The Father of Her Son. Kathleen Pickering

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Название The Father of Her Son
Автор произведения Kathleen Pickering
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472016492

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at the Museum of Natural History until Matt scooted into the booth next to Jared.

      “Mom, Evan says we’re having birthday dinner tomorrow at his penthouse.”

      Donna raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Way to score, Kelly.”

      Kelly scoffed. “Not what you’re thinking, Donna. Please don’t start any rumors.”

      Donna gave the TV show host, now deep in conversation with his boss, an appraising glance. “Evan McKenna would be a rumor worth making, my dear.”

      Kelly met her friend’s conspiratorial gaze. The last thing she wanted was uninvited attention over a television personality. “Now, that’s enough. Lunch is on me for entertaining Matt this morning.”

      * * *

      THE RISING MOUND of clothes littering her bed betrayed Kelly’s angst over tonight’s dinner with Evan. Something about trespassing into the McKenna inner sanctum sent tendrils of disquiet through her gut—a disquiet she was rapidly translating into a conviction that she had made a mistake. She’d been avoiding Evan for so long that agreeing to see him outside of Neverland seemed like surrender. Despite the fact that she had a son, her experience with men was nonexistent! Her apprehension was turning her stomach into knots.

      Matt felt it, too. Despite a birthday party at the diner earlier today, then a romp through FAO Schwartz for Nerf guns, followed by several hours in Central Park playing Nerf gun tag, Matt was practically bouncing off the walls asking her when they were going to leave, as if he was sure she’d change her mind any minute and refuse to go.

      She finally reached for her first choice, a soft green Indian tunic dress with an embroidered hem that stopped an inch too high above her knees. She looped a tan leather belt low on her hips and slipped into a pair of matching strappy sandals. She let her hair cascade onto her shoulders, slid silver hoop earrings into each ear, a cuff of bangles on her wrist, and finished her look with a spray of her favorite Christian Dior perfume—one luxury in which she dared to indulge.

      Ignoring the pile of clothes on her bed, she dashed from the room before giving herself a chance to change her mind. “Matt, are you ready?”

      He looked up from his latest Lego construction. “Wow, Mom. You look pretty.”

      The admiration in his young eyes squeezed her heart. “Well, it’s your birthday. That’s a great reason to dress up.”

      He jumped from the couch. “Let’s go. I hope Evan made an ice-cream cake!”

      She reached for her purse and keys, her heart sinking. “Uh-oh. I forgot to tell Evan.”

      His grin was priceless. “Don’t worry, Mom. I told him.”

      * * *

      SHE HARDLY NOTICED the taxi ride to the Upper West Side. Matt was full of questions and it wasn’t until she chided him that he had to be on his best behavior in Evan’s home that he settled down to a round on his game player. As the doorman opened the door to the taxi, she was glad, once again, that she had refused Evan’s offer to pick them up. She wanted this evening to be as little like a date as possible.

      Matt bolted into the apartment lobby and ran to the elevators. “This place is cool, Mom! Which button do I press?”

      “Elevator B.”

      When the light illuminated, she resisted the urge to hightail it right back out the door. This was crazy. A wave of heat suffused her body, making her palms feel damp. Going to Evan’s place was sheer insanity. It didn’t help that Bunny had sent her out the door this afternoon with admonitions like, “Take no prisoners,” echoing in her wake.

      She couldn’t believe how awkward she felt—at her age! She was miles out of her league. During the years Evan had been away, she was sure he’d had his fill of women of every kind. She’d not had a single man. She’d never been courted, or wooed. But, tonight was NOT a date. It was a birthday dinner for Matt. Evan was their friend. And honestly, now that Grampy Herby was gone, Kelly was grateful for the male bonding Evan offered her son. It was why she was here in the first place. She would not lose sight of that singular fact.

      The elevator doors swooshed open. “Come on, Mom! Which button now?”

      Smiling to herself she said, “The one with the letters, PH.”

      He pressed it and beamed up at her. “Penthouse. Evan is rich, right?”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “Jared told me.”

      “Oh, and how does Jared know?”

      “He heard his mom talking on her cell phone.”

      “And, to whom was she telling this priceless information?”

      Matt shrugged as if that was a really dumb question. “I don’t know, Mom.”

      The elevator opened onto a black marble landing just outside Evan’s door. Creamy yellow Venetian plaster-colored walls were trimmed with wide white moldings. His door, a work in gorgeous carved mahogany stood sentinel guarding the man and his private world.

      Kelly felt miles out of her comfort zone. Knowing that Evan lived in opulence like this by his own achievements humbled her to the core. She couldn’t help but think this accomplished and excruciatingly handsome man was toying with her and her son. She ran a diner and lived in the two-bedroom apartment above it. They didn’t belong here.

      She was about to sweep Matt back into the elevator when the door opened. Evan stepped out followed by a waft of air, warm and redolent with the savory smell of garlic and Italian sauce. She looked at his grinning face feeling like the typical deer in headlights.

      “Hi, Evan!” Matt scrambled past his host and into the apartment as if he had been given a free pass to an amusement park.

      “Hi, Matt...”

      Evan answered Matt as an afterthought because his eyes were glued to Kelly. He whistled softly. “You look amazing.”

      A lightning-fast blush heated her cheeks, ruining her composure. She didn’t like the feeling at all. Not now. Not at hello. Not when he looked excellent in a white button-down rolled up at the elbows and a pair of faded denims that sat on his hips as if they were sculpted to his body. She waved away his compliment, wanting him to stop staring while also soaking in the good feeling. “Go on with you now, Evan. I don’t always wear sneakers and an apron.”

      His grin deepened. “You’re blushing.”

      “And you’re a blustering fool. Now, will you be inviting me in, or shall I leave Matt to you for the evening?”

      * * *

      EVAN STEPPED BACK, opening the door wider. No way in hell would he permit Kelly to retreat on him now. Not when she looked so hot in that belted green dress and smelled like dessert. And, Holy Mother of God, those legs!

      He stepped back, opening the door wider. He grinned when he realized she was grazing his body with her eyes as if enjoying his look. When her eyes met his, her blush deepened.

      “Come on in, Red. It won’t be a party without you.”

      She followed his gesture and entered. The soft incense of her perfume shot straight to his groin. What was it about this woman that made her blast his senses like a furnace? The familiar scent didn’t have this effect on him in Neverland, where she was steeped in her own territory and surrounded with patrons and friends. She eased past him as if trying to avoid a sidewinder. He’d have to tread slowly and carefully to put her at ease.

      “Don’t worry. I won’t bite. Promise.”

      “Of course, you won’t.” The temperature rising up her neck betrayed how foolish she felt.

      He tilted his head into her line of vision. “Kelly, I am honored that you and Matt are here. I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. Please, feel welcome.”

      She glanced