Just One Kiss. Сьюзен Мэллери

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Название Just One Kiss
Автор произведения Сьюзен Мэллери
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472015594

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empty store, right? But there’s so much more here. Once Eddie lets me in, I’ll show you.”


      Before Patience could fill in the details, an older woman rounded the corner. She had to be in her seventies, with white, short, curly hair. She wore a brightly colored velour tracksuit and athletic shoes.

      “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting,” she said as she pulled keys out of her large handbag and started fitting them into the lock. “I have to help Josh with interviews. That man can’t keep staff. He’s forever talking about dreams and doing what matters. Then the staff gets bugs up their butts about joining the peace corps or working for a nonprofit. Sure, they’re saving the world, but I have to train the new people.”

      She paused and eyed him. “We haven’t met.”

      “Justice Garrett,” he said, stepping away from Patience and holding out his hand.

      She fluttered her lashes at him. “Eddie Carberry. You’re very handsome.”

      “Thank you.”


      Before he could process the question—the woman couldn’t mean what he thought she meant—Patience stepped between them.

      “Sorry, Eddie, he’s with me.”

      Eddie sighed. “The good ones are all taken.” She turned the lock and opened the door to the business.

      “Take your time looking around. I’m going back to the office. Just give me a call when you’re finished. I’ll come back over and lock up.” She glanced back at him. “If you change your mind...”

      He cleared his throat. “It was nice to meet you, ma’am.”

      She lightly touched his arm. “Call me Eddie.” She turned back to Patience. “Josh wants you to have the place. He’ll give you a good deal on the lease. You know how he supports new businesses in town. He’s such a softie, it’s something of a miracle he got as rich as he did.” She leaned into Patience. “Did you check out his—”

      “Yes,” Patience whispered back, cutting her off. “You should probably get back to the office.”

      “I should. Call me when you’re done.”

      “I will.”

      Justice watched the old lady leave. There weren’t many circumstances when he felt uncomfortable, but this was one of them.

      “Was she trying—”

      “To suggest she’d like to have her way with you?” Patience asked, her eyes bright with amusement. “Oh yeah. Eddie and her friend Gladys consider themselves connoisseurs of handsome men. Especially unfamiliar handsome men. So if you’re interested, let me know and I’ll get you her number.”

      “Very funny.”

      She grinned. “I acted without thinking before. You know, when I said we were together. Because I can let her know we’re just friends. Eddie’s really sweet. She’s worked for Josh for years.”

      He figured the unknown man was a safer topic. “Josh?”

      “Josh Golden. He’s a former cyclist. Very famous.”

      “I’ve heard of him. He won the Tour de France a few times.”

      “Among other races. He’s a great guy, lives here in town.”

      Suddenly Justice found himself disliking the other man. “You know him?”

      “Everyone does. He’s a big part of the community. He got married about three years ago. He and Charity just had their second child a couple of months ago. A boy.” She turned to face the open space. “This is it. What do you think?”

      He turned his attention to the store. The main room was maybe fifteen hundred square feet. He would guess there was a bit more in the back, for storage. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves dominated one wall. Big windows let in plenty of light.

      “I love the flooring,” Patience said, pointing to the hardwood covering. “It’s in great shape. I wouldn’t change that. Obviously the bookshelf stays. I thought about having doors put on the bottom for storage.”

      “You’ll need to change locks.”

      She wrinkled her nose. “Probably.” She crossed to the back of the store. “This wall is where the magic happens. We’ll have a long, wide counter, with three sets of sinks. The dishwasher goes in the back.”

      She turned and walked forward three steps. “The main counter here. Pastry display, sandwiches, that sort of thing. Mom and I have picked out the most fabulous cold case.” She spread out her hands, as if demonstrating where it would all be.

      “We’ve been looking online for months. We know what fixtures we want.” Her smile widened. “I spent the morning finding out what was in stock. It was so surreal. When I’m done here, I’m going to talk to a lawyer about the lease.”

      She clapped her hands together and spun in a circle. “I can’t believe it. We’re going to do this. We’re going to open Brew-haha.”

      Her whole body personified happiness. Her hair swung as she moved, her eyes drifted closed. She was completely in the moment, excited, hopeful and sexy as hell.

      When the side of her foot hit an open box, she staggered a little. Justice instinctively reached to steady her. The second his fingers closed around her arm, he knew he was lost and there was only one way to be found.


      PATIENCE OPENED HER eyes as she tried to regain her balance. Warm, strong arms came around her. Justice pulled her so close she had no choice but to settle against him. One second she was in danger of falling, and the next she was staring up into his dark blue eyes. Her head was still spinning, but this time for a very different reason.

      She rested her hands on his shoulders because it seemed the most sensible place for them to be. She saw sunlight streaming through the bare windows and tiny dust motes floating in the air. Felt her heart beating too quickly and the intensity of Justice’s gaze.

      Then he was lowering his head. She had only a second to catch her breath before his mouth brushed against hers.

      His lips were firm. Not unyielding, exactly, but determined. He was taking charge, and under the circumstances, she was good with that. She’d had enough responsibility in her life, thank you very much.

      He moved his mouth slowly, gently, exploring, testing, as if he enjoyed what he was doing. She sank into him, giving herself up to the delicious pressure.

      She hadn’t been kissed by a man in a long time. Years, actually. She’d nearly forgotten the thrill of the closeness, the quivering in her belly, the hint that there could be more and that the more could take her breath away.

      She was aware of the smoothness of his shirt beneath her fingers, and the honed muscles under that. Of the way he was so much taller and broader and how she could picture herself leaning on him in more ways than this.

      Then his mouth moved a little more—back and forth, as if he was figuring out how it all was going to be. The first tingles began deep inside her, and thinking became more difficult. She could only feel. Feel his hands on her waist, his mouth on hers. Feel the rapid beating of her heart and the way her blood seemed to race faster and faster.

      He moved, kissing first one cheek, then the other. He kissed her nose and her chin before returning his attention to her mouth. She wasn’t sure if he asked or she offered, but suddenly she parted her lips and he swept his tongue inside.

      With the first stroke, she had to hold in a whimper. On the second, her knees went weak. With the third, she wanted to beg. Her wanting wasn’t subtle. It exploded in her breasts, then went about sixty miles an hour to the very center of her. She got so aroused so fast she started to ache.