One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling. Debbi Rawlins

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Название One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling
Автор произведения Debbi Rawlins
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474043205

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air. “I’m going insane.”

      She moaned as his thumb brushed her nipple. “Me, too.”

      “We have to…We’re not…”

      “Condom. Do you…?”

      “Yes, but I haven’t…my boots are still…”

      Her fevered brain searched for the quickest way for them to achieve their goal. “The stool.”

      “Oh.” He let her go long enough to find the stool and grab it.

      She used that time to get out of her shorts and soaked panties. When she turned back to him, he was sitting on the stool pulling off his boots, and he held the condom packet in his teeth.

      “Forget the boots.”

      The one he’d been holding fell from his hand with a clatter as she stood before him, trembling with urges stronger than she’d ever had in her life. Those urges made her bold.

      “Put on the condom.” She braced her hands on his broad shoulders.

      His breathing ragged, he quickly did as she asked.

      “Now…” She gripped his shoulders. “Help me down.”

      Hands at her waist, he looked into her eyes as he supported her slow descent.

      She felt the nudge of his cock.

      Lightning flashed in his brown eyes. He shifted slightly, found her moist entrance. “You’re drenched.”

      “Your fault.”

      “Hope so.” His jaw muscles flexed as he drew her down.

      Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she moaned softly.

      “Too much?”

      She shook her head, unable to speak as he took her deeper and touched off tiny explosions all the way down. So this was what they wrote books and songs about. Now she knew what she’d been missing.

      At last she was settled on his lap, her feet on the platform, her body gearing up for what promised to be a spectacular and imminent orgasm. The advance-warning signals rippled through her, making her gulp.

      He continued to hold her gaze, but his jaw muscles tensed even more, making the cords of his neck stand out. Sweat glistened on his powerful chest. “Don’t move.” He shuddered. “I don’t want to come yet.”

      But she couldn’t control what her body craved. An involuntary spasm rocked her.

      He sucked in a breath and squeezed his eyes shut. “Don’t.”

      “Can’t…help it.”

      Slowly he opened his eyes again, and a wry smile touched his mouth. “You’re potent.”

      “You, too.” Another spasm hit.

      He swallowed. “Okay, if that’s going to keep happening, we might as well go for it.”

      “Yes, please.”

      “Oh, Naomi.” Laughter and lust sparkled in his eyes. “I had no clue.” He drew in a shaky breath. “Ride me, lady. Ride me.”

      She did, and it was a very short ride. She came almost immediately, gasping with the wonder of it, and he followed two strokes later with a groan wrenched from deep inside him. Quivering in the aftermath, she leaned her forehead against his damp shoulder and listened to the labored rasp of his breathing.

      A soft breeze sighed through the pine needles and brushed against her skin. Gradually she became aware of small birds chattering and the rustle of a squirrel in the branches somewhere nearby. She’d always felt a part of nature, but never more so than at this moment.

      Luke gently massaged the back of her neck. “That was quite a beginning.”

      “Uh-huh.” She wondered if sex was always this good for him, but she wouldn’t ask. “Am I too heavy?”

      “Light as a feather.” He ran a hand up her back. “Soft as satin.”

      “I suppose we’ll have to move sometime.”

      “Definitely. Especially if we want to do this again in the near future.”

      She lifted her head to stare at him. “How near in the future?”

      He grinned at her. “That was just a warm-up.” He gazed into her eyes. “Am I shocking you, Naomi Perkins?”

      She didn’t want to admit that she’d never been with a guy who suggested more sex immediately after having it. Apparently she really had been choosing from the shallow end of the gene pool, picking underdogs with a low sex drive.

      “We don’t have to have sex in the near future,” he murmured. “If you need more time, we can wait.”

      “I don’t need more time, but I thought that you, being a guy, would.”

      “If I weren’t starving to death, I’d be ready to go in about ten minutes, but I’m hungry. Are you?”

      She hadn’t given herself a chance to think about it, but she’d skipped lunch. “Yes, I’m hungry, but I’m all set with my energy drinks and a few munchies. I doubt that you—”

      “You’ve got that right. I brought food enough for both of us, so save your energy drinks for when I’m not here. That way there’s no danger of history repeating itself.”

      “I wouldn’t spill it on you again, I promise.”

      “You never know.” He traced the outline of her mouth with the tip of his finger. “You could be drinking one of those green concoctions, be hit with the sudden need to have sex with me and knock the bottle over in your hurry to rip my clothes off.”

      She laughed. “That’s pretty far-fetched.” In reality, it wasn’t, but she had to be careful not to let him know how powerfully he affected her.

      “So you say, but please humor me and don’t open one of those while I’m here, okay?”

      “Do they carry a bad association for you, then?”

      “Actually, no. It’s a good association, but even so, I don’t care to repeat it. The energy drink served a purpose by bringing us together, so I’m done with it.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Let’s disengage and I’ll head back to the campsite and fetch our lunch.”

      “Okay.” She eased away from him and stood. “FYI, there’s a little garbage bag over by the cooler.”


      She walked to the far side of the platform to give him some privacy to deal with the condom. How odd that she wasn’t embarrassed about strolling around the platform naked. At least she wasn’t until she saw a rider at the far edge of the clearing. “Yikes. Someone’s coming.” She scrambled for her clothes.

      “You’re kidding.” Luke zipped his pants. “Damn it. Where did I set the binoculars?”

      “On the table. You’d better put on your shirt.” She scurried around getting her clothes back on. Fortunately they always looked rumpled. She used the stool to balance as she put on her socks and hiking boots. That stool would always have the memory of what they’d used it for today.

      Luke peered through the binoculars. “It’s Jack. And he’s got little Archie in the saddle with him.”

      “Oh.” Naomi felt silly for not remembering. “That’s my fault. I told him to bring Archie to see the eagles sometime.”

      “And he picked today. I wonder if that’s pure coincidence.” Luke put down the binoculars and picked up his shirt. “Emmett’s supposed to be the only one who knows I’m out here with you.”

      “So you talked to him?” She took the elastic out of her hair and redid her ponytail.

      “Last night on