Forbidden: The Billionaire's Virgin Princess. Lucy Monroe

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Название Forbidden: The Billionaire's Virgin Princess
Автор произведения Lucy Monroe
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408903131

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us in the shallow water then. It’s all about strategy.”

      “I’ll remember that.” Her gaze flicked to his lips…and stayed there. Her small pink tongue darted out to lick her own lips as they parted in unconscious but unmistakable invitation.

      That one small move was the final nail in the coffin of Hawk’s control and he did what he’d been wanting to do since they got in the water. He leaned down and took her bottom lip between his teeth. He sucked on it gently as she made a soft, surprised sound.

      That sound went through him like an electric shock and his arms locked around her, pulling her body fully against his. She fit like she’d been created to be just there.

      Her eyes opened, their chocolate depths glazed with passion. She was so beautiful…so perfect in her arousal.

      He gave into the silent plea in her gaze and kissed her, taking her mouth fully with lips, teeth and tongue. She whimpered, her body writhing in unconscious abandon against him. He memorized her body with his fingertips, touching every centimeter of skin he could reach.

      She broke her mouth from his, wildly turning her head side to side. “Sebastian!”

      “It’s okay…let me touch you. You were made for my touch.” He paid little attention to what he was saying, his words a natural outpouring from his desire.

      However, there remained a small flicker of awareness in the back of his mind. That marginal ability for rational thought was surprised and maybe even a little worried at the possessiveness of his own words.

      “Yes.” She pressed into his hands, her own kneading his neck like she didn’t know what to do with them.

      He had just enough presence of mind not to encourage her to return the caresses.

      He cupped the indent of her waist, marveling at the perfection of the curve. Even with the conservative protection of her family, it was unbelievable to him that she remained so untouched. Her natural sensuality and beauty were an irresistible aphrodisiac.

      She kissed him back with unfettered passion while her body trembled with a need he was only too greedy to fulfill. However, he would not make love to her for the first time in the middle of a lake. There were many ways to satisfy the conflagration burning between them that did not require him buried in her virginal body. And if it took the last shred of his sanity, he would do those things rather than claim her body irrevocably as his.

      He moved them a little closer to shore until the water lapped against his chest and then he peeled her arms from around his neck. She whimpered in protest.

      “It is all right, little beauty. Trust me. I will give you what you are craving.”

      “Please, Sebastian.” She looked at him with needy innocence.

      She had no clue what she was asking for, or what he could give her. But he would show her…if nothing else, he would hold the distinction of being her first sexual teacher. He could not have more…they could not have more, but this he would have.

      He flipped her around so her back was to his front and he leaned down so his mouth was against the shell of her ear. “I am going to make you feel so good, princess.”

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