The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal. Judy Christenberry

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Название The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal
Автор произведения Judy Christenberry
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408959732

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      The Cowboy’s Christmas Proposal

      Judy Christenberry
















      TWO attractive young ladies held hands as they stood by the four graves, tears streaking their cheeks as they struggled to overcome their emotions.

      “At least we know they didn’t suffer,” one of the girls said, sniffing away her tears, the morning sun glinting off her shiny blond hair.

      “No,” the brunette agreed, “but they were much too young to die so soon.”

      “I know.” She gulped back her emotions. “It means we’re our only family now, you and I. We’re going to have to stick together if we’re going to continue.”

      “Yes. And that’s what they would’ve wanted, for us to continue.”

      They were interrupted by the townspeople in Bailey, Colorado, wanting to express their condolences. The young cousins stood shoulder to shoulder and greeted their neighbors and friends. The deaths of their parents in a car accident, having traveled to Denver for a football game and run head-on with an eighteen-wheeler on the way home, had been totally unexpected and the tragic loss had taken everyone by surprise.

      “You girls should ask for help when you need it. You’re awfully young to be on your own,” one neighbor had told them. They exchanged looks but received the piece of advice graciously. They were both twenty-five, a reasonable age to be independent, but neither had wanted it to be like this.

      They received many offers of help, but they didn’t expect to ask for any. They both thought they had a plan laid out to carry on their lives and their beloved family traditions.

      But then they hadn’t planned to be alone, either.


      PENNY BRADFORD strode toward the bunkhouse, knowing she was getting there late, but she needed to talk to Gerald Butler, her ranch manager.

      She was grateful she had her father’s trusted manager to rely on. Because of her brother’s unexpected death at the age of sixteen, she hadn’t been taught much of anything about ranching. Grieved by his death, her father had feared she might die also and had decided that Penny would instead be sheltered from ranch work and showered with affection. She had become her father’s princess and his tragic death in a car wreck with her mother had devastated her.

      But now it was time for Penny to start learning about running a ranch and Gerald had agreed to teach her. She had planned to meet him later that morning, but something else had come up and she had gone in search of him earlier than anticipated. She reached the bunkhouse and stood for a moment to draw a deep breath and prepare to knock on the door. Before she could do that, there was an uproar of laughter.

      Leaning forward, she listened to determine what could be so funny and froze upon hearing her manager’s betrayal.

      “I don’t see why I shouldn’t continue. If I could fool her dad, the girl ought to be ridiculously easy. She’ll never have any idea that I’m skimming off the top. Why, I’ve collected more than fifty thousand a year for the past four years.”

      Penny backed away from the bunkhouse in shock. When she thought she couldn’t be heard, she turned and ran back to the ranch house.

      Inside the house, she reached for the phone and called her cousin. “Oh, Sally, thank goodness. I—I just heard Gerald bragging that he’s been skimming at least fifty thousand a year off Dad for the past four years! What do I do?”

      “Oh, my! Penny, that’s awful. Well, there’s really only one thing you can do—you’ll have to fire him. Clearly the man isn’t to be trusted so you make sure he leaves with nothing that belongs to the ranch. Will you be able to do that?”

      Penny took a deep breath. “Yes, I can do that I’m so angry that he would treat my father that way. The only problem is, what do I do then? You know I know nothing about ranching. Dad refused to teach me, afraid I might have an accident, and Gerald is the only one who knows how the ranch works.”

      “I know, you are going to need some help. Wasn’t your dad friends with Dexter Williams? He’s the biggest rancher in the area, maybe he could recommend someone trustworthy to replace Gerald.”

      “Good idea. Thank you. I couldn’t think for a moment. I think I’ll get the sheriff to escort Gerald off the ranch. I’ll go see him first thing in the morning and let him come back out with me. I doubt I could prove what Gerald has done, but I should be able to scare him enough to send him on his way.”

      “I’m glad I could help. Let me know what happens.”

      “I will, Thanks, Sally, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Penny hung up the phone and prepared to take her first difficult step as ranch owner.

      “Mr. Williams, I appreciate your taking the time to talk to me. I know you and Dad were friends, and I need your advice.”

      “Of course, Penny. How can I help you?”

      “I need a ranch manager, someone known for his honesty as well as his ranching skills, and who would be willing to teach me about ranching.”

      “Hmm, that’s a tall order, my dear. What happened to Gerald?”

      “I fired him this morning after I discovered he was ripping Dad off. Now I need a replacement”

      “I’m sorry to hear that, Penny, your father was a good man. Decent honest ranch managers are hard to find.” Suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in his head, he said, “But I may know just the man for you. He’s ready for a managerial job but there isn’t an opening here for him.”

      “What’s his name?”

      “Jake Larson. There’s only one thing about him.” The old man began to chuckle as he decided how to phrase his next words. “He has a bit of a reputation…as a ladies’man, so you’d best keep your distance.”

      “Oh, I’m sure I can do that, Mr Williams, as long as he can be trusted on my ranch.”

      “Oh, he’s completely trustworthy. I’ll send him over to talk to you first thing in the morning.”

      “Thank you, Mr. Williams. I appreciate your assistance.”

      “I’m glad to help out, Penny. Now you let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.”

      Penny replaced the receiver, pleased that she had found an answer to her problem, but curious as to exactly what kind of man Jake Larson was.

      Jake Larson walked up to the big house, gritting his teeth. He hoped it was Dexter who wanted to see him and not the much younger Mrs. Williams. She’d been chasing Jake all summer and he’d been expecting to be fired.

      It wouldn’t be fair, because he had no interest in the woman, but he couldn’t convince her of that. He had even less of a chance to convince Dexter it was his wife who was doing the chasing.

      So he’d take what was coming as