Prince of Midtown / Marriage, Manhattan Style: Prince of Midtown. Jennifer Lewis

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Название Prince of Midtown / Marriage, Manhattan Style: Prince of Midtown
Автор произведения Jennifer Lewis
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408913635

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lowering sun just touched the wide, dark sea, a bright orb that bathed land and water in transparent golden light.

      It was so beautiful Tessa could hardly breathe.

      “Now you’ve truly seen Caspia. This is our whole nation.”

      Sebastian’s deep voice drew her gaze from the view. His pride and emotion were written plainly on the strong features of his face.

      He stared at her. His gaze heated her face, but she couldn’t find words to cut through a new tension that thickened the air.

      He reached out and again he played with her hair. She couldn’t move. Her synapses crackled as excitement rushed through her.

      The golden light burnished Sebastian’s complexion to a warm bronze, making him more handsome than ever—like a prince from an ancient myth, here to rescue her from the humdrum reality of life and transport her to…

      Somewhere like this.

      “She must have looked like you.” His words were almost a whisper. His fingers roamed in her hair as his gaze wandered over her face and neck.

      “Who?” She tried to ignore the hum of arousal vibrating through her.

      “The golden statue.”

      “The one that used to stand in the harbor?” Tessa squinted at him. She expected to see his face crease into a laugh, but it didn’t.

      “Yes.” He tilted his head and gazed into her eyes. “The ancient statue of Andara that used to watch over our bay. The guardian of the people of Caspia.”

      He paused and his eyes narrowed. “Now that I see you here, with your bright hair streaming in the breeze and the sun on your golden skin, I can picture her perfectly.”

      Embarrassed, Tessa pushed a stray hair off her face. She could feel heat rising to color her cheeks. “I’m glad sunset in Caspia suits me, but I’m just Tessa from Connecticut. Trust me on this.”

      His eyes held hers, unblinking. “Tessa from Connecticut, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

      He spoke with such conviction that the breath crept out of her lungs.

      Then a shard of good sense peeked through the sudden fog of desire: This is Sebastian Stone, world famous seducer.

      “You’re not bad yourself, in the right light.” She tried to laugh, but no sound came out.

      She stood transfixed by the hot gaze of his dark eyes. Something in her said “run!” but she didn’t move a muscle.

      Then he stepped forward and pressed his lips to hers in a swift motion that almost buckled her knees.

      His hard torso brushed her breasts, tightened her nipples into peaks. He gathered her into his arms, his strong hands covering her back as he pulled her closer.

      Gentle at first, his kiss deepened, becoming forceful, intense. A current of heat seared her as his tongue touched hers.

      His rough cheek against her own sun-heated face roused her senses. He smelled like sun and earth and salt air—not the things you’d expect a prince to smell like—but magic, and she couldn’t help but respond.

      Her arms slid around his waist, against the hard muscle of his back. He groaned as his pelvis bumped against hers. The rough denim of his jeans chafed her. She wanted to slide his jeans down over his powerful thighs and…

      Tessa! The shocking thought tugged her out of the haze of raw, pulsing lust that deprived her of her common sense.

      What were they doing?

      Well…right now Sebastian was devouring her neck, his mouth hungry and unforgiving, his teeth scraping deliciously against the ultrasensitive area behind her ear.

      And she was moaning…Or would that sound be better described as whimpering?


      The word formed in her brain, then dissipated into a fog of desire as Sebastian took her mouth again in a hot, unrelenting kiss.

      She didn’t want to stop. Not at all. The sensations pouring through her like thick honey made her want to beg for more.

      So what if he was her boss?

      If he was a prince?

      If he only wanted her for one hot, raw, ravenous night?

      She shivered, her desire for him almost too much to bear.

      Her fingers clawed at his shirt, then reached under it to touch his hot, hard muscle. She ground her hips against his and he responded, molding himself to her.

      Her breasts crushed against his chest, her nipples thick with sensation as he hiked up her shirt and slid his hand over her bare back.

      Then Sebastian unbuttoned her shirt. Slowly, carefully, his big fingers handled the buttons with gentle care. He eased it down her arms.

      Her own breaths were ragged and unsteady in the quiet dusk. She saw the last copper rays of the sun as it sank behind the sea, taking with it the heat and bustle of the day.

      And leaving the rich, thick darkness of the night.

      Through her bra Sebastian laved her nipple with his tongue. Sharp sensation skidded over her and she almost lost her footing. His quick hands and strong arms soon righted her. He held her steady, tight, as he lowered his mouth and sucked—hard—on her other nipple.

      The rough gesture aroused her to the point of agony.

      “Come.” He took her hand.

      His thick arm supported her across a patch of slippery shale and up the side of a rocky ledge.

      He stepped through a narrow opening between two boulders and gestured for her to follow.

      Tessa’s legs shook under the weight of unfamiliar feelings and sensations, as she stepped through the rocky opening. Behind the rocks lay a flat patch of hilltop, lit only by a slim, crescent moon.

      Soft, thick grass tickled the sides of her feet above her sandals.

      High rocks hid them from everyone and everything but the slender moon. Sebastian pulled her close and she shivered as he wrapped his powerful arms around her and held her tight.

      Being wrapped in Sebastian was perfect.

      Too perfect.

      “Um, what are we doing?”

      “Right now, I’d say we’re hugging.” He nuzzled her neck.

      Shimmers of sensation danced along her shoulder and cascaded over her torso.

      Her unclothed torso. Her shirt was out there on the rock face, somewhere.

      “And now…we’re kissing.” The end of the last word blurred as his lips settled over hers.

      His tongue danced with hers, making her insides twist and untwist in a pulse of excitement.

      Her breasts met the night air as her bra came unhooked. “And now I’m undressing you,” he murmured, pulling back just enough to get the words out.

      He slid her bra over her arms, his fingers gentle, his eyes hungry.


      His words caressed her along with his touch.

      She did feel beautiful right now. Couldn’t help it, with Sebastian’s warm, dark gaze heating her blood.

      She lifted his shirt over his head, which took some help, as it didn’t seem anxious to leave his thick muscles.

      His torso shone like pewter in the scant moonlight, that line of dark hair twisting down into his jeans.

      Jeans that bulged with arousal.

      Tessa breathed out slowly, trying to keep a clear head as she unbuttoned the snap at his waist.