The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal. Judy Christenberry

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Название The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal
Автор произведения Judy Christenberry
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408959732

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to my office and have a chat.”

      Jake figured he’d be lucky if Dexter gave him a recommendation.

      Once they were seated, Dexter said, “Jake, we both know things can’t continue as they have been. I didn’t want to let you go, because you’re a good man. That wouldn’t be fair. So I’ve found you another job.”

      Jake’s head came up and he stared at his boss. “I usually find my own jobs.”

      “Okay, I’ll be honest with you. You’ll be doing me a favor if you take this job. You’re ready for it. The daughter of a friend of mine who recently died needs a new manager. Someone who can run the ranch and also teach her about ranching.”

      Jake frowned. He’d been wanting a managerial job. That was great news. Teaching a woman about ranching didn’t appeal.

      “I’m not sure I’m right for the job.”

      “You’re right for it, Jake. And we both know you can’t stay here.”

      “Yeah, I know, but—what ranch?”

      “The Rocking B ranch, on the other side of town. It’s a good operation, but she’s just found out her manager has been skimming the profits for the past four years.”

      “That’s the one with the brand that looks like a hat?”

      “Yeah, that’s them.”

      “I guess I could talk to her.”

      “Good. She’s expecting you this morning. Pack your things. I’ll let my wife know you’ve moved on.”

      “Yes, sir.” Jake figured he’d talk to the lady about the job. Then, if he didn’t like the situation, he’d move on. He’d saved some money and would be all right for a few months.

      When he got back to the bunkhouse, the men had already gone out on their assignments. He’d call a couple of them after he got settled. They all knew the situation, so they wouldn’t be surprised to find him gone.

      It didn’t take long to pack up his belongings. The main thing he would take with him was his mount. He and Apache had been partners for the past four years. He was well trained and Jake had had a lot of offers for Apache, but he knew the value of his horse.

      His truck and trailer had been well-maintained and would come in useful wherever he worked. He loaded Apache in the trailer and connected it to his truck, then he threw his belongings into the back seat and took the hour-long drive to the Rocking B ranch.

      Penny paced the kitchen, waiting for Jake Larson to show up for his new job. She hoped Dexter Williams had explained everything. She thought he should be there at any time.

      It would be a relief to have someone in charge of the ranch. She knew so little about the decisions she should make. She intended to study hard to learn what she should do, but she would have to have some help.

      She heard a vehicle turn in her long driveway. She peeked out the window and saw a truck and trailer come to a halt. Holding her breath, she waited until the truck door opened and a tall, rangy man got out. Dexter had told her he was a ladies’man, and she intended to make her lack of interest very clear.

      When he came closer, she was surprised to see he wasn’t what one would call a “pretty boy.” He had rugged good looks that might tempt many women, but not her. She needed to learn ranching, not find a boyfriend.

      The man strode toward the back door. She waited until he knocked and taking a deep breath, she opened the door. “Yes?”

      “I’m Jake Larson. Mr. Williams suggested I come talk to you about a job you have open.”

      “Yes, come in, Mr. Larson.” She moved back to give him room. Then she walked toward the cabinet. “Coffee?” she asked.

      “Yes, please.”

      Okay, so he had nice manners. She poured him a mug of coffee and one for herself. Then she offered him a seat at the table. She sat down across from him. “I hope Mr. Williams explained that you’d also be doing some teaching. I don’t know much about ranching.”

      “Yes, ma’am, he mentioned that. I’m not sure I’m the one for the job. I’m not used to explaining the hows and whys of my job.”

      “I can understand that, Mr. Larson, but I’m afraid that aspect of the job is absolutely necessary.”

      “If you trust me to do the job, why do I need to teach you?”

      “Because I believe I need to know the job as well as you. Otherwise, I can’t give my opinion.”

      “It’s not something easy to learn. You realize I can’t teach you what I know in six months or a year. It takes longer than that.”

      “I understand. But I have to start somewhere.”

      “Do you understand that you may have to postpone asking questions until the end of the day? There isn’t always enough time to do that during the day.”

      “Yes, I can be flexible.”

      He stared at her for several minutes, and she held her breath. His dark brown eyes were hard to read. She had no idea if he’d accept the job or turn her down.

      Finally he extended his hand across the table. “Very well, Miss Bradford, if you want me, I’ll take the job.”

      She shook his hand, liking the strength of that hand as it grasped hers. “Yes, I’d like that. May I show you your quarters?”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      She got up and led the way out of the kitchen to the bunkhouse. She had cleaned out a private room at the end of the building yesterday after her talk with Dexter Williams.

      “This is the manager’s room. I hope it will be satisfactory for you, but let me know if there’s anything else you need. You can put your dirty laundry in this basket. I’m hiring a housekeeper and I’ll instruct her to do your laundry once a week.” Penny paused and looked at the ground before continuing. “I didn’t fire any of the other cowboys, but if you catch any of them cheating, feel free to fire them.”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      “Will your quarters be satisfactory?”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      “Then I’ll leave you. The men should be in before sunset. One of the men will come in early. He’s the designated cook.”

      He nodded his head.

      Penny returned his nod and got out of there before she started answering yes sir in response to his yes ma’ams. She strode across the grass that parted the main house from the bunkhouse. Hopefully Mr. Larson would do his job well and teach her about ranching for many years to come.

      Jake watched her walk back to the house. She seemed awfully young to him. Maybe it was her name. It made him think of a child. Not that she looked like a little girl. Her body was definitely that of a woman.

      But he didn’t intend to show any interest in her. He’d learned his lesson. Romance and ranching didn’t work for him. He intended to avoid any hint of flirtation.

      Looking around the room, he decided he liked having a separate room from the rest of the men. He’d tired of sharing large rooms with everyone else. If the cook was good, he’d be happy. Good food made the difference in some jobs.

      Before he settled in his room, he went out and unloaded Apache and put him in a corral. “You’ll be okay here, Apache. I’ll be back in the morning.” He checked the water barrel before he went back in and stored things away, making himself at home. Having his laundry done was handy, too. And he had a desk for doing paperwork.

      Dexter had been right. He was ready for this job. And he’d even teach the woman about ranching. After all, it was a job he loved.
