The Right Stuff. Lori Wilde

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Название The Right Stuff
Автор произведения Lori Wilde
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408915202

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they were up here on the roof of the ROTC building, everything on her terms.

       She’s an heiress. She’s used to getting what she wants when she wants it.

      Was that such a bad thing? According to his mother it was, but Daniel saw her daring self-confidence as a good thing. She was so alive, so free, so sure of herself. Being with her made him feel the same way about himself.

      Taylor’s dark-eyed gaze misted with lust. She flicked out her tongue to lick her lips and Daniel forgot about everything except his driving need to sink deeply into her lush body.

      She held out her arms. “Why are you standing way over there?”

      Growling, he came toward her.

      He had one knee on the bed when she reached up with the flat of her bare foot and pressed it against his chest, halting his progress. The sight of her toes, painted to match her bra and panties shot his desire into overload.

      “I’m going to wear you out, lieutenant. The way you’ve never been worn out before. Are you prepared for that?” Her sultry laugh skipped across his eardrums. Helplessly his dick stiffened against the zipper of his uniform pants, anxious to escape confinement.

      “Are you prepared for that?” He narrowed his eyes as she curled her toes into his muscles.

      “Oh, yeah,” she murmured. “I’m making sure our last night is one to remember.”

      “As if you could forget me,” he teased, his eyes locking on to hers, his hand going to his belt buckle as he toed off his shoes.

      “What was your name again?” she teased right back.

      Immediately he flashed to himself in Washington, D.C., and Taylor here on the UT campus. Surrounded by men. He gulped.

       Ask her to marry you now.

      She dropped her foot, curled up to a sitting position and reached for his zipper.

      Daniel groaned.

      “Yeah, baby,” she cooed as her fingers tugged down the zipper. “That’s my big man.”

      His gaze slid straight through the cleavage of that pink lace bra. She had such gorgeous tits. Perfect size. Full and round and real, but not too big. Just right. Everything about her was just right. He couldn’t help reaching out to cup them at the same second as she jerked his pants down his legs.

      Taylor was frantic. A wild thing. Going for his underwear next, ripping it off, and then pulling him down on top of her. He was equally hungry. His mouth seared hers as they dissolved into a tumble of arms and legs on the bed.

      The atmosphere on the roof was turgid and ripe with the smell of their desire. He wanted Taylor and he wanted her now. Wanted her every way possible.

      She reached around to unhook her bra and she tossed if off the bed before wrapping her long, sexy legs around his waist.

      His cock throbbed. Blood galloped through his veins, engorging him hard and hot.

      “Wait, wait,” she gasped. “Can’t forget protection.” Seemingly from out of nowhere, Taylor produced a condom and moved to roll it onto him. The entire time she was doing it all he could think was—gotta have her, gotta have her now.

      When she’d finished, she fell spread-eagled onto the bed and he tumbled atop her, his big body pressing her into the mattress. He took command of her lips, but she was ready and waiting for him. She darted her sly sweet tongue into his mouth, rushing pell-mell past his teeth.

      Each stroke drove the heat inside him higher and higher. Temperatures rising. Blood boiling. Brain blazing. And his cock—aw, hell, his cock was an inferno.

      Taylor raked her fingers through his freshly clipped military haircut and arched her hips upward, driving him mad with the brush of her nipples beaded tight against his chest. And the sight of her flame-red hair curling down her creamy bare skin—have mercy.

      He inhaled her womanly fragrance, feminine and enticing and the aroma jettisoned him to a whole new level of arousal. He had to taste her, inhale her, touch every inch of her.

      Wetting his lips, he struggled to relish each second, mentally noting what was happening so that when he was in medical school cracking the textbooks, suturing wounds, doing scut work for the residents, he could trot out the memory of this night and replay it over and over. The night he graduated college. The same night that he asked the most exciting woman in the world to marry him.

      But she was squeezing him so tightly his control just fried. Taylor’s lips parted, supple and impatient, mimicking his every move. She dug her fingertips into his spine, squashing his chest against her breasts.

      They were nose to nose, Daniel anchoring her to the bed. He slipped one hand down her inner thigh, searching for her womanly heat, finding out how wet she was for him. Gently, he rubbed his index finger along her soft flesh.

      Taylor gasped at his touch and her eyes rounded. “Oooh, Danny Boy,” she purred huskily.

      He groaned in answer as he found his target and slipped a finger into her.

      She shivered and her arousal caused a corresponding shudder inside him.

      He inched in another finger. When he found her clit with the tip of his thumb, she moaned at the back of her throat, and pushed against his hand.

      “Ah, yeah, that’s my Taylor,” he whispered. Her responsiveness drove him wild.

      “I’m not doing this alone,” she managed to say as she nipped at his neck. “I want you to—” she quivered “—come along with me.”

      “You know I can’t resist you,” he said, the air suddenly hot as blazes.

      “Come,” she whispered.

      He couldn’t hold out any longer. He pushed into her. The minute her hot, moist folds engulfed him he found total bliss.

      Her fingers were in his hair and she was rocking against him, chanting his name like a mantra. “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel.”

      She stopped breathing then. She always held her breath before she had an orgasm.

      No, no, it was too fast. He wanted this to last. Daniel slowed down, pulled back. “Not yet, sweetheart.”

      “Don’t be mean.” She pursed her bottom lip in a pout.

      Grinning, he kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, her chin as she wriggled impatiently beneath him. “You want it?”

      “I want it now!”

      “You got it.” He dropped his feet to the ground, pulled her buttocks to the edge of the mattress. His throbbing cock hovered just outside her moist sex. She spread her thighs apart and he nudged against her entrance.

      He looked down at her. At her naked body in the moonlight. Her lips were wet and shiny, her hair tousled, her breasts round and luscious. Damn, but she was the sexiest woman he’d ever known.

      Taylor writhed against him. “Get inside me now, lieutenant and that’s a direct order.”

      “Yes, ma’am.” He sank into her. Taylor grabbed his ass and pulled him in deeper. They groaned in unison. The heat, the night, the moonlight, the flickering candles. The smell of their combined sex. The headiness of the day. Neither one of them lasted long. A few powerful thrusts and they were both over the edge.

      Daniel exploded inside her at the same moment Taylor cried out a deep, throaty pleasure.

      Minutes later they lay on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, sticky with sweat. He was completely sated, totally happy.

      A drifty, dozy moment passed, and then Taylor murmured, “Daniel.”

      “Uh-huh?” He breathed lazily.

      “We need to talk.” She sounded serious.
