To Alaska, With Love: A Touch of Silk. Lori Wilde

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Название To Alaska, With Love: A Touch of Silk
Автор произведения Lori Wilde
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474001038

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      “You’re welcome.”

      Quinn peered down into her face and damned if little Miss Too-Cool-for-School didn’t look nervous. The tip of her tongue darted out to wet her upper lip. Was her gesture an unconscious invitation to kiss her? God, he hoped so, because he wanted to do that more than anything in the world.

      “Uh—” she took a step backward “—perhaps we should go now.”

      “Why?” His body was so very aware of hers. “Are you frightened?”

      She forced a laugh. “Frightened of what? Heights?”

      “Of this.”

      Then, taking them both by surprise, he caught her upper arms in his hands, raised her to her toes and kissed her the way he’d been longing to kiss her since the moment he’d caught her in his arms on the airplane.

      She yielded. Accepted him with ready acquiescence. Complied by parting her lips and letting him slip his tongue in deep to taste the honeyed, warm recesses of her mouth. Languidly his tongue glided against hers.

      Lust, swifter, more vehement than anything he’d ever experienced, exploded inside him. And it was just a damned kiss.

      His gut clenched hard. He could only imagine how his hardness sliding into her would feel, her slender arms entwined around his neck, her luscious tush cupped in his large palms.

      He was not the kind of guy to sit idle on the sidelines. When he saw something he wanted, he went after it. But even he had never moved so fast or wanted anyone so strongly. He had no more control than a moose in rut. That’s what this woman did to him.

      Had he shocked her with his boldness? Had he indeed moved too quickly?

      But no, she moaned softly and leaned into him. Quinn swallowed the sound, tilting her head back, threading his fingers through her hair. The softness of those silken strands was in sharp contrast to the hardness building inside him.

      Incredible. Simply incredible.

      He forgot that she was practically engaged. He forgot that he didn’t steal other men’s women. He forgot that she was out of his league. He forgot everything except how wonderful she felt, how good she tasted.

      Kay held her breath, dazed and ashamed. Freemonts did not act like this! They didn’t kiss strangers in public. They did not lose control. They did not succumb to wanton lust.

      Good. Good. Good. Good.

      She was no longer behaving like a Freemont, and it was liberating beyond description.

      But what was she getting herself into?

      Quinn, the Alaskan man who smelled of wilderness and tasted of mangoes and key lime pie, was giving her the most possessive kiss of her life. Branding her with his tongue, searing her with his passion.

      She’d never experienced anything like it, certainly not with Lloyd or with that guy from college. Her heart did a triple backflip before taking on a frantic, galloping rhythm of thrill and response.

      Up was down, down was up. Nothing made sense anymore, but it felt so right.

      Was she indeed supposed to begin her journey of self-discovery with this man? Or was she kidding herself? Using his willingness as an excuse for acting out her long-hidden desires?

      Splaying a hand on Quinn’s chest, Kay thought to push him away, but instead, she let her hand rest there, feeling his heartbeat and marveling that it pounded as forcefully as her own.

      Even through his flannel shirt, she could feel his muscled flesh. In spite of the cold, he felt blisteringly hot and wonderfully solid against her palm. She realized he was coiled as tense as a snake waiting to strike. The comparison alarmed her. Did she really believe he might be dangerous? What was she doing? She didn’t know this man.

      But that was rigid Freemont thinking, and more than anything she wanted to break free of the constraints of her old thought patterns. She wanted to stop berating herself, wanted to take some risks, inhale the danger, embrace the challenge, not fear it. She wanted to be fully alive. She wanted to replace fantasies with reality.

      And Quinn was serving up huge helpings of reality on a silver platter.

      Her knees were weak, her breath faint. How could one simple kiss do so many different things to her? Okay, it wasn’t such a simple kiss. It was more like an implosion. His mouth caused her insides to topple and collapse in on themselves.

      He tugged her close against his body, bringing her in startling contact with his rock-hard erection. One of his hands slipped underneath the hem of her leather coat to caress her behind.

      Oh, my!

      Everything she was feeling was so new, so exciting, so unbelievable, and precisely like one of her fantasies.

      Quinn pulled his mouth from hers at last, his breath coming in jerky gasps. Her lips felt swollen and wet, her body both tight and liquid at the same time. He rubbed his cheek against hers, setting her on fire. She quivered and he pressed his lips to her ear.

      “Woman,” he whispered hoarsely, “I’m so turned on by you.”

      In that moment she experienced a unique and exhilarating power. She, cool, poised Kay Freemont, had made this mountain of a man lose control. She wanted more from him, and that was all there was to it.

      What would your parents think? What about Lloyd? the nagging voice that made her do all the right things for all the wrong reasons piped up.

      To hell with her parents. To hell with Lloyd. She’d been the dutiful daughter for twenty-seven years, and where had it gotten her?

      An orgasmless career woman practically engaged to a man who did not even love her.

      Marshaling her courage, Kay took Quinn’s chin in her palm and looked him square in the eye. She’d never done anything like what she was about to do, and therein lay the thrill of it. She knew he would be a kind and gentle lover and maybe, just maybe, he would be the one to turn the key of her womanhood and lead her to new levels of physical joy.

      His smoky-gray eyes met hers with a sheen of raw desire, and he did not look away. He didn’t even blink. He stared into her eyes as if he could peer right into the depths of her soul.

      “Yes?” he growled. This talent he had for anticipating her thoughts was downright spooky.

      “Would you like to go back to my place?” she asked breathlessly.

      Quinn couldn’t believe his ears. “What? What did you say?”

      She cleared her throat. “My place. You. Me. Now.”

      He shook his head, unable to comprehend his good fortune. “Are you sure?”

      “No. I’m not sure of anything, except that for once in my well-ordered, well-behaved life I need to do something irresponsible and unpredictable and capricious. So let’s go before I change my mind.”

      She grabbed his hand and started pulling him toward the elevators.

      “Whoa, wait a minute.” He dug in his heels and she couldn’t budge him. “I don’t want to be your biggest regret.”

      “Well, you should have thought of that before you kissed me.”

      “A kiss is one thing, Kay. Sex is something else entirely.”

      “That’s what I’m counting on.” Her voice was husky, her eyes heavy-lidded.

      He shook his head again. What was the matter with him? This was his fantasy. So why was he putting on the brakes? Was he out of his ever-loving mind?


      Ah, this was killing him.

      “You’re a beautiful woman, and I want to make love to you so badly I can taste it. But I don’t break up couples. And you’re practically engaged.”
