Still Loving You. Sheryl Lister

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Название Still Loving You
Автор произведения Sheryl Lister
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474082754

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sheepishly, his face turning a deep shade of red. “Sorry.” He lifted a hand to steady her.

      “No problem,” she said, willing her heart rate back to normal.

      “I just wanted to give you your invitation to the awards banquet I mentioned at the team meeting on Monday. It’ll give you a chance to meet more of the management team and the owner.”

      His request sent her heart rate right back through the roof. She hadn’t planned to attend the event. He stared at her expectantly, and she took the invitation from his outstretched hand. “Thanks, I’ll be there.”

      “Wonderful. Have a good evening.”

      “You do the same.” It was bad enough having to see Malcolm. She wasn’t looking forward to being in the same room with the rest of siblings, especially Morgan. After her breakup with Malcolm, the woman had wanted to rip Lauren’s head off, and Lauren didn’t think time would have changed Morgan’s stance. So much for having a good evening.

      * * *

      Malcolm had avoided Lauren for over a week. He’d ignored the first two messages and then responded to her latest email yesterday informing her that he wouldn’t need her services. Now, as he sat waiting for his brother, he read a message from the running back coach indicating an appointment had been set up for Malcolm with Lauren this afternoon. This wasn’t how he wanted to start his week.

      “What’s up, little brother?” Khalil rounded his desk, dropped a folder on top and sat. “You just returned from a three-week vacation in Brazil a little over a week ago, training camp doesn’t start for another couple of weeks and, while everyone else is working on a Monday, you’re off. I can’t imagine one reason why you have that frown on your face.”

      “I was thinking about retiring at the end of the season, instead of having my agent ask for two more years.”

      “Is that right?” He studied Malcolm, no doubt reading him like he did everybody else in the family. Khalil had lost his hearing last year in an explosion and had had a rough time adjusting. Thankfully, he had regained his hearing fully in one ear, but even after surgery, he still had to wear a hearing aid in the other. At third oldest, Khalil tended to be the most easygoing and perceptive of the bunch, and Malcolm was glad to see him back to his old self...just not at this moment.

      “You know a running back’s lifespan is pretty short with all the punishment our bodies take. I’m just thinking it might be better to get out while I’m still healthy. Besides, with the second gym doing so well, it would be a good time to capitalize on the success.”

      Khalil leaned forward and clasped his hands together on the desk. “That was a great spiel. Now, are you ready to tell me the real reason you’re in my office with this nonsense?”

      Malcolm muttered a curse. He’d known his brother would see right through him. He hesitated a beat. “Lauren.”

      Khalil’s eyes widened and he slowly sat up straight. “Your old girlfriend from college?”

      “Yeah. Her.”

      Khalil frowned. “I’m not following. What does she have to do with your decision to retire early?”

      “She’s been hired as the team’s new dietitian.”

      There was silence for a full minute before Khalil burst out laughing. “I can’t believe it. I mean, the odds of that happening are, like, in a million? Wow.”

      “Right. Wow. Not funny.”

      “I take it this is the first time you’ve talked to her or seen her in the eight years since the breakup.” When Malcolm nodded, he asked, “While it’s a shock, it shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve moved on and I assume she’s done the same, so...”

      Of course he’d moved on. Malcolm had an active dating life and enjoyed women on his terms. Besides, Lauren hadn’t exactly given him a choice about moving on after she’d accused him of seeing another girl on campus and broken things off without bothering to listen to his explanation. He felt nothing for her now. That’s not what your body said the other day. Malcolm immediately dismissed the mocking voice in his head as not knowing what the hell it was talking about.

      “Or maybe not. Look, Malcolm, you have a job to do. I’ve never seen you let anything, much less a woman, interfere with that job. You’re both professional enough to deal with whatever issues you have.”

      He sighed wearily. “I know. I just didn’t expect to see her, that’s all. I’m fine.”

      Khalil checked his watch. “I have a client in ten minutes, but if you want to talk more, you can come by the house later.”

      A smile curled Malcolm’s lips. “Lexia won’t mind?”

      At the mention of his wife’s name, Khalil’s face lit up. The two had gotten married nine months ago. “Nah. She’s gotten used to all the impromptu visits and phone calls at all hours of the night.” The siblings were all close, and it wasn’t unusual for one to show up at another’s home unannounced. However, now that all but Malcolm were married, the visits occurred less often.

      He stood. “I’ll see.” Lately, he had begun to feel like the odd man out, especially every time his mother tried to tell him he would be happier if he found a nice young lady and settled down. Except he didn’t see any reason to settle down at the moment, not when he enjoyed his single life. He had plenty of time to think about marriage and kids.

      Khalil came to where Malcolm stood, and the two shared a one-arm hug. “See you later.”

      Malcolm took the stairs down to the main level and pushed through the doors leading to the parking lot. In his car moments later, he toyed with going home but decided to go directly to the facility. “Might as well get it over with,” he muttered and started the car.

      When he arrived forty minutes later, he sat in his car contemplating how he wanted to handle this first encounter. A riot of emotions swirled in his gut, most of them not good—anger, irritation and, somewhere deep down, a hint of desire. Finally, he got out and entered the building. He stopped to talk to a couple of the staff members then continued toward the offices. The closer he got, the harder his heart pounded.

      Malcolm heard Lauren’s laughter before he saw her. The same laughter he used to love.

      “Thanks for your help,” he heard her say. A moment later, she rounded the corner. “Oh, Malcolm. Hey.”

      He mumbled something he thought passed for a greeting.

      They stood in awkward silence for several tense seconds before she said, “Um... I was just making...copies... We can talk in my office.”

      He gestured her forward but didn’t comment. They stopped halfway down the hall at her door, and he followed her in. She had a pretty nice setup—spacious, expensive furniture, great view. Malcolm sat at the conference table and waited. As she walked past, he was treated to a view of her shapely backside in a pair of navy slacks that clung enticingly to her curves. The familiar scent of the soft citrusy fragrance she always wore wafted across his nose, and he closed his eyes briefly to block out the unwanted memories.

      “Are you okay?”

      Malcolm opened his eyes and met her concerned gaze. “Fine,” he said tersely.

      Lauren regarded him thoughtfully. “It’s good to see you, Malcolm. I’m happy you’ve been able to live your dream.”

      “Thanks.” Too bad he couldn’t say the same about her. “Let’s get this over with.”

      Lauren sighed softly. “Malcolm, I—” She squared her shoulders and opened a file folder. “They’ve already done the DEXA scan, and your bone, muscle and fat percentages are all excellent. For your diet—”

      “I already emailed you that information, so we don’t need to repeat it. My goals are to maintain where I am. Simple. This is my eighth season, so it’s not as if I don’t know the drill.”