Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit. Sara Orwig

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Название Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit
Автор произведения Sara Orwig
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472094315

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delay in your plans, yet it would give you some finances for your school.” He held the paper out to her. “Here’s what I will pay you if you work through the summer months with Caroline.”

      While she could use the money, she didn’t want to look at the amount and be tempted. Will Delaney was temptation in every way. She didn’t want to spend almost three months under the same roof with him, didn’t want to change her plans because it could be a far bigger delay once summer was over and everyone got busy with the school year.

      “Will, I’m sorry, but I’ve already commenced several things. I have a real estate agent looking for a location. I’m working on getting grants.”

      “Give me half a chance here,” he said quietly. “You can at least look at what I’m offering.”

      “It won’t matter,” she said, growing slightly more annoyed because he still held her hand and had the paper in front of her.

      “Take it, Ava,” he said in a more commanding tone. “Otherwise you’ll always wonder.”

      Certain in another few minutes he would just tell her, she took the paper in exasperation. “Will, this is just ridiculous for you to be so stubborn.”

      “I’m not the only one being stubborn. You can at least look at my figures and my offer.”

      “Will, I understand how you—” Frowning, Ava held the paper closer to study the figures he had written. Her gaze ran over the amounts several times. Stunned, she looked at one half million dollars to tutor for the summer and another half million if Caroline came out of her withdrawal.

      Ava’s astonished gaze jumped to meet his. “You can’t be serious,” she whispered.

      “I’m absolutely in earnest,” he replied. “You’ll live here. You’ll be off on Saturdays and Sundays. I can have someone fly you home on weekends if you want. I want you to tutor Caroline so she can go into kindergarten this fall and fit in. Hopefully, you might get her out of her shell. You already have a great start.”

      “This is an astronomical figure,” Ava said. Her eyes narrowed. “What else do you expect from me?”

      “Nothing personal,” he replied, appearing slightly amused by her question. “Although you know I won’t stop flirting, and I’ll ask you out.”

      She opened her mouth and then closed it and gave him another questioning glance. “This is way too much money for such a job.”

      “I think you can help Caroline. It’s worth that to me if you will try. I’ve already spent a fortune with no results. I’ve had doctors, counselors, shrinks, tutors—all to no avail. I’ve been told no one can work as well with children as you can.”

      “Thanks. That’s nice, but I don’t know that it’s completely accurate.”

      “Don’t give me an answer now. Think about it and think about what that money can do for you and your school and your students.”

      Their gazes locked. Physically aware of him, she was stunned by the staggering amount of money he offered her. Now she had to give his offer consideration. How could she turn down half a million and a chance for a million if all worked out? She wouldn’t have to worry about grants. She could buy land and a building without a struggle for financing.

      Anger and dismay churned in her. He had demolished her well-laid plans. He would derail her dreams to try to get what he wanted. He had already admitted he would flirt and ask her out. Her resistance to his charm was almost nonexistent. How much would she complicate her life? If he went to such lengths to get her to work for him, how persistent would he be in trying to get her in his bed?

      She stood to break the mesmerizing spell he wove and to get to herself to think clearly, but there was only one answer to give him now.

      He came to his feet the moment she stood.

      “I need to turn in for tonight. I’ll think about this, of course,” she said, feeling overwhelmed and still stunned. She could not turn him down now, not with this kind of money. But she wasn’t going to capitulate the instant he waved a paycheck at her.

      He took her arm. “I’ll see you to your room.”

      She didn’t protest because she was lost in thought, but then she realized what he had said and that he walked beside her.

      They were silent until she reached the door of her suite, where she turned to face him. “You barely know me. I’ve only known Caroline for one day. You don’t really know whether I’ll be this much help to Caroline or not.”

      “She likes you. You made her smile when no one else has. I’m willing to take the chance. It’s worth the risk to me to have you try. I’ll never miss the money, and even if I did, if it helps Caroline, it’s worth it to me.”

      “It doesn’t bother you to wreck someone else’s plans?”

      “I haven’t wrecked your plans, Ava. The money I’m offering will help you get that school months or years faster than you would without it. Also, you said you would start with only first and second grade because of limited funds. Now you won’t be quite so limited. I’m not tearing up your plans—I’m aiding them. You’re free to make a choice.”

      “That I am,” she said. “It’s been an interesting day. I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.”

      She was angry with his high-handed methods, stunned by the amount, shaken that she could earn that much money in just under three months. Weighing more heavily were the problems she would have with Will and Caroline. She didn’t want to fall in love with Will, and that’s what an affair would mean. An affair for her would be an affair of the heart that needed commitment and real love.

      When Will’s gaze lowered to her mouth, Ava held her breath. Her lips parted, tingled. She wanted his kisses while at the same time she didn’t. “Good night, Will,” she said, turning blindly and stepping into her suite, closing the door swiftly behind her.

      She crossed the room and sat on a chair to stare at the figures scribbled boldly on the paper. Half a million to stay and work with Caroline for the next three months. Three months—a brief postponement of her dreams that would be more than made up when she could open a school, fully funded.

      She could not possibly turn down the opportunity for the half million. If she connected and Caroline responded to her, there would be another half million. Ava stared at the paper and the figures danced before her. She had never been a therapist, yet she knew she could work well with the girl—academically and emotionally.

      If she didn’t succeed, well, she had warned Will about her inexperience in this area. Three months. In those three months if she bonded with Caroline, she might love the little girl with all her heart and it would hurt to leave. And she would leave when the summer ended. She had a life and a career to pursue. Could she resist Will for the entire summer?

      She leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. Tell him no, came a small voice in her mind. Just say no and walk away.

      Only she couldn’t. The chance for a half million or, if dreams came true, a million, didn’t come along in most lifetimes. If she turned down Will’s offer, she would be looking back forever. Particularly if financing became difficult. She had planned on grants, investors and relying on tuition. Now she would not be dependent on anything.

      “Will Delaney, the demanding Delaney,” she said aloud, her thoughts jumping to their kisses until she was hot, tingly and filled with desire.

      Impatiently, she stood to get ready for bed. Later, lying in the darkness, the turn of events and the amount of money being dangled before her kept her awake until almost dawn when she fell into a fitful sleep.

      Saturday, Ava showered and dressed carefully in a navy shirt and slacks—casual but professional. When she walked into the kitchen, Will sat outside on the veranda at a table. He read an iPad on the table in front of him. He was in chinos, a black knit shirt and Western boots. Her pulse