once again as his hand continued to pleasure her. She gripped his shoulders and her body jerked.

      “Let go, Tessa,” he all but growled against her lips.

      And as if she’d been holding on to that same thin line of control, her body stilled against his and she cried out, her fingernails biting into the bare flesh of his shoulders.

      With her head thrown back against the door frame, her eyes squeezed tight and her mouth parted, she looked every bit the vixen he knew he could uncover.

      When he removed his hand and stepped closer to slide his arms around her, he felt Tessa’s entire body tremble, out of arousal or fear, he wasn’t sure. She was an innocent, and he had her backed against a door frame like a horny teen who couldn’t control himself. And he’d just taken a portion of her passion and used it, technically, to make himself feel better. She’d gotten too close to his hidden shame, and he’d opted to turn the tables, so to speak, and take what he wanted. Okay, not all he wanted, but enough that he knew he was a jerk.

      So he stepped back.

      Panting, her lips still moist and swollen from his touch, Tessa didn’t look like a virgin, and he wanted her even more. Wanted her in his bed, spread all around him, so he could show her just how good they’d be together. But he also had to be realistic and not just a selfish ass.

      “Go back to bed.”

      “Grant.” She started to reach for him and he stepped back again, ignoring the flash of hurt in her eyes.

      “Go, Tessa, before I ignore your innocence and take what I truly want.”

      A lone tear slid down her cheek as she blinked, then turned and walked quietly back to the guest room. Grant groaned and leaned against the door frame.

      That damn tear was like a knife straight to his heart. He hadn’t meant to hurt her, but if he’d taken what she was offering, she’d be even more hurt in the long run.

      A woman like Tessa wanted more out of a man than just a fling. She wanted marriage, a family. And he wanted those things, too, but not in this world she lived in.

      He’d kept the hurt and guilt in a separate compartment in his heart for so long, but being around Tessa allowed each and every emotion to flood to the surface.

      He truly thought he could keep his mind focused on work, had convinced himself he was ready to take on a film that would make him face his demons.

      But after today’s events, he knew he’d only been lying to himself.

      In a few months he’d be leaving, and as much as he wanted Tessa, he knew even if they came to mean more to each other, neither of them would give up the life they so loved.

      So he needed to keep his damn hands and lips off her, because she was getting harder and