A Daddy for Her Sons. Raye Morgan

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Название A Daddy for Her Sons
Автор произведения Raye Morgan
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472004772

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She got a lot thrown at her at once and she wasn’t prepared for it. It could have happened to anyone.”

      She shook her head as though she just couldn’t accept that. “I’m lucky I’ve got my sister close by for emergencies. But she’s getting more and more caught up in her career, and it’s a pretty demanding one. I really can’t count on her for too much longer.” She sighed. “She had to be at a business dinner in Seattle tonight, or she would have been here to take care of the boys.”

      “Family can be convenient.” He frowned. “Don’t you have a younger sister? I thought I met her once.”

      Instead of answering, she moaned softly and closed her eyes. “Kelly. Yes. She was our half sister.” She looked at him, new tragedy clouding her gaze. “Funny you should remember her tonight. She was killed in a car crash last week.”

      “Oh, my God. Oh, Jill, I’m so sorry.”

      She nodded. “It’s sad and tragic and brings on a lot of guilty feelings for Sara and me.”

      He shook his head, not understanding. “What did you have to do with it?”

      “The accident? Oh, nothing. It happened in Virginia where I guess she was living lately. The guilt comes from not even knowing exactly where she was and frankly, not thinking about her much. We should have paid more attention and worked a little harder on being real sisters to her.”

      There was more. He could tell. But he waited, letting her take her time to unravel the story.

      “She was a lot younger, of course. Our mother died when we were pretty young, and our father remarried soon after. Too soon for us, of course. After losing our mother, we couldn’t bear to share our beloved father with anyone. We resented the new woman, and when she had a baby, we pretty much resented her, too.” She shook her head. “It was so unfair. Poor little girl.”

      “Didn’t you get closer as she got older?”

      “Not really. You see, the marriage was a disaster from the start and it ended by the time Kelly was about five years old. We only saw her occasionally after that, for a few hours at a time. And then our father died by the time she was fifteen and we didn’t see either one of them much at all after that.”

      “That’s too bad.”

      She nodded. “Yes. I’m really sorry about it now.” She sighed. “She was something of a wild child, at least according to my father’s tales of woe. Getting into trouble even in high school. The sort of girl who wants to test the boundaries and explore the edge.”

      “I know your father died a few years ago. What about your stepmother?”

      “She died when I was about twenty-three. She had cancer.”

      “Poor lady.”

      “Yes. Just tragic, isn’t it? Lives snuffed out so casually.” She shook her head. “I just feel so bad about Kelly. It’s so sad that we never got to know her better.”

      “Just goes to show. Carpe diem. Seize the day. Don’t let your opportunities slip by.”

      “Yes.” She gave him a look. “When did you become such a philosopher?”

      “I’ve always been considered wise among my peers,” he told her in a snooty voice that made her laugh.

      A foghorn sounded its mournful call and she looked up at a clock. “And now here you are, stuck. The last ferry’s gone. You’re going to have to stay here.”

      He smiled at her. “Unless I hijack a boat.”

      “You can sleep on the couch.” She shrugged. “Or sleep in the master bedroom if you want. Nobody else does.”

      The bitter tone was loud and clear, and it surprised him.

      “Where do you sleep?” he asked her.

      “In the guest room.” Her smile was bittersweet. “That’s why you can’t use it.”

      He remembered glancing in at the master bedroom when he was upstairs. It looked like it had always looked. She and Brad had shared that bed. He looked back at her and didn’t say a word.

      She didn’t offer an explanation, but he knew what it was. She couldn’t sleep in that bed now that Brad had abandoned it.

      He nodded. “I’ll take the couch.”

      She hesitated. “The only problem with that is, I’ll be getting up about four in the morning. I’ll probably wake you.”

      “Four in the morning? Planning a rendezvous with the milkman?”

      “No, silly. I’ve got to start warming the ovens and mixing my batter.” She yawned, reminding him of a sleepy kitten. “I’ve got a day full of large orders to fill tomorrow. One of my busiest days ever.” She smiled again. “And hopefully, a sign of success. I sure need it.”


      “Wait here a second. I think I’ve got something you can use.”

      She left the room and was back in moments, carrying a set of dark blue men’s pajamas.

      He recoiled at the sight. “Brad’s?” he said.

      “Not really.” She threw them down in his lap. “I bought them for Brad but he never even saw them. That was just days before he sent you to tell me we were through.”

      “Oh.” That was okay, then. He looked at them, setting aside the top and reserving the pants for when he was ready for bed. Meanwhile, she was rummaging through a linen closet and bringing out a sheet and a light blanket. That made her look domestic in ways he hadn’t remembered. He thought about how she’d looked with Timmy in her arms.

      “Hey,” he said gently. “That’s a pair of great little boys you’ve got there.”

      She melted immediately. “Aren’t they adorable? But so bad!”

      “I’ll bet they keep you busy every hour of the day.”

      She nodded. “It’s not easy running a business from home when I’ve got those two getting more and more mischievous.” She sighed and sat back down. “Can you believe they were locking doors? I had no idea they knew what a lock was.”

      “Time to dismantle some and add extra keys for others,” he suggested.

      “Yes. And keep my eyes on them every minute.”

      “Can’t you hire a daytime babysitter?”

      “Yeah, hiring a babysitter really works out well, doesn’t it?” She shook her head. “Actually Trini, my bakery assistant, helps a lot. She doubles as a babysitter when I need her to, and does everything else the rest of the time. And then, Sara comes by and helps when she has a free moment or two.” She gave him a tremulous smile. “We manage.”

      He resisted the impulse to reach out and brush back the lock of hair that was bouncing over her eyebrow. The gesture seemed a little too intimate as they sat here, alone in the dim light so late at night.

      But Jill didn’t seem to have the same reservations he harbored. She reached out and took his hand in hers, startling him. Then she gazed deep into his eyes for a moment before she spoke. His pulse began to quicken. He wasn’t sure what she wanted from him, but he knew he couldn’t deny her much.

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