Every Woman's Fantasy. Vicki Thompson Lewis

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Название Every Woman's Fantasy
Автор произведения Vicki Thompson Lewis
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472083197

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lawyerly logic. “If she’s attracted to someone, that means that eventually she’d want to get physical with them, and yet she couldn’t allow that to happen, because then the guy would see her rash.”

      “Oh.” Sam frowned. “I still think there’s something fishy about all of this. But in some stupid way, it makes sense. I can’t imagine any other reason why a woman who looks like Ashley would agree to a blind date. She should have guys coming out of the woodwork.”

      “Aha! So you do think she’s gorgeous.”

      “From what I can see. Of course I’m picturing this rash, and that’s not exactly a turn-on, if you get my drift.”

      Mark was working hard not to laugh. He thought this whole thing was hilarious, and he hoped someday Sam would enjoy the joke as much as Mark did right now. “Maybe she’s got the rash situation under control,” he said. “Maybe she’s very attracted to you, and yet she’s not breaking out. If that’s the case, you would want to continue to help her along with her recovery, wouldn’t you?”

      Sam rubbed his chin. “You’re up to something, O’Grady. I figure it’s based on fixing me up with Ashley so you can sneak off with Charlie and do the nasty.”

      “Not the nasty.” Mark held up both hands when Sam lifted his eyebrows as if he didn’t believe a word. “Really. I’m not going to do the nasty. But I’d like to kiss her, at least, which could be difficult if you and Ashley are watching us every damned minute. I wouldn’t mind having the two of you talk among yourselves sometime during the evening.”

      “You plan to start making out with Charlie right here at the table?”

      “Of course not! I thought later we might go dancing.”

      “Dancing? With her in that dress? Or sort of in that dress? I don’t think so, Mark, old boy. You would—”

      “Whoops, here they come. Now if you want to know if Ashley’s attracted to you or not, look at her lipstick. If she globbed some more on while she was in the bathroom, then that means she wants you.”

      “You’ve said that before when we were out with women, and I think you’re making it up. Women put on lipstick for no reason. They put on lipstick to go to the grocery store, for crying out loud. I never understood that.”

      “Because they might meet a hot prospect at the grocery store, that’s why,” Mark said. “Lipstick is part of that whole mating thing. Remember, we saw that on the Discovery Channel. Look at the lipstick.”

      “How do I know if she put it on for me? Maybe she wants the waiter really bad. Or the maître d’, although personally I think he’s a little old for—”

      “Oh, for God’s sake, Sam. I swear you’d make a sow’s ear out of a silk purse.” Then he got out of his chair so he could help his fabulous Lady in Red into her seat. And his vow not to look at her cleavage didn’t last even for a second. But he rationalized that she’d worn the dress on purpose to make him notice, so if he didn’t, she’d be disappointed.

      He didn’t want to disappoint this woman. Not ever. And that was why he would be a good boy tonight and just enjoy the view from a distance.

      “Did you get whatever it was out of your eye?” Sam asked Ashley, peering intently at her face.

      Mark looked, too, and saw the fresh shine of new lipstick. Way to go, Ashley. Then he glanced over at Charlie and was gratified to see that she’d added more of that tomato-red color to her mouth. He’d ten times rather spend the next hour kissing that plump little mouth than eating pasta.

      “My eye’s fine,” Ashley said. “Probably an eyelash or something.”

      “I can see how that would happen. Your eyelashes are pretty long,” Sam said.

      Good, Mark thought. Sam liked long eyelashes. Charlie’s eyelashes were long, too, and she had mascara on them. Blondes usually used the stuff, he knew, because without mascara their eyelashes didn’t stand out so much.

      He’d like to see Charlie without her mascara, though. No doubt she’d look perfectly fine. He’d like to see her without her clothes, too. She’d look more than perfectly fine without her clothes.

      But he wouldn’t be doing that this weekend. No sir. So he’d content himself with simply sitting and watching Charlie. Somehow he managed to order his meal and make a wine decision, but he couldn’t remember his choices thirty seconds after he’d made them.

      Charlie totally absorbed his attention. He made small talk. So did she. But the conversation was unimportant. All that mattered was being here together, his knee touching hers, his hand resting on the tablecloth where he could accidentally brush her little finger with his.

      Now she was picking up her water goblet. Now she was putting it up to those red lips. Now she was taking a sip. Now she was giving him that coy look that made his pulse hammer. He was vaguely aware that Ashley and Sam were talking to each other, but he wasn’t aware of anything they said.

      Charlie-watching was becoming his favorite activity. The only problem was that the more he watched, the more aroused he became. Well, too bad. Tonight he would be strong. For her sake.


      CHARLIE BARELY TASTED HER DINNER. Somehow she had to come up with a way to get her sister and Sam out of the picture so she could be alone with Mark. He was everything she’d hoped and she could hardly wait to get her hands on him.

      After all the sexy things they’d said to each other in their letters recently, she was ready for more than heated glances and knees touching under the table. The single rose looked lovely resting beside her plate, and the strolling violinists were romantic, but by the end of the meal she needed more than that.

      She wanted to be held, to be kissed, to be caressed. In the process, she’d find out what it was like to touch the dimple on Mark’s cheek and feel the texture of his hair beneath her fingers. She might even find out what he looked like without his sport coat, without his tie, or even without…everything. Her body throbbed just thinking about that possibility.

      But he’d brought Sam along, and that was the fly in the ointment.

      She couldn’t really blame him. It had been a decent and kind thing to do, and Sam seemed like a terrific guy, but it sure did make for an awkward situation having him and Ashley hanging around. The meal was drawing to a close and she didn’t know what to suggest that would allow her an intimate encounter with Mark.

      By the time they were standing outside the restaurant waiting for the valet to bring the cars, she still hadn’t thought of a good solution for extending the evening. Inviting them all back to her apartment wasn’t a very romantic thought, and they were overdressed for the movies.

      Dancing would work, but she wasn’t up on the dancing scene in Austin, even though she was a decent dancer. Her other dates hadn’t thought she’d be into that, so she hadn’t spent much time nightclubbing.

      She glanced at Mark in silent appeal. The evening couldn’t end now. It just couldn’t.

      He met her gaze and his eyes were filled with the same longing. Then he looked over at Sam. “I hate to call it a night so soon, don’t you? Our hotel has a lounge with a live band and a small dance floor, so we could—”

      “Great idea,” Charlie said. At last a man had pictured her as an inviting dance partner. And she’d get to put her arms around him, at least while the music played. That was a beginning. “Isn’t it a great idea, Ashley?”

      “No!” said Ashley and Sam together.

      Charlie seized the moment. “Then I have the perfect solution. We have two cars here. Mark and I can take one of them and go dancing, and Sam and Ashley can take the other one and do…whatever they want.”

      “On the other hand, dancing might be a good idea,” Ashley said quickly.
