A Bride For The Brooding Boss. Bella Bucannon

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Название A Bride For The Brooding Boss
Автор произведения Bella Bucannon
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474059404

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pleasure. Enjoy your long weekend.’

      I don’t understand why, but I’ll miss you.


      DRIVING BACK, MATT felt like laughing out loud at the incongruity of the situation. They could have spent time together during the four-day break, working alone, sharing lunches, maybe even dinner. Learning more about each other. Instead they’d be in different states paying lip service to family traditions.

      With a complete turnaround, he wondered what the hell he was thinking. This was insane. Lauren Taylor was a temporary employee. Not his type at all. Yet he’d been so close to kissing her today in the office. The action and location were both bad ideas. So why did he wish that call hadn’t come at that moment?

      And how the hell had she managed to avoid answering his question?

      * * *

      Lauren closed her novel, and stared at the landscape rushing by then disappearing as the plane gained height. How could she concentrate on spine-thrilling action when her mind was in turmoil because of a man? She had male friends, a few of them treasured and platonic with whom she felt completely comfortable and totally at ease.

      There were none who made her forget to breathe, who created fire in her core and sent her pulse into an erratic drumbeat. The thought of the magic those now skilful lips might evoke had her quivering with anticipation, earning her an anxious mutter from the older woman in the adjacent seat.

      She gave her a reassuring smile, and turned back to the window. The fantasies she’d concocted for the last ten years had been childish daydreams based on teenage romance. The two relationships she’d drifted into had been more from affable proximity than passion. That they’d remained friends to this day proved how little anyone’s heart had been involved.

      No way would any woman accept friendship after an affair with Matt Dalton. His touch created electrical fissions on her skin, turned her veins into a racecourse and curled her toes. If they ever made it to the bedroom... She gulped in air, imagining the tanned, hot muscles he hid under expensive executive shirts.

      ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

      Her head swung round to meet a concerned gaze.

      ‘Yes, thank you. I’m fine.’

      Opening her book, she pretended to read, flipped pages and didn’t take in a solitary word.

      * * *

      Late on Saturday night Lauren curled into the pillows in the guest bedroom, wondering what Matt was doing. She almost wished she’d gone with her parents and the grandchildren to visit friends. Her brothers were having the inevitable barbecue in the back garden.

      She’d spent a great day with friends from university, who had insisted on driving her home, dropping her off at the corner because of all the cars parked in the street. Deciding to try to be more sociable, she’d attempted to join in with her brothers’ party.

      She’d lasted ten minutes among the raucous crowd, with whom she had little in common, then she’d finished her sausage sandwich, drained the soft drink can and said goodnight. A chorus of, ‘Night, little sister!’ had followed her into the house, most of it slurred.

      She’d gone slowly up the stairs, reappraising her attitude to her upbringing. Had she been the one to pull away, uneasy with the openness of the rest of her family? Had she taken their leave-her-in-peace approach for indifference?

      Not understanding why she’d begun to analyse her relationships, she’d shaken it away. She had a good life, a great job and supportive friends. Maybe she’d talk it through with them when she went home.

      Putting on headphones and turning her music up loud, she’d logged into her computer and accessed her favourite game, which necessitated super concentration, blocking everything else out.

      Now it was quiet except for an occasional passing vehicle. Was Matt asleep? Did he live alone or with his parents? Did he have siblings? There were so many questions that might never be answered.

      * * *

      Matt laughed out loud as he stood chest-high in his parents’ pool on Sunday afternoon, pretending to fight off his nephews. He picked up Drew, the youngest, and tossed him, squirming and shrieking, about a metre away. Alex immediately latched onto his upper arm.

      ‘Me next, Uncle Matt. Me next.’

      He obliged, knowing this game could last until they were exhausted. He was surprised they had so much energy after the active Easter egg hunt around the garden this morning. One after the other, they kept coming at him and he revelled in their joy of the simple pleasure. They rejuvenated him whenever he was with them.

      These were the times he regretted never marrying, and having children of his own. He took a splash of water in the face, shook his head, and laughed again. Hell, he wasn’t even thirty, he had plenty of time.

      He grabbed them both, one in each arm. Knowing what was coming, they giggled and clung to his neck. ‘Deep breath.’ Taking one himself, he dropped to the bottom of the pool, bending his legs to give him leverage. Pushing up, he surged from the water in a great spray, their happy squeals deafening him.

      ‘Again. Again.

      ‘Time out.’

      His sister, Lena, was walking across the lawn carrying a tray of drinks and snacks. He let the boys go and they immediately swam for the ladder. Hoisting himself up onto the side, he took the beer she offered. She sat beside him, letting her feet dangle into the water, and studied him as he drank.

      ‘What?’ He looked at her and grinned. ‘Am I in trouble?’

      She shook her head as her eyes roamed over his face, and rested a caring hand on his arm. ‘There’s something different about you, Matt. I can’t quite work out what.’

      ‘I’m bone-tired, grabbing fast food most days and need a haircut.’

      And I am inexplicably missing a woman I have only known for three days.

      ‘Nothing’s changed there since I last saw you. Bigger problems at work? No, that you’d handle in your usual indomitable manner.’

      She tilted her head and arched her eyebrows, a ploy that usually produced a confession. They were as close as siblings could get but Lauren was new and he hadn’t quite worked out how and why she affected him. And what he was going to do about it.

      ‘Every trip you made home I hoped you’d have found peace from whatever drove you to go so far away. It never happened though you hid it well, and I know you only came now because Dad needed you.’

      He didn’t reply because he couldn’t explain. He shrugged, put his arm around her and drew her close.

      ‘I missed you, Mark and the boys more than I can say, Lena. You’re the biggest plus on the side of me staying for good.’

      Her face lit up at his remark he was considering relocating back to Adelaide. He meant it, wanted to be here for all his nephews’ milestones. Skype was no substitute for personal hugs.

      She kissed his cheek. ‘You’ll tell me when you’re ready. In the meantime, add an extra plus sign.’

      He frowned then grinned even wider and bear-hugged her. ‘That’s great. When?’

      ‘November. You’re the first to know.’

      ‘Whatever happens I’ll be here.’ It was a promise he intended to keep.

      When the boys went inside with their mother, he slid back into the water, working off restless energy with strong freestyle laps. His strokes and turns were automatic, leaving his mind to wonder what Lauren was doing and who she was with. And why the hell it was beginning to matter to him.

      * * *
